Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1068: Self-destruction

In the flirting, the skirt is slightly lifted, the white stockings are revealed, and at the end is a touch of white.

Saya's body seemed to be stiff and motionless for the owner's behavior.

Slightly bent over, the hand at the bottom of the skirt retracted, and Li Meng's whole body was pressed on Saya.

But Saya can only lie on the bed silently, accepting the bullying of the master.

When the last step was about to take, Li Meng's expression suddenly changed while pressing on Saya.

The weakness in the body is so clear, it is like losing all the power in an instant.

This makes Li Meng very helpless.


Had a sigh of relief.

Then he turned over from Saya and lay down on the bed with a grin.

Only then did Li Meng understand why Wendy refused to give him medicine at night.

Although somewhat regretful, Li Meng understands Wendy's persistence.

Indeed, this kind of "life" must be controlled, and it must not be random.

For Li Meng, this is not a need, but an interest.

After all, who would refuse something that makes people happy?

Without Li Meng's bondage, Saya was free again.

She glanced at her master suspiciously, then stood up silently, tidying up the slightly messy nun's gown.

"the host……"

After finishing up, she looked at the owner lying on the bed and whispered softly, her tone very puzzled.

With a light wave of his hand, Li Meng took a look at Saye and said, "Go!"

Li Meng's words are very casual and have no other meaning, but for Saya, it has a different meaning.

She heard the disappointment in the master's words, was she disappointed in her?

"Master, do you hate me? If you hate me, Saya will disappear!"

The words in the hood are disappointed, resentful, and determined,

In the next moment, a force of death with a destructive aura appeared in Saya. It swept across Saya's body like a storm. In the torrent of energy, Saya's body was like wind and sand, turning into bits of ashes and slowly disappearing. .


The appearance of the aura of destruction made Li Meng's face change. When he looked at Saya, he saw a scene of Saya's self-destruction.

He hurriedly waved his hand, and a gray and transparent hand appeared on top of Saya's head in the void, and a slap was slapped on Saya's body.

Under the slap of the slap, Saya's destructive death force suddenly disappeared, and Saya's slowly disappearing body gradually recovered.

When everything subsided, Li Mengda breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Saya helplessly, Li Meng couldn't laugh or cry.

He suddenly closed his hand for a reason, not because he didn't want to, but because his body was warning.

Li Meng understood why Saya had such a fierce reaction.

His closing hand, for Saya, it is easy to cause misunderstanding.

Saya was not afraid of death, she died once.

For the deceased, death is not the end, even if she dies, her soul will merge with the master.

For her, it is far better than the master hates her.

Seeing her master rescued her, she said quietly: "Master! Let Saya disappear. Saya is the **** person. As long as he returns to his source, Saya won't let the master hate him."

Listening to Sayana's decisive words, Li Meng felt a headache.

If he doesn't explain clearly tonight, Saya will not give up.

Even if you are not in front of him, carrying him will destroy yourself.

With a helpless sigh, Li Meng got up and got off the bed.

When he came to Saya, Li Meng didn't say much, just reached out his hand and unlocked the buttons on Saya one by one.

First he took off his hood, and then slowly took off the nun's gown from Saya.

Under the nun's dress, there is a tulle-like underwear.

Under the underwear, Sayana has a rugged, perfect body.

Looking at the long beautiful face, Li Meng stroked the smooth face.

Facing Saya's light eyes, Li Meng smiled slightly.

Without saying much, Li Meng took Saya's hand and got into the bed.

And Saya, from start to finish, is very submissive.

In terms of height, Saya is similar to Li Meng, but Saya is undoubtedly much more mature in appearance and body.

Before his death, Saya should be around thirty years old.

A woman of this age is undoubtedly the perfect moment for a woman.

After entering the bed, Li Meng stretched out his hand and gently embraced Saya's soft waist, making her soft body close to him.

While feeling the amazing softness, Li Meng was also fighting in his heart.

Between the body and the will, the will ultimately prevails.

In Saya’s ear, Li Meng said softly: "In this world, all the dead are like my children. I will not hate anyone, nor allow my children to destroy themselves in front of me, Saya! You are very smart. , But this cleverness should not be used on me. You are my child. If the child asks his father for something, how can the father refuse it?"

The words of the master were in my ears, and against the warm chest, Saya's expression became very complicated.

There is shame, confusion, and joy.

She spoke slightly and whispered: "Master..."

She didn't know what to say or how to express her feelings at the moment.

She could only bury her head deeply in the owner's arms, feeling the hot heart more clearly.

Feeling Saya's move in his arms, Li Meng smiled and asked softly: "You are from ASEAN before you are alive!"

Although I don’t know what the master asked this for, Saya still replied truthfully: "Yeah!"

"Do you want revenge?"

For this question, Saya still answered truthfully.

She said calmly: "Kill!"


Li Meng was thoughtful, and it seemed that the hatred in front of Saya was too unforgettable, so that even after becoming the dead, he could not forget the hatred in his lifetime.

Li Meng knew that this kind of unforgettable hatred could not be stopped.

It can only be channelled and let Saya fulfill his last wish.

With a sigh of relief, Li Meng patted Saya on the back with pity, and said, "Don't worry, there is always a chance. Do you trust the master?"

How could she not trust the master?

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