Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1069: Hot spring

Talking slightly, Saya said softly: "How can Saya not believe the master? The master wants Saya to wait, and Saya waits."

With a slight smile, Li Meng has always loved the delicacy of the corpses.

Although Saya is smart and has a little caution, she is no different from her corpse.

The same well-behaved, loyal and admiring Li Meng.


Lazily hitting a Hatch, Li Meng shrank into the quilt, like a child, and got into Saya's arms.

When he felt the amazing softness, he even made a confession with his head.

Smelling Saya's body scent and feeling the comfortable softness, Li Meng closed his eyes comfortably.

There was a smile on Saya's face for the owner's childlike behavior.

She gently embraced Li Meng's back, her body moved, making the master more comfortable in her arms.

After all, Shaye is a lot of people in terms of real age.

In ordinary people's thinking, to Li Meng, Saye is just a big sister.

Li Meng and Saya would not care too much about whoever took the initiative.

For Li Meng, as long as he feels comfortable, she can do anything as long as the master wants.

Time passed, the sun and the moon flew, and in a blink of an eye, three days passed.

During these three days, at Li Meng's invitation, Gu Niya did not rush to leave.

Perhaps it was because the First Army had agreed to send troops to help the Kingdom of Austria. During these three days, Gunia's expression became much lighter, and she would not be mean to laugh where she should be, and she would not refuse where she should play.

In these three days, Li Meng accompanied the three daughters to a lot of places.

The piers of Marani City, the large squares in the city, and the lively small bazaar streets, have been to many places, not only learned about the customs of Bentley, but also spent a lot of time.

Today is the last day of the three Gunia staying in Marani City. Tomorrow morning, they will set foot on the way back again.

Tonight, in order to see them off, after the meal, Li Menteyi took them to the hot spring.

"This is a hot spring?"

When Li Meng brought the three daughters to the courtyard and looked at the steaming hot springs, Dinessa jumped up first.

The small body hurriedly ran to the hot spring and reached out to test the temperature of the pool water.

"So comfortable!"

Feeling the scorching heat of the pool water, Dinessa's face was ruddy and excited.

Hot springs are magical, especially for women.

Don't talk about Dinesha, even Teresa and Gunia are a little eager to try.

With a slight smile, Li Meng said to Gu Niya: "I will leave tomorrow morning. Life on the boat is very difficult. Let's take a bath in the hot spring tonight. It is of great benefit to you women and can relax your body."

Gu Niya did not refuse, and nodded ruddy.

Facing these pools of hot springs, even Gunya didn't have any resistance.

Li Meng looked at Wendy who was aside, and said: "Wendy! Take them to the changing room!"

Wendy responded and said to the three of them: "Please follow me!"


With her two younger sisters, Gunia followed Wendy.

After the three girls left, Saya, who was holding the clothes, began to undress Li Meng.

Due to the presence of outsiders this time, Li Meng couldn't be as casual as usual.

In the face of the opposite sex, the place to avoid suspicion is still to be avoided.

Wearing a bathrobe, Li Meng entered the hot spring.

When the hot water hit him, Li Meng comfortably took a deep breath.

The three women didn't make Li Meng wait for a long time. After a while, the three women returned under Wendy's leadership.

Like Li Meng, the three women wear yukatas, only in different colors.

The yukata on Li Meng is white, while the yukata on the third woman is purple.

After re-entering the courtyard, looking at the hot springs large and small, Kuniya finally walked towards Li Meng with her two younger sisters.

In the heat, Gu Niya took her sisters gently into the hot spring.

When the hot water hit her body, the three women's complexion became extremely ruddy, and their eyes slightly agitated.


Dinessa in the hot spring suddenly sank, causing Teresa on the side to exclaim.

Fortunately, Kuniya's hands were quick and quick, and she grabbed Dinessa who was sinking in the water.

"Sister Gunia! This hot spring is a bit deeper."

Dinesha said dullly.

Just now her foot slipped and she sank into the water.

Although she was pulled up by Gunia before her head was submerged in the water, the thrilling scene made Dinessa's heart still beating slightly.

Li Meng also saw this scene, and he suggested: "Go to the side, the pool next to it is very shallow, it should be suitable for you!"

The pool he was in, for an adult, just stood up, the waterline just reached the chest.

But for the two little girls, it was a bit deep.

With a slight smile to Li Meng, Gu Niya accepted the suggestion.

She said to Di Nisha: "Dinisa! Take sister Teresa to the nearby hot spring to play!"


For the fear of Deep Water, Dinesha very honestly pulled Teresa away.

The little figure sank into the pool next to it.

The departure of the sisters beside her made Gu Niya quite uncomfortable.

She flushed and shrank into the water, letting the water line go over her neck.

Li Meng smiled slightly at Gu Niya's nervousness, and looked at Gu Niya not far away: "I always thought that you martial artists are very cheerful, dare to love and hate, and never care about the eyes of others. , The martial artist is no different from ordinary people."

This made Gu Niya very unconvinced.

Although she is a princess, she is also a martial artist. Li Meng's words also made her realize that she is too restrictive.

In front of an ordinary person like Lord Li Meng, she actually felt a little nervous.

For Gunia, this is something she cannot accept and cares about.

The ruddy on her face faded slightly, Gu Niya stood up and slowly approached Li Meng.

While pushing the water, she said: "Your Excellency Li Meng is right, I am too hypocritical."

Coming to Li Meng's side, Gu Niya calmly leaned her back against the pool.

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