Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1071: General Administration Bureau

At the beginning of the new round, Gu Niya was speechless and could only endure silently with her eyes closed.

However, what Gu Niya didn't know was that her submissive appearance made Li Meng bolder.

The evil hand began to unbutton the remaining buttons again.

As the buttons were untied, the space opened to Li Meng became larger.

From the waist to the lower abdomen, and then all the way down.

When Li Meng unlocked a button under his lower abdomen, Li Meng's hand was held down again.

Looking at Li Meng, Gu Niya said quietly: "Although I don’t hate Lord Li Meng, I don’t want to hand over my body so casually. If Lord Li Meng is just for fun, please don’t embarrass Guni. elegant."

Gu Niya said so, of course Li Meng could not continue.

As if nothing happened, Li Meng's expression was very pale, and he withdrew his hand from the water.

Leaning back to the pool, Li Meng closed his eyes and slumbered.

Gu Niya's words made Li Meng think of something.

Kuniya is no better than Sakuya or Wendy, her identity is different, and her location is different.

In the most correct way, the circles of life are different.

If he touched Gunya, he must take the corresponding responsibility.

Although Li Meng can take this responsibility when necessary, he should choose the right time and there are still people.

Gunia is the princess of the Kingdom of Austria. Her responsibility lies in her own country. She cannot give up her country to be with Li Meng. This is human.

And now the Kingdom of Austria is on the verge of subjugation. Only she can solve the crisis of the kingdom. Even if she is willing, willing to give up everything for Li Meng, it is impossible now. This is the timing.

And most importantly, for Gunia, Li Meng only has an appreciation for beauty, not too much "love".

Therefore, when it was time to stop, Li Meng would never continue.

Gu Niya breathed a sigh of relief when Li Meng stopped.

The hands in the water disappeared, letting her relax a lot.

It's just that her face is still a little ruddy, after all, just now, that hand touched every piece of skin on her upper body, which had a great impact on Gunia's heart.

She secretly glanced at Li Meng who was in a false sleep with her eyes closed, the expression on her face was very complicated.

For Li Meng, Gu Niya didn't know how to face it.


It is impossible. Although both sides are familiar with each other for a few days, they are still far away from that step.

Good impression?

This is unquestionable. From the first sight of Lord Li Meng, Gu Niya had a good impression of him.

But Gu Niya didn't know exactly how Li Meng felt.

Just now, facing Li Meng's assault, she endured it, and she didn't feel much disgust in her heart.

Gunia was also confused about her reaction.

Therefore, her heart is very disturbed, and some troubles that shouldn't be used in the past are coming to her mind at this moment.

This made Gu Niya look at Li Meng more complicated.

Although hot springs are comfortable, they shouldn't last long.

"Get some rest early! Tomorrow I will see you off!"

Wearing a wet bathrobe, Li Meng looked at the three women who had left the hot spring and said softly.

In the aisle, Gunia held the hands of the two younger sisters, and her bathrobe was as wet as Li Meng.

Dinessa was quite dissatisfied that it was over so early, she hadn't played enough yet.

But everyone is over, and she can only regret the end of the rare hot spring trip.

Facing Li Meng's gaze, Gu Niya looked a little embarrassed.

Her gaze was erratic, and she did not dare to look at that line of sight.


She just bowed her head slightly and responded softly.

Li Meng smiled faintly at Gu Niya's appearance, turned around and left without caring.

Sakiya and Wendy followed him, but Saya stayed.

After leaving the courtyard, Li Meng changed into his wet bathrobe.

The military government is large, but there are few people.

Except for the dark iron warriors standing guard outside, there is no one else.

The officers at all levels under the general lead their own troops outside, and only gather in the military government when they are summoned. The usual transmission of various orders is done in the information network of the data terminal.

Therefore, in the military government, no one would see Li Meng, no matter how casual.

Of course, Sakiya who is with him, except Wendy.

"Bentley should be very lively recently, right?"

In the corridor, Li Meng said as he walked.

Wendy didn't know about this, as long as Sakiya knew a thing or two.

Speaking slightly, Sakuya, who followed Li Meng, said lightly: "It is very lively. The elections in each city are building momentum. Those who have the opportunity to climb to the peak of power are working on their own. In a few days, the situation will be complicated. It will stabilize."

For human beings, rights are always desirable.

In the past, the rights of Bentley were fixed, and ordinary people who were able had no chance.

But today, under the new regime, people no matter what level they live in have opportunities.

Although he hasn't seen it with his own eyes, Li Meng can imagine the sensation of the scene.

"This person, after enjoying the convenience of human rights and freedom, he will want to get more. While he is indulgent, he must also supervise. After the election, build a server in Marani City and establish the information of the First Army. The Internet, all regions and districts will enter the information age as soon as possible, and let intelligent AI assume the role of supervision, responsible for criminal law and legal matters. If it is fair, intelligent AI is the most fair and easy to convince people."


Sakuya responded softly.

Although Bentley is not under Sakuya's control, if it is something her Highness ordered, she has the right to complete the tasks assigned by His Highness.

And regarding this matter, Sakiya will not do it herself, she will hand it over to Natasha and make a plan for Natasha to execute, so that she can avoid interfering in the affairs of Natasha's defense zone.

"His Royal Highness! Is there a name for this department? If smart AI is allowed to assume the role of criminal law and supervision, a field department must be established. Only in this way can it effectively participate in the entire political system of Bentley."


Li Meng thought for a while, and then he had an idea.

"It's called the General Administration Bureau!"

General, general, is to include all the meaning.

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