Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1072: People who shouldn't show up

In other words, through the Internet, the Ownership Bureau can monitor the operation of all forms of government in Bentley, whether it is civil or commercial, it cannot escape the eyes of the Ownership Bureau.

Before I knew it, the room arrived.

When arriving at the door of the room, Sakiya stopped as usual, nodded to Wendy, and was about to leave.

At this time, Li Meng's voice rang in the room.

"You just leave some things to your subordinates. As a general, you don't need to pay attention to everything. If the political affairs are really so busy, you can go back!"

Yes, Li Meng was angry, very angry.

Since arriving at Bentley, Sakiya left every night.

Although he knew the reason for Sakuya's departure, but Yeye was so, of course Li Meng would not feel comfortable.

Sakiya looked slightly stunned when she heard His Highness's breath. She knew that His Highness was angry.

The pace of leaving stopped, and Sakiya stood still at the door without moving.

Seeing that the atmosphere suddenly became a little unusual, Wendy entered the bedroom silently, made the bed, and left quietly.

And Li Meng was sitting on the sofa in the hall, drunk alone.

The door was open, and Li Meng saw Sakuya's figure outside the door.

But he just didn't speak, as if he didn't see Sakiya standing at the door.

In this way, one person was standing outside, while the other was drinking booze in the room. This scene lasted a long time.

Before he knew it, Li Meng drank a bottle of wine.

Seeing that the bottle was empty, Li Meng got up and took out another bottle on the counter table.

At this time, Sakuya's voice rang outside the door.

"Your Highness! I was wrong."

The voice is a bit light and deep.

Sakuya outside the door, staring blankly at His Royal Highness in front of the cabinet table.

"What's wrong?"

While speaking, Li Meng opened the wine bottle, and the red liquid poured into the wine glass amidst the sound of water.

What's wrong?

Sakuya looked slightly startled, and she said with some uncertainty: "I shouldn't ignore your Highness because of political affairs!"

Holding the wine glass, Li Meng turned around and returned to the sofa.

Looking at Sakuya outside the door, Li Meng said calmly: "I'm not that childish yet."

What is it for?

Outside the door, Sakuya's calm expression became a little sad and flustered.

If it wasn't for this reason, could there be other things she didn't notice?

At this moment, Sakuya quickly recalled everything that had happened in the past few days in her mind.

She was looking for what she had forgotten.

Seeing the flustered look of Saya outside the door, Li Meng still couldn't bear it after all.

He put down the wine glass and said helplessly: "Come in!"

Facing the voice of His Highness, Sakiya stepped into the room in a hesitant expression.

She walked gently to the side of His Royal Highness, and looked at His Royal Highness cautiously.

Faced with Sakuya's appearance, Li Meng had to choke all the words in his stomach.

I had to say irritably: "Sleep!"

After speaking, Li Meng stood up with Sakuya's suspicious eyes, took Sakuya's hand and entered the bedroom.

In the bedroom, with Sakiya's well-behaved cooperation, Li Meng quickly unloaded Sakiya's clothes.

Sakiya, who was holding a thin coat, got into the bed.

"His Royal Highness?"

In Li Meng's arms, Sakuya whispered softly.

If possible, Sakuya would like to know where she went wrong and what she did wrong, which made her angry.

"Go to sleep!"

Li Meng said nothing, just closed his eyes and whispered.

Sakiya had to let go of the doubts in her heart and slowly closed her eyes and entered meditation.

Although the night is long, it is also short.

It is very short for people who are sleeping, but it is very long for some people.

The war in Bentley was over, and the port of Marani city was restored.

The caravan passing by, and wandering merchants also began to appear in the port of Marani City.

This made the people of Marani city crowded, and there appeared some people who shouldn't be there.

Since the beginning of the afternoon, the sky has become gray and dark clouds slowly drifting from the distant sky, a formation that is about to "rain".

When night falls, the sky is dark, and the squally gusts let people know that rainy night is coming.

In the dark, the city of Marani was shrouded in darkness.

The sparse street lights on the street couldn't drive away the darkness, shivering under the violent wind.

In a sparsely populated alley, several figures flashed past the night in the face of the wind.

When I looked again, the alley became empty, and there was no one.

"come on in!"

The wind poured in from the crack in the door, and the people inside urged with a low voice.

This is the first floor, and the violent wind "whoops" down the aisle. Once the door is opened, the violent wind has a new outlet.


As the figure disappeared from the aisle, the door was slammed shut.

"How is it? How was the news inquiring?"

In a small room, several figures gathered together under the dim light.

Those faces were also looming in the dim light.

They were dressed in ordinary clothes and dressed like ordinary people, but on those faces, there was a fierceness that ordinary people did not exist.

The tyrannical aura almost formed the substance, just standing next to them would make people very uncomfortable.

"Investigate, there is a prison in the west of the city. It used to be the place where the military government held prisoners. After the First Army occupied the city of Marani, it was still used to detain prisoners. However, the defense force is much stronger than that of the military government. , Can't attack hard!"

"Nothing can't be impossible. This time our Hessian guild sent so many people out, one is to let the first legion know that our Hessian guild is powerful, and the other is to save SARS. Remember, SARS is The most important thing is that although he is the president's least favorite son and a waste, it does not mean that he is less important than us in the president's heart."

Regarding this, everyone was silent, yes, even if Sass was in trash, he was also the son of the president.

It is much more important than them.

If SARS was not rescued this time, their trouble would be great.

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