Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1073: Demon Warlock "Child"

At this time, among the crowd, the strongest Black Moroccan said in a deep voice: "Sass will leave it to me, and you will do what you should do. The First Army has a lot of troops in Marani, too small The riots will be suppressed soon. You have to find a way to cause greater riots and make Marani City more turbulent. Only in this way will I have a chance."

Sass was caught, and the responsibility lies with him.

Heimo knew very well that if he didn't take Sass back this time, there would be no place for him in the Guild of Hessian.

Once he fails, in order to survive, he can only escape.

But the fleeing life is not what Heimo thought. For this time to rescue SARS, he must ensure that nothing is lost.

For Heimo's words, everyone laughed coldly.

One person sneered and said: "Black Mo! You are afraid that you didn't know that Childe has arrived in Marani City."


Hearing this, Heimo looked slightly stunned.

He was very confused and said: "He is here..."

As if thinking of something, Heimo glanced at the crowd with a weird expression.

He grinned and said heartily: "Child" is hateful, but with him as a demon warlock, causing riots is not his best thing, where is he now? "

"I don't know, we just received the news that he has arrived in Marani city, and let us act by chance."

Heimo nodded clearly, and said in a deep voice: "In this case, we only need to wait. Then, let Childe do the cause of the riot, and you will all follow me to save SARS. "

Everyone nodded in unison, no one objected.

One person reminded: "We must also be careful. Once Childe goes mad, we also have the possibility of physical damage. After all, for those things, anything that is alive is prey, including Childe and us. ."

As if thinking of something, everyone looked at each other with deep approval, and their eyes were full of horror.

Although they killed countless people and were feared by countless people, when faced with those things, it was only them who feared in their hearts.

No one knew the conversation in the small room in the dark night with gusts of wind.

A storm gradually approached the city of Marani in silence.

Just wait for the moment of eruption.

In the passage of time, in the raging wind, the long black is slowly leaving.

"Master! Master!"

The light voice echoed in his ears, which made the sleeping Li Meng slowly open his eyes.

In the dim eyes, the dazed color flickered.

At the bedside, Li Meng saw Qin Qian's slender figure.

Looking to the side, there was nothing under the blanket. Sakiya, who was by his side last night, had already left.

Seeing her master awake, Qin Qian, who was standing by the bed, smiled slightly and said softly: "General Sakiya has been gone for a while. She asked me to tell your Highness that no matter what she did wrong, as long as your highness can calm down, she is willing to accept it. Any punishment."

Sitting up from the bed, Li Meng leaned his back against the bedside table.

For Qin Qian's words, he smiled helplessly and said: "She didn't say it herself, but let you tell me that she is really not like her."

Qin Qian agreed with the host's words.

She whispered: "Who said no! Probably because I care too much, even General Sakiya would be scared."


Li Meng thoughtfully, it seems that he had done too much last night.

"Isn't your Royal Highness planning to see them off today? You have to get up early, or you will miss it."

Having said that, Qin Qian lifted off the blanket on Li Meng and planned to change Li Meng's clothes.

This time, Qin Qian saw what she shouldn't see.

The high raised tent under the blanket made Qinqian's face a little ruddy, and the hand holding the blanket quickly dropped.

Li Meng smiled awkwardly to Qinqian's reaction. This was uncontrollable, and he could not be blamed.

As Shi Ji, the family member of the master, and the personal guard of the master, Qin Qian quickly calmed down in response to her subconscious reaction just now.

She gave her master a shy look, and in Li Meng's slightly awkward gaze, she lifted her skirt slightly and put her hands under the skirt.

She bent over and slowly took off the white stockings on her legs, with a touch of pure white.

In this scene, Qinqian's behavior surprised Li Meng.

Seeing Qinqian's attractive posture, Li Meng's eyes were hopeful and surprised.

Li Meng subconsciously said, "Didn't you say to get up early to see them off?"

At this time, Qin Qian had taken off the white stockings, and her white and smooth legs were exposed to the air.

She smiled shyly, lifted her skirt slightly, and stepped onto the bed.

She whispered: "It's still early, there is still some time!"

When the words fell, Qin Qian had already arrived in front of Li Meng, looking at Li Meng condescendingly.

This girl is really bold...

Looking up at Qin Qian aloft, Li Meng could only cast a look of encouragement and lifted the blanket slightly.

Li Meng's encouragement, for Qinqian, gave her the greatest courage.

She sat down slowly, her whole body pressed against Li Meng.

Under the skirt, the two are slowly ignoring each other.

Not long after, the wide bed "creaked".

An ambiguous atmosphere wafted in the bedroom, and in the rhythm of the sound, the scenery was endless for a time.

I don't know how long it took, and as the sound became more intense, at that moment, everything returned to calm.

On the bed, Qinqian languidly fell on Li Meng, while Li Meng was holding Qinqian's waist and panting slightly.

After some venting, Li Meng only felt physically and mentally comfortable, and his whole body was sober.

"Qin Qian! It's time to serve the master to get up!"

At the door, Pasha didn't know when she appeared, she entered the bedroom with a basin of water and looked very calm.

To the two people embracing on the bed, to Qin Qian's shameful, presumptuous posture, she didn't seem to be surprised.

Her face was reddened, and Qin Qian was a little embarrassed about Pasha's arrival.

With a move of her hips, she quickly left her master.

At the moment she moved away, Qin Qian pulled one hand over the blanket and covered Li Meng's body.

In Pasha's ill-fated eyes, Qinqian sat on the side of the bed very shy and wore her slightly messy stockings.

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