Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1091: luck

"Then it will be troublesome."

For the young man, his task was accomplished.

Without staying here for a moment, he got up and left.

After the young man left, Tyra put the task delegation on the taskbar board.

As soon as it was hung up, the martial artist who was drinking and chatting in the hall immediately put aside the things in his hands and swarmed up to the task board.

"It's really an easy task, it doesn't match its value too much!"

"Hey, let me, you dare not pick it up, let us come."

"You? There are so many people in front, how can it be your turn."

Everyone wants to accept the commission issued by the First Legion, but no one wants to give up. This makes the task board noisy, and the various teams are chattering.

Since the First Army carried out military operations in Bentley, the business of the Martial Arts Association has plummeted.

In terms of economy, many martial artists in the guild are facing difficulties.

After finally encountering such a high-paid, but not difficult task, who would give up?

Not everyone was crowded in front of the taskbar. In the lobby, some people were watching.

"Such a big task can't be completed by a small team. It needs cooperation. What's the use of disputes like this?"

Looking at the noisy scene in front of the taskbar, Kaiwei shook his head helplessly.

However, Ellie didn't think so. She looked at the noisy companions and smiled: "The guild hasn't been so lively for a long time, just let them make a fuss. Anyway, Aunt Tyra is the final one."

After speaking, Ellie looked at her brother across the table and said, "Brother! Are we going to join this mission?"

"This one……"

Kaiwei glanced at Julie next to his sister, he hesitated and said: "Your bodies need to be cultivated, so please stop participating this time."

In the last battle, although both of their two big men were healed from their injuries, the most injured sister and Yuli still needed some rehabilitation.

With a faint smile, Ellie said indifferently: "My injury is almost healed. Besides, we don't need to fight this time. We just pull those guys out of the dark and try to avoid fighting."

It’s just that the younger sister agreed, and Kaiwei looked at Yuli again.

Perceiving Kaiwei's gaze, the very quiet Yuli raised her head slightly and whispered: "Although the body is still inconvenient, it is not a major problem, as long as it is not a high-intensity battle."

Kaiwei nodded lightly, in that case, it was decided.

With a slight expression on his face, he said, "Then it's so decided, go and fight for this mission."

At this time, before the noisy task board, there was a new situation.

Unable to bear the noisy scene in the guild, Tyra finally stood up.

"Okay, be quiet!"

She opened her mouth and let out a huge growl.

From that small mouth, there seemed to be an air current, and the harsh voice echoed in the guild.

This is Roaring Jin, an effective use of Jin.

If you use it fully, it will form a sonic-like attack.

In the harsh roar of Tyra, the noisy voice disappeared without a trace.

Everyone came down to be honest, and looked at the old aunt behind the counter in a nonchalant manner.

Seeing everyone being honest, Tyra said in an angry voice: "This task cannot be completed by a small team. The president is not there. That means you have lost the information network of the Martial Arts Association. You have to rely on your own. Ability and wisdom to complete this task."

Speaking of this, Tyra smiled and said: "The president is not here, I have the final say, this time the reward is 1 million coins, which will be executed by the five teams. The team that first finds the target gets 400,000 of them. , The remaining four teams are divided equally."

Five teams work together?

Everyone looked at each other at this idea, and then nodded clearly.

This idea is very good. With more teams, there will be more people participating in this mission, and the benefits can be distributed to most people.

As long as you participate in this mission, you can get 150,000 crystal coins no matter what.

One hundred and fifty thousand crystal coins is not a small amount, it is also tempting to martial artists.

"Tara! There are more than five teams in the guild. For this mission, I don't think anyone is willing to give up. How should this quota be divided? Even if you want to fight, in what way?"

Someone raised this question.

When this problem came out, it resonated with everyone.

Yes, although the guild has fewer than fifty members, there are more than a dozen teams, large and small, and there are some scattered people who are alone. Five teams are not enough.

"This one……"

Tyra was silent, lost in thought.

For this question, Tyra hadn't thought of going there yet.

For a long time, in the eyes of everyone, Tyra's slightly wrinkled and pretty face smiled slightly, and said: "This task does not require too much force. It is based on wisdom and luck. If so, then punch. It's up to you to decide whether you can get the spot or not. It depends on your own luck."


Everyone was taken aback, and then burst into cheers.

"Okay, just use the fist to determine the victory or defeat. As expected, Tyra can come up with such a good way."

Surprisingly, no one opposed this method, and everyone cheered and accepted this method of making a decision that seemed like a joke.

"What a mess!"

Seeing the companions who resumed the noisy scene again, Kaiwei shook his head helplessly.

But he also has to admit that Tyra's approach is very good.

One is that the contradiction between the teams is reduced infinitely, and the seemingly playful method also increases the relationship between the companions, just like Tyra said, whoever wins depends on luck, who wins Of course they will be happy, and the loser will laugh. After all, who will have trouble with luck.

"Let Yuli go punching, she is the luckiest of the four of us!"

Speaking of punching, the first thought in her mind, Ai thought of Yuli beside her.

After getting to know Yuli, I was quite envious of Yuli's jealous luck, and Yuri certainly wouldn't let it all rely on luck.

As soon as Ellie said this, Kai Wei on the opposite side, Qi Weiqi nodded.

In terms of luck, Yuli does her part.

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