Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1092: Murder in the dark

Night fell.

In the dark, Marani City also fell into a dead silence.

The streets were empty, empty, and silent in the darkness.

But this is only the surface, no matter what kind of place, in what kind of harsh environment, humans will always find ways to find fun.

When night falls, for many people, it's a time to relax.

They will always let go of the pressure on their bodies and buy drunk in hidden illegal taverns everywhere.

Wine and women are indispensable no matter where they are.

"I warned you! Don't cause trouble everywhere, we have enough trouble, the first legion has noticed us, this is the second time, remember, this is the second time, and I will not Talk nonsense with you and I will break your neck."

In the messy, unbearable alley, in the darkness, several figures are looming.

"Black Mo! What I want to do is my freedom, you are not qualified to order me!"

Although he was pressed fiercely against the wall by Heimo, he was not afraid, he just looked at Heimo, who was getting colder with disdain.

He grinned grimly, revealing his mutilated teeth, and grinned grimly: "Wine and women are indispensable, let alone the third time. As long as I'm in Marani, I will come every day."

"you wanna die!"

Heimo's expression grew colder and he made no secret of the killing intent in his eyes.

"court death?"

He smiled and looked at the person in front of him with sarcasm.

Undaunted taunting: "Try it if you have the courage."


Hei Mo smiled grimly, and said coldly: "There is no undead in battle. Since you want to die, I will fulfill you."

He was stunned for Heimo's words, as if he realized something, his face was panicked.

"you dare……"

Before he finished speaking, Hei Mo had already raised a huge fist and waved down at the head.


The liquid flew across, the brain cracked, and the wall was stained with blood.

Under Heimo's fist, the head was directly shattered.

The splattered flesh and blood covered several people.

After all this was done, Hei Mo casually threw the corpse in his hand, and the corpse was thrown into the darkness, accurately falling into the trash can in the corner of the alley.

Regarding what Heimo did, the surrounding people were silent, watching all this coldly.

In the darkness, a suppressed voice rang.

"This guy died when he died, but he exposed our whereabouts. We can't stay around here. We must find another place."

Another said: "Hiding in this way is not a way. You will be discovered sooner or later. I don't know when Childe will do it. We can't wait forever."

"We can't find him, we can only wait. The time should be ripe. For Childe, these two days are the best opportunities. Wait two more days."

"It can only be so!"

He glanced at the huge trash can with a cold expression, and Heimo's voice rang in the darkness.

"let's go!"

Amid the shaking of the figure, the messy alleys soon returned to calm.

On the other side of the alley, in a narrow gap in the door, the light is looming, listen carefully, you can hear the singing and noise coming from inside.

The night is getting thicker.

In the cold wind, the long night was gone bit by bit.

When the darkness receded, the light descended, and the morning sun appeared on the horizon, the peaceful city of Marani boiled again.

Countless people gathered in various squares in the city under the call of the broadcast, and this situation appeared in all cities in Bentley.

In all cities across the country, no matter how big or small, there is a scene of empty alleys.

In Marani, the vigilance is stronger than yesterday.

Not only are there a large number of soldiers and heavy war machines guarding the surrounding squares, but some black figures can be seen at every intersection and the roof of the building. They are wearing black armor and holding large swords. They look like ancient warriors. People have a heavy, dark feeling.

They patrolled everything with their cold eyes, and stunned all small enemies.

The atmosphere is a bit unusual and a bit nervous.

But in the eyes of the people, it is another kind of perception.

Regarding the soldiers guarding the intersections of the First Corps, the people would simply think that the First Corps paid special attention to this election, so they sent a large number of soldiers to maintain order.

While the election was proceeding in an orderly manner, at this time, at the south gate of Marani, several cars drove into the city.

Today is a national holiday, and the traffic on the road has been reduced a lot. For these vehicles, their roads are smoother and they soon entered the port.

On the side of the road, several cars stopped.

"Hey! Kaiwei, you can start from the beginning. We have other ways, so let's go first."

Before everyone got out of the car, the cars parked on the side of the road started moving.

After saying hello, they left one after another.

"They are so anxious!"

Seeing the cars going away outside the car, Ai rolled her eyes involuntarily.

Qi Wei was very open to the urgent response of other companions.

He said indifferently: "400,000 crystal coins are a very attractive number. If we had other ways, we would not stay here now."

At this time, Kaiwei in the driver's seat looked back at the three people in the car, and said, "Go! Let's go to the ship first. If those people arrived in Marani by that sea ship, Something should be discovered."

The three nodded lightly, opened the door beside them, and got out of the car one by one.

The roadside where the car stopped was not far from the pier. When the four people got off the car, they saw a pier surrounded by a cordon not far away. On the pier, a wooden ship was still docked.

In speechlessness, the four of them walked towards the alert pier.

"We are martial artists. We are commissioned by the First Legion to inquire about something!"

On the pier, a soldier blocked the way of the four people, and Kaiwei expressed his intention to them.

Martial artist?

Looking at the four, the soldier stepped aside and cleared the way.

From the helmet, a slightly mechanical voice rang: "You can check it at will. Except for the two female corpses, everything in the ship remains the same as when it was discovered."

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