Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1093: Hessian Guild

"Where is the female body?"

As the most obvious presence in the ship, Kaiwei came to explore the ship mainly because he wanted to find something on the two female corpses.

The two female corpses did not die naturally, and many things could be discovered if they were artificial.

Regarding Kaiwei’s question, the soldier did not hide it, and replied: "It has been wrapped and placed in the cabin where they died. If you want to check it, you can open it."

Nodding lightly, Kaiwei said: "I understand, thank you very much!"


This was a response, and it was also urging the four to leave.

The four went on.

On the dock, the small sea boat swayed slightly with the sea, and the deck was messy. Various things were piled up together. There were cargo and a lot of ropes. This was the goal of the four.

After boarding the ship, the four people entered the cabin.

The structure of this type of ship is very simple. On the deck is the cabin for the crew. The cabins are of different levels. Generally speaking, the captain’s cabin is at the back, which is the stern. The cabins are distributed in the middle of the hull, and the bow is where the supplies are placed.

After entering the cabin, in the dark aisle, the four went straight to the captain's room.

The ship was swaying, and the wooden structure made the hull "creak" from time to time. In the darkness, Kaiwei pushed open the door of the captain's room.

Behind the door is a fairly wide space, the layout is not complicated, a table, a bed, and a hanger, there is nothing but these.

"Look around! See if you can find anything, Qiwei, you can check the body with me."

In the corner not far away, there was a large package. Recalling what the soldiers said, the female body should be placed in the package.

Knowing what the elder brother cares about, Alila started to wander around in the captain's room with Yuri, looking for something that was ignored.

But Qiwei and Kaiwei came to the corner and opened the package.

When the two opened the package, a rotten stench immediately filled the captain's room, which made Yuli and Ai wrinkle a little, but they never walked. As martial artists, they were not delicate women.

The expressions of Kaiwei and Qiwei before the package are much more indifferent. They have seen any kind of death in their years as a martial artist, and more miserable than this abounds, of course they will not have much. feel.

Looking into the package, two skinny corpses were placed together. The muscles on the body were no longer visible. The gray skin was tightly attached to the bones. Although the temperature of the air was low, the corpses also showed signs of decay. The skin in the place was already torn, and a light golden liquid overflowed from it, which looked quite hideous.

Seeing all this, the two calmly took out a pair of adhesive paper gloves from their pockets and put them on their hands, and began to examine the two female corpses that were decomposing.

While carefully examining the female corpse in front of him, Qiwei said calmly: "There are many scars on the skin, and I should have endured a long period of torture during his lifetime. The bones under his abdomen are broken, and they should be injured by blunt instruments. The technique is very cruel. First, let them bleed heavily in their bodies, and then do insults. This kind of thing is impossible for ordinary people to do. The murderer should be a group of depraved "capable people."

When he said these words, Qiwei's face was quiet, but there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

This is not mercy, but a sorrow, a sorrow for humanity.

There has always been a saying about human beings, which is "human beings are the most evil creatures in this world."

Although this sentence is a bit one-sided, from a certain aspect, it speaks the truth of the human race.

"Killing" entangles human beings, whether it is justice or evil, killing always adapts to either side.

"Is it the group of people from the Dark Guild?"

Kaiwei is also checking the female corpse in front of him. As Qiwei said, the situation of the female corpse in front of her is the same. Its nasty methods make Kaiwei have to think of their old opponents of the Martial Arts Association.

Darkness does not mean evil, but evil is a part of darkness. As its name suggests, the Dark Guild is a group of **** who cannibalize people without spitting out bones. In their eyes, there is no morality or mercy, only force and soul are extremely distorted. desire.

They do all evil and take pleasure in "killing" and "destroying". Among human beings, they are the existence that disrupts order, a group of lunatics, and the lunatics that cause headaches for all nations.

Shaking his head lightly, Qiwei said, "Not necessarily, the evil people in the world are not only the Dark Guild. You can't draw conclusions until you get the true answer."

This is also true, the wicked are not only from the Dark Guild, Kaiwei quite agrees with Qiwei's words.

The two continued to check.

After checking all the parts in front of him, Kaiwei turned over the female body in front of him.

This turned over and found the answer. On the back of the female corpse, a charred mark was very conspicuous.

"I think... the answer has come out!"

Looking at the scorched tree-shaped brand on the back of the female corpse, Kaiwei's expression was slightly depressed and his tone was very depressed.

Hearing Kaiwei's words, Qiwei raised his head slightly and looked at the female body in front of Kaiwei.

The scorched tree-shaped brand behind the female corpse made Qiwei understand everything.

He frowned slightly, and said solemnly: "I didn't expect it to be that group of people. Why would the Hessian Guild enter Marani City at this time? If you find the trouble of the First Legion and ruin this election, it is very It doesn't make sense, who would hire them to do this?"

Kaiwei said in a low expression, "What is their purpose, we don't care, we just need to pull them out of the dark, if we learn that it is the Hessian Guild, then this mission may have variables. Warn the First Army and let them prepare for prevention in advance."

Qiwei nodded lightly, his expression very serious.

The Hessian Guild is not a small guild. Even in the Dark Association, it is a well-known existence. Of course, their name comes from "evil". Whether it is assassination or destruction, no matter what the employer requires, they have never failed. In, it can be described as notorious.

Facing them, one must be cautious.

Later, the two returned the body in the package in a hurry.

Standing up from the ground, Kaiwei said to the two women in the cabin: "Julie, Ellie, let's go, we have found something."

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