Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1094: Robbery?

"So fast? What did you find?"

The two women were very surprised that the two could get the answer on the corpse so quickly, and Ai asked curiously.

Kaiwei looked solemn and said: "It's the Dark Guild. It is the group of people from the Hessian Guild who have entered the city. I am afraid that there may be some changes in this mission. We must be careful."

Hessian Guild?

This answer made the two women frowned slightly, and seemed to feel disgusted with the Hessian Guild.

"Let's go! About our discovery, we must remind the First Army to at least let them know who their enemy is."

Without saying much, the four hurried out.

On the dock, still the soldier.

The four people stopped beside the soldier, and Kaiwei said to him: "We have found some findings from the examination of the corpse. This time it should be the Hessian Guild, a guild that does no evil. Does a legion know?"

"Hesse Guild?"

Turning his head slightly, the soldier looked at the four people in front of him, and at the same time the slightly puzzled mechanical sound rang.

"Wait a minute!"

In the helmet, the soldier entered the data terminal and began searching for information about the Hessian Guild.

Before long, a message popped up on the screen.

After getting the answer, the soldier said to the four: "The First Legion does not know that the people who entered the city belonged to the Hessian Guild. However, not long ago, we shot down a floating ship belonging to the Hessian Guild and captured it. A survivor."


Kaiwei quickly asked: "Do you know the name of the survivor?"

""Sass", this is his name."


Hearing the name, the four looked at each other.

As a member of the Martial Arts Guild, they are no strangers to some people in the Dark Guild.

The name "Sass" happened to be known by the four.

After all, Sass is the son of the leader of the Hessian Guild, and that one is also a member of the Dark Association.

Kaiwei's expression is slight, and Kaiwei is very serious and said: "Sath's identity in the Hessian Guild is very important. This time the Hessian Guild may break into Marani City for him. Please do so in advance. Be prepared for prevention."

For the soldier, the only thing he has to do is to report the new information to his superiors.

The mechanical voice came from the helmet, and the soldier said: "I will report the relevant news to my superiors."

Before leaving, Kaiwei asked one last question, saying: "I need SARS detention place, please let me know!"

Detention place?

After thinking a little bit, the soldier replied: "He is now being held in a prison on the outskirts of the city."

After getting the news he wanted, Kaiwei left the dock with the three of them.

"Brother! Where are we going now?"

When heading to the place where the vehicle stopped, Allie asked Kaiwei ahead while walking.

For this question, Kaiwei answered very simply.

"West of the city, the city closest to the prison."

The city to the west?

After thinking about it, Allie understood Kaiwei's plan.

Speaking slightly, Aili whispered: "Brother thinks those in the Hessian Guild will rob prison?"

At this time, Qiwei on one side interjected: "It's not that simple. The prison is heavy. The First Army will definitely guard it. No matter how strong the guys are, they can't face the army. They won't be so reckless. They must have other plans. ."

Kaiwei agreed with what Qivi said, and he said: "Qivi is right. They may have plans to rob prisoners, but they will not fight the army head-on. We don’t know what their purpose is. We don’t know what we can do. The only thing is to find them before they act and end the chaos that has not yet occurred."

At this time, the four had arrived at the parking spot.

In front of the driver’s door, Kaiwei said to the three of them: “Get in the car, let’s set off immediately and try to reach the west of the city at noon. Within these two days, we must find those guys.”

After speaking, Kaiwei opened the door and got into the car.

And Yuli, Ai Li, Qi Wei, the three followed closely, opened the doors and entered the car one by one.

Amid the roar of the "rumbling" engine, the car moved slowly and drove towards the city.

Just as the martial artists of the Silver Wings Guild were looking for hidden enemies everywhere in the city, the election was steadily proceeding.

Before nothing happened, Marani City was full of order, and everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

It was a prudent approach to issue a commissioned task to the Martial Arts Association, and the First Army quickly gained a reward.

At least know who the enemy is.

In the military government, Natasha's office.

Li Meng, who has been observing the situation in Marani City, also noticed the update of intelligence.

On the seat behind the table, Li Meng supported his chin with one hand, and tapped the other hand on the electronic screen on the desktop.

Behind him, Shayue's small figure was lying on the windowsill looking out the window rather bored.

Outside, there is only a view of the unchanging courtyard.

And beside Li Meng, Wendy and Sakuya standing quietly.

"Guild of Hessian? Those guys are bold and want to fight the First Legion on their own?"

Looking at the updated information on the screen, Li Meng smiled slightly, rather disdainfully.

The Hessian guild sold the impulse device to Kenof, and Li Meng didn't intend to just pass it.

The First Legion did not trouble them, but they were the first to find the trouble of the First Legion.

Turning his head slightly, Li Meng looked at Sakiya next to him, and said, "Sakiya! What do you think they want to do?"

Facing His Highness’s gaze, Sakuya opened her mouth slightly, and said softly: "The only thing that can attract their attention in Marani is about the "Sath" in the prison. Since he is a member of the Hessian Guild The son of the guild leader, the Hessian Guild will naturally not give up "him."

"Save people?"

Li Meng was thoughtful, but the answer was justified.

As if thinking of something, Li Meng said thoughtfully: "Since it is saving people, and they choose to save people at this time, if they don't make a big fuss, they won't have any chance."

At this time, almost half of the civilians in Marani City gathered in various squares. If they were to cause trouble, it would be a headache for the First Army.

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