Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1095: Rat shit

The enemy is in the dark, the First Army is in the light, and the initiative is in the hands of the enemy. All the First Army can do is to plan for the worst.

As if thinking of something, Li Meng smiled slightly and said to Sakuya: "Immediately remove the guards from the prison and leave only a few soldiers garrisoned. Remember, you must be big and conspicuous. The evacuated guards should not return to the barracks and let them Go straight to the city to strengthen the patrol of the streets, and arrange for some ghouls to enter the prison and guard secretly"

Since the enemy's goal is the "Sass" in the prison, the prison door should not be too thick, but thinner, so that the fear in their hearts disappears, and so thin that they are confident. Only in this way can they open this door. Only by opening the door can they enter the prison and take Sas away.

Without giving them a little confidence, how can they emerge from the dark.

As for whether they can eat Li Meng's trick to "entice the enemy to go deeper," this is not what Li Meng can know.

But this does not prevent Li Meng from doing so.

Li Meng believes that as long as they are eager to rescue "Sath" and have confidence in their own strength, they will act.

Nodding lightly, Sakiya walked away lightly.

Although she can directly give orders to the prison guards, Sakiya will not do so.

She would pass the matter to Natasha, her soldiers ordered by themselves, and the understanding of her subordinates would also allow Natasha to notice details that Sakiya could not notice, which could complete the task more effectively.

Leaving the office, in the corridor, Sakiya took out the handheld computer she carried with him.

As he turned on, a person who was exactly like Sakiya jumped out on the silver screen.

""Night", immediately pass on the words of your Royal Highness to General Natasha!"

This is an intelligent AI, specially equipped for Sakiya, and is responsible for assisting Sakiya.

In the First Army, with the establishment of the Quantum Communication Tower, all three generals have their own intelligent AI.


The little "Sakuya" on the screen was very cute and gave a military salute, then disappeared after getting into the corner of the screen.

After doing all this, Sakuya did not return to the office, but walked further away.

It's noon, and it's time for your Highness to have lunch.

Shaye left, and Shayue was brought by His Highness all the time. Some things must be done by someone. Although as a general, Sakiya did not forget some of his previous abilities.

Although she doesn't need to do the cooking, but once in a while, Sakiya wants to do it herself.

"By tomorrow, the election of this congressman should be over."

Putting aside the matter of the Hessian Forest Guild, Li Meng set his sights on election matters again.

In fact, by now, the councillors of each city have basically been determined.

The situation in each city is almost the same. The first place with the highest approval rate is above the top, far surpassing the second place. Even if the second place can break out in the next day and a half, it is impossible to surpass the first place.

Up to now, the 26 members of Bentley State have been settled. No matter how they change in the future, they will not change much.

"It's really young, but being young has the benefits of being young. I hope they can make this new regime run well! Otherwise, don't blame the First Army for not giving you a chance."

Li Meng muttered to himself as he watched the swift data on the screen.

After all, it is the first session, and it is understandable that young people are in power.

However, they are not too young, but they are a bit younger compared to the rights in their hands.

The power of parliamentarians is not small. It can be said that they are the top leaders of Bentley. Most of them are around 40 years old, and the youngest is only 31 years old.

There is a clear imbalance between rights and age.

However, Li Meng didn't care about this.

Although young people are a little more impulsive, the establishment of a new government and aggressive power holders may make this regime run better.

Just like the sentence Li Meng said just now, what kind of effect this new political system will bring, whether it is good or bad, depends on the efforts of these young people. The first legion has given the opportunity, the so-called human rights and Freedom is satisfied. If this fails to make the results look better, the First Army can only implement another more efficient regime. By then, there will be no human rights and freedom.

Stretching, Li Meng stood up grinningly.

Although the situation in Marani City is changing all the time, in general, everything is in order.

Although there is such a rat **** from the Hessian Guild, to Li Meng, it is just a rat poop.

Even if it can destroy a pot of porridge, the First Legion can break the bottom of the pot and make it disappear completely.

Seeing Shayue lying on the windowsill like a cat, Li Meng smiled slightly, grabbed the swaying white tail, and hugged Shayue's small figure from behind.

In her furry ear, Li Meng said softly: "What are you looking at?"

Shayueza noticed the arrival of the owner behind him.

In the arms of her master, she still looked out the window blankly.

In response to the host's question, she opened her mouth slightly and whispered: "It's all gone!"


Following Sha Yue's gaze, Li Meng looked towards the courtyard below. On the vegetation, Li Meng knew the meaning of Sha Yue's words.

Rubbing that little head lightly, Li Meng said softly, "Yes, it's all gone, but for them, this is the process of life, a law of nature. If they don't pass away, then those How can brothers and sisters be born."

In just a few days, not only did the leaves of the vegetation in the courtyard fall off, even the spikes on the vegetation gradually fell off, which seemed to resonate with Shayue.

Li Meng knew that this was probably the nature of the Shayue race, a nature of being close to nature.

Although he became a corpse girl, this kind of nature still exists. When you look at the wilting vegetation, you will feel something in your heart.

"Master! Time for dinner is almost here, I will tell them to prepare early."

At this time, Wendy's soft voice rang from behind.


In the sound of slight footsteps, Wendy left.

Then there was the sound of closing the door.

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