Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1096: tribe

After Wendy left, only the two overlapping figures in front of the window were left in the huge office.

Holding Shayue's waist, Li Meng lifted Shayue from the window sill.

Holding Sha Yue's hand, Li Meng returned to the seat.

But Shayue leaped slightly, sitting on the table with a small figure, her calves swaying slightly.

Li Meng unceremoniously grabbed the swaying white tail and played with it.

Shayue had long been used to this behavior of the master, and the long tail was allowed to be manipulated by the master.

While stroking the fluffy tail, Li Meng said, "Tell me about the raccoons, and the things in the Middle East. Although your raccoons are far away from your hometown, you should know something about your hometown. "

The peculiarities of the demihumans and the loveliness of Shayue made Li Meng a strong curiosity about the demihumans.


Sha Yue whispered, looking at her master quite unexpectedly.

She seemed to be wondering why the owner was interested in her hometown.

But the master wants to know, and of course she will tell everything she knows.


Frowning slightly, Shayue's lovely face started thinking hard.

She was reminiscing, recalling the stories told by the elders in the family.

After a long time, the frown on Shayue’s face disappeared. She looked at her master with a light gaze, and said softly: “How to say, the sub-human society is cruel, advocating force, and different races exist in a tribal situation. They competed and fought for the hunting area. Although there is an empire, it is just the name of the strongest tribe by humans. There is no real country among the subhumans."

Facing that light gaze, Li Meng smiled slightly, holding the soft and petite buttocks with his hands, pushing Sha Yue who was sitting on the table slightly in front of him.

As for the electronic screen, it was naturally pushed aside by Li Meng.

Looking at Shayue in front of him, Li Meng said, "In addition to the raccoons, there are many other subhuman races."

Shayue lightly nodded, her hands gently resting on the table, the two legs intertwined very gracefully, she whispered: "Well, there are many races of demihumans, and the raccoon is only one. Among humans, the orcs are the most powerful, and they are also the most ferocious and combative races among the subhumans. They are born to fight. They are the absolute dominators of the subhumans, and they command other races."

"Like our raccoons, although we are thin and have no combat effectiveness, we are smart enough and have strong learning ability. Therefore, the technology of subhumans is basically in the hands of the raccoons. In the orc tribe, the raccoons are the technicians. The job is to manufacture weapons, ammunition, and vehicles for the tribe."

There really are orcs...

Li Meng was very surprised by the existence of this race.

Although for the subhumans, the First Army has learned some information from various external channels, but that information is not complete, and most of them are legends.

After all, East Asia is too far away from the Middle East. Human beings living in East Asia have no chance to contact subhumans at all, and naturally they will not understand them without contact.

Moreover, all human countries have consciously reduced the sense of existence of subhumans, and the news that spread among civilians is spread from the side of the covenant countries.

"Since the raccoon tribe masters science and technology, your identity in the orc tribe should be very important. Why would your raccoon tribe leave your hometown and flee to other places?"

Shayue’s tribe lives in the Republic of Sharjah, not close to the territory of the sub-humans. Not only are they thousands of miles away, but there is also a covenant state in the middle. Li Meng is very curious about how Shayue’s raccoon tribe arrived in Shaka , And why choose such a remote place as a new home.

Sha Yue shook her head lightly, and said softly, "I don't know too well. I remember the old man in the clan said that it seems to be because of the war between the orc clans, and it seems to be related to some "prophecy".


It seems that this matter is destined to have no answer. The so-called predictions are generally extremely unreliable.

Li Meng did not continue to ask. For a long time in the future, the subhumans will not have any intersection with the First Legion. It only needs to understand a little bit. There is no need to understand too much.

With a slight smile, looking at the lovely Shayue, Li Meng put his hand around the small waist, and with a slight force, he hugged Shayue from the table and put his arms in his arms.

Holding that small and soft body, Li Meng pulled over the electronic screen placed aside, and re-entered the data terminal.

In Li Meng's arms, Shayue looked very well-behaved. She was very quiet and followed the eyes of her master to watch the flashing pictures on the electronic screen.

In the data terminal, Li Meng opened the message from the Danlan Kingdom.

"Not yet?"

In the data terminal, Li Meng did not see the news from the Danlan Kingdom he wanted to see.

Calculating the time, Gunia and her party should be very close to the outlying Austria.

However, Li Meng didn't think much about it.

The ship that Gunya was riding was just an ordinary cargo seagoing vessel, which was not as fast as the warships of the First Army. Perhaps they were still on the way.

Moreover, Li Meng is also uncertain about how Kuniya will choose.

For Li Meng, he certainly hoped that Kuniya could go to Danlan Kingdom. This choice was what Li Meng wanted to see.

If she did not go to the Danlan Kingdom, but returned directly to the Kingdom of Austria, Li Meng would of course be disappointed, because then, this woman named "Gunia" would become one of Li Meng’s memories. Passing by, Li Meng will brutally end this memory himself.

After not seeing the news that he wanted to see, after paying a little attention to Tan Ya in the Danlan Kingdom, Li Meng returned his attention to Bentley.

The election is underway. For the First Army, for Li Meng, the establishment of the new Bentley government is the most important thing now.


As a general, as the highest authority in the entire Bentley nation, Natasha is undoubtedly busy.

The election is underway, and as the future capital "Marani City", its order must be guaranteed.

On a street in the city, an armed convoy was galloping, and its direction was a large square near the west of the city.

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