Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1097: Missing cases

In a bloated large armored command vehicle, the reminder from "Sha" made Natasha turn on the handheld computer she carried with her.

A piece of information jumped to a small screen, which was a reminder of information update.

"Hesse Guild?"

After knowing the identity of the group of people who had entered Marani, in her hood, Natasha frowned slightly.

Natasha is no stranger to this Hessian Guild.

After all, the destruction of Voda City, apart from the culprit "Kinof", was the helper of the "Hessian Guild".

"Save people?"

In the hood, Natasha whispered thoughtfully.

Knowing their purpose, some things will be easier to handle, at least this initiative has been slightly tilted to the First Army.

"General! There is a message from General Sakiya."

At this moment, "Sha" suddenly jumped out of the corner of the screen and reminded Natasha.

General Sakiya?

In the hood, Natasha's expression was a little surprised. The woman is now accompanied by the master. Could it be that the master has ordered something?

Thinking of this, Natasha said softly: "Open it!"


A salute to Natasha, "Sha" chuckled out a message from the edge of the screen.

The action was indescribably cute, and it looked like a small version of Natasha, except that she was dressed differently. "Sha" was wearing a dark green women's military uniform.

"Let the enemy go deeper?"

Looking at the message on the screen, Natasha was thoughtful.

She already understood the master's plan.

Indeed, the master's method is very good. Since those people's purpose is "Sath", as long as they create opportunities, they may be able to secretly lead them out.

Without hesitation, Natasha immediately said: "Sha! Order the prison guards immediately to evacuate the prison and join the street patrol forces. Just leave two teams to guard the prison, and inform the remaining prisoners of the plan to lure the enemy into the prison. Squad, and also, immediately transfer a small group of dark iron soldiers to the prison, let them act in secret, and kill the enemy if they find it!"

When it came to the last word "kill", Natasha was already frosty.

The Living First Legion already exists, and in the mouth of "Sath", the First Legion can learn everything it wants to know.

Treating the enemy, the First Army will not be merciful.

Natasha was already full of anger for the Guild of Hessian invading Marani at this time.

It is precisely because of this that Natasha has included the Hessian Guild on the list of enemies that the First Legion must destroy.

"Yes! The order has been issued!"

Holding the military salute, Sha said seriously.

There is no need to pay attention to prison matters after the order is issued. Whether those people will be fooled is still a question.

However, in any case, if their goal is "Sass", this prison trip is indispensable. Next, the only thing they can do is wait.

After completing the instructions given by the host, Natasha set her goal on the trip.

"Sa! Do you have any details on the number of missing?"

Hearing this, "Sha" on the screen shook his head regretfully and said: "Because the information network of the First Army has not yet involved the district office of the street, there is still a blank in terms of citizen identity information. The previous military government also did not count the identities of civilians, which caused the identity of the missing persons to be blurred. The number of missing persons can only be roughly calculated based on the circumstances of the missing persons.

For this answer, Natasha was not too disappointed.

Natasha still has some understanding of civil matters.

The First Army occupied Bentley for a short time. Although some things are changing, it takes enough time. Now, time is far from enough.

In a different way, Natasha asked: "How many people are missing?"

"There were 123 cases. The verbal description of the informants was about 600 people. In some cases, all members of the family were missing, and in some families, one or two people were missing. The cases began ten days ago. It happened. Until last night, in the fourth block of the west of the city, all the residents living on the first floor of five residential buildings disappeared overnight. Except for a few people who went out and did not return, all the others disappeared. The number of missing people last night was as high as two. More than a hundred people."

Two hundred people?

This is not a small number.

In the hood, Natasha frowned slightly, and said solemnly: "Mark the patrol route of the street patrol team last night!"

On the edge of the screen, Sarah showed a map of the city of Marani, with some obvious lines drawn on it.

As if by magic, a baton appeared in Sha’s hand. She pointed to the west corner of the map and said, “This is the fourth block. Due to the extraordinary period, the patrolling of the streets has increased by several times compared with usual. Every fifteen minutes or so, a patrol team will pass by the fourth block. Last night, no abnormal report was received."

"Can the special operations team find out?"

A few days after the disappearances happened one after another, with the approval of Natasha, the First Army set up a special operations team to take charge of this wave of disappearances.

At first, the First Army doubted whether slave traders were committing crimes in the city, and deliberately strengthened the surveillance of each city gate, but it didn't help.

Not only did the slave traders fail to find out, the disappearances in the city are also happening one after another.

This allowed the First Army to rule out the possibility of slave traders and continue to look for clues.

"Nothing has been found yet. Although the action team found some messy footprints in the residential building where the disappearance occurred, those footprints disappeared when they left the residential building. There were no clues and no witnesses. The action team had nowhere to start. We can only passively strengthen the patrol in Xicheng District."

"Why only strengthen the "Xicheng District"?"

From Sha's words, Natasha discovered something.

Regarding Natasha’s question, Sha explained: “Of the 123 missing cases, all cases occurred in the Xicheng District. Therefore, the action team judged that if the missing case was man-made, the next missing case must also occur in the West. The city."

Hearing this explanation, Natasha was lost in thought.

Why does the disappearance only happen in Xicheng District?

Is there any reason for this?

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