Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1098: Abandoned district

If so, what is it?

Is there any connection with the prison on the outskirts of the city?

The disappearance occurred in the Xicheng District, which is very close to the prison, which made Natasha have to link the two things together.

Thinking about it now, Natasha realized one thing.

Since the people of the Hessian Guild arrived in Marani, shortly after, disappearances began to occur.

Is the disappearance case linked to the Hessian Guild?

Although there is no evidence, Natasha has a strong feeling in her heart.

The source of the disappearance may have something to do with the Hessian Guild, otherwise, it would be impossible to explain such coincidences.

Thinking of this, Natasha had to realize one thing.

If the disappearance was really done by the group of people in the Hessian Guild, what was their purpose?

Want to use those kidnapped civilians as hostages?

"No, it won't be the purpose."

In her mind, Natasha denied this conjecture.

In this world, hostages are worthless, and no country will let go of a group of evil people for the sake of hostages.

The First Legion will not, and will never let Sass from the prison because of the hostages, and will never let the group of the Hessian Guild leave because of the hostages.

And the Hessian Guild, which is an evil person, certainly understands this, so they will never use those people as hostages, but for other purposes.

So many people, besides the hostages, what purpose do they have?

Thinking about this, Natasha's expression became more solemn.

"How far is it from the destination?"

The urgency in her heart made Natasha couldn't help asking.

Sha replied: "At the current speed, there are still two blocks away from the destination. It takes about fifteen minutes."

Just like the urgency in Natasha's heart, the convoy moved faster on the street, and moved fast in the direction of the destination. The sound of the "powerful" engine, as the breeze echoed among the tall buildings, slowly disappeared. Far away.

At this time, there was a slight commotion in the prison on the outskirts of the city.

For some reason, the soldiers stationed in the prison suddenly gathered on the playground.

On the fence around the prison, only a few soldiers were left in the four corners and four towers.

"set off!"

The riots lasted only a moment, and soon after a command, the soldiers gathered on the playground began to board the vehicle.

Not long after, with the roar of the "rumbling" engine, a convoy composed of multiple armed assault vehicles and armored personnel carriers drove out of the opened prison gate and hurried toward the city.

On the outskirts of the highway, the long convoy formed a steel dragon, which is very eye-catching.

And this scene was also seen by a shadow in a cluster of bushes beside the highway.

Looking at the convoy driving out of the prison not far away, he looked very confused, and looked away from the convoy to look at the prison further away.

Although far away, to him, everything is clearly visible.

After observing for a while, he got up and left, and the sturdy figure disappeared into the dry forest in a few flashes.

It is dark and damp, with potholes and gravel all over the ground.

Occasionally a pool of dark sewage can be seen in a pit.

This is an alley, which spreads from the main road, and at the end is a dilapidated residential area.

There are low and low houses in the community, forming a complex of buildings, the houses are broken and rotten, and the signs of decay are very conspicuous.

The community was quiet, empty, without a trace of noise.

This community has been abandoned. If you come carefully enough, you can see the demolition notice on the building walls on the left and right sides of the alley.

There is no one here, and no one exists.

But today, this uninhabited community has some unusual appearances.

On the main road outside the alley, a sneaky figure was walking. When the fork in the alley, he suddenly folded and stepped into the alley.

He walked in a hurry, looking behind him as he walked, and while he was walking and stopping, he entered the abandoned community.

In front of a decayed residential building, he stopped, his rough face patrolled backward very carefully, and then he let go of his heart and entered the residential building.

Deep in the corridor on the first floor, he knocked on one of the most inconspicuous doors.

Amid the knock on the door, a deep voice rang behind the door.


"Open the door! It's me."

In the darkness, with the drift of a few words, and the "creak" of the door opening, the figure in the corridor disappeared.

It is small and old, but there are a few people in this small space.

"Why did you come back so soon? How was the prison investigation?"

The room was very dark, and as the figure outside the door entered the room, a deep voice rang.

The owner of the voice is Heimo, and his sturdy body is very conspicuous.

Facing the gaze in the room, he hurriedly said: "The guards are very tight. Without Childe’s assistance, it would be difficult for us to enter the prison, whether it be front or infiltrating. However, just now, it happened. After the change, the guards in the prison suddenly evacuated for some reason, leaving only a small number of soldiers. I took a closer look and confirmed that it was correct. Now the guards in the prison are very empty."

The prison guards evacuated?

Hei Mo seemed very surprised when this happened.

But when the accident happened, Heimo's heart also became vigilant.

The First Army will not evacuate the prison guards for no reason. Let alone whether the First Army knows their identity and purpose. In this chaotic situation, who will mobilize the prison guards?

After all, a prison is a place where prisoners are held, and prisoners are dangerous. Just a cage is not enough, it also needs guards.

If there is a riot in the prison at this time, the situation will be more complicated for the First Army.

Hei Mo couldn't think that the First Army had a reason to mobilize prison guards, which made him slightly wonder.

Try to figure out the purpose of the First Army.

"Where did they go?" Hei Mo asked.

"Go to the city."

In the city?

Hei Mo Ke knows that the squares in Marani City today are full of people, and the civilians of Bentley are participating in election activities.

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