Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1099: Gaze from afar

Did the prison guard go to the city to maintain law and order?

Moving slightly, Hei Mo came to the dilapidated window sill and looked outside.

Outside are the same dilapidated residential buildings and the messy road.

After thinking about it for a moment, in the eyes of the four people in the room, Hei Mo turned around and said in a deep voice: "Everyone should not go out before dark. We will go and test the reality of the prison together at night. If the defense of the prison is It's really empty, so we don't have to wait for Childe, and we will rescue "Sath" tonight."

Speaking of this, Hei Mo frowned slightly, his face was very gloomy, and he said coldly: "Now Xicheng District is full of soldiers from the First Legion. They seem to be looking for something. Just now, I was watching on the way back. When some martial artists arrived, they were also looking for something. I doubted whether the First Legion had discovered anything. At least they have determined a rough range of our trail."

"Then do we want to change places? Although this abandoned community is large and there are several escape routes, it is a very conspicuous hiding place. It does not rule out the possibility of the First Army finding this place." Hearing this, One person quickly said, the voice echoed in the dark room, quite nervous.

They are single and weak, and if discovered, it will be difficult to hide again.

This is undoubtedly extremely disadvantageous for them.

"No need, the First Legion will not find this before dark. We will leave after dark. If "Sath" can be rescued tonight, we will naturally not come back here again. If things change, we will search for it. It's everywhere." Heimo denied this suggestion.

It was late, and there were still a few hours before night fell.

At least for these few hours, they are safe.

Everyone nodded, and if they only stayed for a few hours, there is no need to be afraid of being discovered.

"Reserve your energy! Whether this mission will succeed or not depends on tonight."

After speaking, Heimo sat on the windowsill with his eyes closed and rested.

The other four people dispersed, looking for a place to rest in the room.

Although he closed his eyes, Hei Mo did not completely relax. His ears were listening vigilantly outside, and any slight movement outside could not escape his ears.

However, Hei Mo didn't know it. Several pairs of eyes were looking at them on the roof of the distant building.

The distance is too far, which makes Black Morganben not aware of it.

This is a tall building, stand high and see far, and you can see the abandoned community not far away.

On the guardrail on the edge of the roof terrace, the four leaned comfortably on it, looking very relaxed.

"This mission is really easy. It seems that this time Yuli's good fortune is taking care of us." Looking back at the three people beside her, Ai Li smiled relaxedly, and finally looked at Yuli. .

Yuli smiled slightly at Ai Li's gaze.

For Ai Li's words, she did not object, indeed, their luck this time was really good.

They chose the right location and arrived in Xicheng District at noon.

There is no purpose. In order to find some clues, they asked the soldiers patrolling in the Xicheng District a lot of things.

When they learned that there was a missing case of more than two hundred people in Xicheng District last night, they planned to go to the point where the missing case occurred to see if they could find anything.

Unexpectedly, the point of the incident had not yet arrived. At an intersection, an extremely cold sight caught their attention. Although it was only a glimpse, the four of them noticed a little unusual in the eyes of the owner of the sight.

Then the four began to follow the owner of the line of sight.

In order not to be noticed by the owner of the line of sight, the four deliberately used the farsighted tracking method.

That is to say, in the direction of the target's advancement, the four people separated to occupy the commanding heights and monitored the target from a distance.

In this way, the stalker will not feel that someone is watching him from a distance.

Although there was a slight mistake behind, because the person being followed by the four was a master, he was very cunning. Under the close supervision of the four, he disappeared during the last short distance.

But fortunately, another target appeared in the eyes of the four.

How could that sneaky look on the empty street not be noticeable.

The appearance of the new goal also allowed the four to successfully find the goal of this mission.

Compared to Ai Li's excitement, Qi Wei seemed very indifferent.

He turned back to Kaiwei and asked, "Are you sure it is them? If not, the task is not completed."

With a faint smile, Kaiwei seemed very confident about Qiwei's concern.

He said with certainty: "Although their clothes are not different from civilians, their temperament and appearance, as well as the eyes in their pupils, cannot be concealed. They are evil ones, monsters who lose their humanity in order to satisfy their inner evil desires. They can hide the skin, but they can't hide the stinky heart. From far away, I can smell the disgusting stench on them."

Speaking of this, Kaiwei's face was full of disgust, his face was cold, and that look seemed to hate the fallen.

Now that it is certain, Qiwei naturally has no doubts.

He said indifferently: "Notify the First Army! Leave it to them about this battle. The matter is at this point, and our task is considered complete."

"It's not that simple!" At this moment, Yuli, who had always been quiet, suddenly said.

Facing the glances from the three of them, Yuli said calmly: "The matter is not over yet, have you forgotten the disappearance case? Although we found the people of the Hessian Guild, those who disappeared did not find out. According to those The soldier said that in the past two months, nearly 600 people have disappeared in Marani. It is not easy to hide so many people. In that abandoned community, more than 600 people have disappeared. Doesn't exist, what does this mean?"

Yuli’s words made the three of them thoughtful. Although the soldiers did not directly state that the disappearance was caused by the people of the Hessian Guild, they also clearly expressed their suspicion of the Hessian Guild.

In the eyes of the four, the Hessian Guild did this in all likelihood.

Because it was a coincidence.

Not long after the group of the Hessian Guild arrived in Marani, disappearances began to occur frequently.

To say that this matter has nothing to do with the Hessian Guild, I am afraid it is hard to believe.

"In other words, there are two groups of people in the Hessian Guild. What we found is only one of them?" Thinking about what Yuli said, Qi Wei had this question in his mind.

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