Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1121: Big fish

"Understood! Just do what the master says." Natasha responded.

Seeing that it was not early, Li Meng did not stay long.

"You're busy!"

After saying this to Natasha, Li Meng left with Shayue.

Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the long night is about to fall again.

Before the departure of the new day, the election of Bentley's legislators also came to a close.

The 26 councillors were formally confirmed under the announcement of the First Legion. Tomorrow, the councillors scattered in various cities will go to Marani under the **** of the First Legion. At the same time, the election of the presidency will continue. .

Although there is not much celebration, the Bentley country at this moment is undoubtedly lively.

Only the city of Marani, spent another day in the chaos of war.

Night fell.

In the dark, the city of Marani is not peaceful, there will always be some unobvious gunfire, although it is not obvious, but it does exist.

In the sewers beneath the blockade, the fighting never stopped.

Dark, damp, and narrow, this is the portrayal of the sewer.

In a space less than three meters wide, it is a severe test for the defense line formed by the soldiers.

The space is small, the formation cannot be deployed, and the firepower cannot be guaranteed.

For the soldiers in the sewers, the only thing they were grateful for was that the demons did not form a large-scale offensive, but only scattered on various fronts.

The number is occasionally large, occasionally small, when the number is large, the line of defense is under pressure, when it is small, it is like hitting a target.

Judging from the general situation, the devil's decline is already obvious. Although I don't know how many demons are left in the sewers, there will not be too many demons. Otherwise, they would have rushed to the ground frantically, instead of wandering in the sewers.

"Attack! Pay attention to the shooting angle of the grenade."

Somewhere in the dark sewer, a fierce firefight was underway.

The huge gunfire reverberated, and the flickering flame lightened the darkness slightly. Soldiers were shooting on a front line composed of several people.

The target of the attack was a few figures from the darkness, they staggered forward in the darkness, braving the bullets to approach the front.

They were roaring, the "grumbling" sound kept ringing, one after another bullets hit them, slowing their footsteps, their stumbling posture was more obvious, as if dragging the remains. Moving step by step.

"Humm! Humm!"

This is the sound of a grenade.

"Boom! Boom!" For a moment, there was an explosion in the darkness, several flames rose, and the demon was suddenly torn apart in the powerful shock wave.

As the flame dissipated, the darkness fell silent, and looking forward, the swaying shadow was gone.

Although it is dark outside, the soldiers have night vision in their helmets. Although they cannot be as clear as day, they can see things in the dark, and they can see the situation in the sewer ahead.

Several demons have been wiped out, and only a pool of ground meat is left in that area, and in the distance, it is quiet, the figure of the demons is not there, only the water in the ditch is slowly flowing.


At the corner of the sewer, a figure suddenly swayed. This was noticed by a soldier on the front line, and he let out a beating.

"What do you see?" The soldier yelled, causing the comrades around him to question.

"It seems to see someone."


"It's a devil, no one exists here."

This is a sewer, even if there are no demons, no one will come here.

Regarding what he saw just now, the soldier said with certainty: "No, I am sure it is a human. If the devil had rushed over, he would not escape."

This is also true, the words of the soldiers caused the comrades on the front to discuss in a low voice.

"Would you like to report to Sergeant Ming? The demon that appeared this time was said to have been made by a demon warlock. Maybe it was him who I saw just now."

At this point, the soldiers were stunned, why didn't they expect it?

"Report to the sergeant chief!" a soldier said quickly.

They were not the only ones in the sewers. Behind the line, a large number of soldiers were sitting and resting on the spot.

Among those soldiers, one of them is the chief sergeant of this first-level squadron.

"Why didn't you say it earlier, how long has it been?" Hearing the report from his subordinates, the sergeant was furious.

"About a minute or so."

One minute?

Upon hearing this, the sergeant commander hurriedly commanded loudly, "Leave half of them, and the rest will follow me and chase!"

After finishing speaking, the sergeant rushed out first, and after him were the soldiers who acted quickly.

Due to his order, a commotion arose in the darkness, and the soldiers resting on the spot quickly stood up and chased the figure in the front.

In the dark sewer, dense footsteps suddenly sounded.

Amidst the sound of "Zhengzheng" footsteps, the figures of the soldiers running in succession, following the figure in the front, chasing deeper into the sewer.

Although the route of the sewer is complicated, the defensive line of this sergeant is a winding sewer, and the nearest lane is also two miles away. Why did the sergeant order a chase because he knew that the target could not leave this line in a short time. Sewers, as long as they are fast enough, they can catch up before the target enters other forks.

"Da da!"

It was not calm in the darkness. Soon after leaving the line, the soldiers who were pursuing encountered the demon in the sewer.

The soldiers in the aisles on both sides of the canal pulled the trigger while running.

With a burst of "sudden" flame jets, the visible bullets hit the darkness, hitting the demon's fragile body.

After a few roars of "Guru Guru", the demon was torn to pieces by bullets and fell down.

The green liquid and minced meat rolled into the canal. As soon as it entered the water, the boiling mist rose, and the water in the canal seemed to boil.

With a light leap, the soldiers running in the dark passed over the demon's corpse and continued to chase.


After chasing for less than five minutes, the sergeant who was chasing in the forefront saw the figure fleeing in the dark with the aid of night vision.

It was a human being. Although he was wearing a robe, his fleeing posture was no different from that of a human being. When he saw this, the sergeant yelled at him.

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