Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1122: Childe

But how could he stop, the speed of fleeing was faster, and the figure was quite panicked.

In the sewer ahead, several demons were wandering, but the demons did not attack him and let him run by.

Seeing this scene, how could the sergeant not know that they caught a big fish.

"Quick fight, use a grenade, can't let him run away."

With an order, the sergeant commander took the lead in changing the attack mode of the gun in his hand and switched to the grenade mode.

"Humm! Humm!"

With the sound of the unique gunfire, several flame jets, an explosion occurred in the distant darkness.

Fireball after fire surging, burst, and instantly tore the wandering demons.

At this time, the soldiers were closer to the fleeing figure, and he was still fleeing in panic.


At this time, in the darkness farther away, a burst of demon roars suddenly sounded, the voices were continuous, and the number seemed to be very alarming, which made the master chief's face change.

Obviously, there is a group of demons ahead. If that guy escapes into the group of demons, their pursuit will fail.

In the helmet, the sergeant's face was fierce, and he resolutely said, "Kill him!"

The Chief Sergeant's original idea was to catch the mouth, and because of this, he did not attack him.

But now, the sergeant understood very well that it was impossible to stay alive, and he would escape into the demons before catching up with him.

Looking ahead over the fleeing figure, the shaking figure of the demon is clearly visible.

With the command of the Sergeant Chief, the soldiers running ahead slightly raised their guns and aimed at the "target", and the fingers on the trigger were slightly pressed.

At this moment, the sound of "crashing" suddenly sounded.

In the darkness, a figure ran wildly in the canal. His speed was extremely fast, turning into a black figure and passing by the soldiers running in the aisle one by one, surpassing the front sergeant in a few breaths.

His appearance also caused the soldiers to suspend their attack.

It was a dark iron warrior, a dark iron warrior who came from behind.

After surpassing the sergeant, he jumped up from the canal, and when he landed, he stopped with a "bang" sound. Under the powerful explosive force, the ground shattered, and the steel body of the black iron fighter flew out like a cannonball. .

In just an instant, he caught up with the fleeing figure ahead.

The strong wind hit behind him, and the fleeing figure seemed to perceive something. He folded his body and suddenly jumped to the other side of the aisle.

This made the black iron warriors unable to regain their strength and could only rush forward a few steps.

On the other side of the aisle, seeing the steel figure of the dark iron warrior, Childe who was fleeing showed a look of shock, and his footsteps became more panic. Not far away, the demon's "gurgling" roar, yes Childe's only hope.

But he would not do what he wanted. In his horrified gaze, the black iron warrior who landed on the ground leaped slightly and stopped in front of Childe.

With a pause, Childe who was fleeing quickly stopped.

Because in front of him, the sharp point of the sword was directly facing him, less than a few centimeters from his face.


The two sides held a stalemate for less than two seconds, and the dark iron warrior turned his sword around and patted Childe with the sword.

It's not that the Black Iron Warrior is careless, but the Black Iron Warrior can feel that the guy in front of him is weak and pitiful.

As the Dark Iron Warrior thought, Child did not react to the slap of the sword, allowing the sword to slap him on the neck.

Under the slap, Childe fainted without resistance, and his robe fell to the ground.

Before falling, the Dark Iron Warrior grabbed him and put him on his shoulders.

At this time, not far from the darkness, the devil was attacking.

They are everywhere in the canal and the aisle, and there are a large number of little demons rolling fast in the aisle.

"Withdraw! Withdraw immediately!"

Seeing that the Dark Iron Warrior had captured the target, the Sergeant Commander quickly issued an order to retreat.

With an order, the running soldiers stopped, switched heads and tails, turned to evacuate in the direction they had come, and ran in the sewer at full speed. The sound of the "clank" footsteps rang.

The dark iron warriors also carried Childe behind the soldiers. In terms of running speed, although the soldiers are not as good as the dark iron warriors who raid at full force, they are much faster than ordinary people with the auxiliary power of the power combat uniform. .

However, it’s no good to be faster than ordinary people. Although most demons are not very fast, the most dexterous little demons are not included in this list. They are light in body and roll at an amazing speed, much faster than the running of soldiers. Up.

Fortunately, they are too fragile, and the narrow sewer also affects their advantage in collective charge.

Even though they were evacuating, the soldiers at the back did not forget to make some trouble for the little demon who was pursuing them.

Accompanied by the gunshots of "Tom Tom", a violent explosion occurred.

The bursting flames and shock waves blocked the progress of the little demon.

In the battle and retreat, about a quarter of an hour later, the chased soldiers finally returned to the line.

"The devil is coming, everyone is ready to fight!"

Before reaching the front line, at a long distance away, the sergeant chief at the back of the team used the communicator to remind the soldiers on the front line.

As the chasing soldiers returned to the front line one by one, the battle in the sewers started soon after.

The battle was fierce, lasting for a full hour before it ended, and the garrisoned line moved back several hundred meters.

The space in the sewers is too narrow. In order to maximize firepower, the soldiers can only shoot alternately.

For example, for a first-class noncommissioned officer team, because the sewer space is narrow, the aisles on both sides of the canal can only stand two people side by side. A hundred people can stretch for hundreds of meters in the sewer. Due to the small space, only a few people can shoot at the same time. , The so-called alternation is to let the soldiers who can shoot at full fire, light up the ammunition at the fastest speed, then leave from the ditch, and give the shooting position to the soldiers who are ready behind. In this way, the front line will Moved back several hundred meters.

Of course, but after combat technology, the soldiers will return to the designated front.

This is a last resort, and it is precisely because of this that the soldiers can only adapt to changes.

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