Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1123: kill

The capture of Childe was an accident and a surprise.

Although he knew that Childe was still in Marani, the First Army also paid great attention to this person.

But where he was, the First Army did not know, and could only seal off the gates and closely monitor the personnel entering and exiting.

The only thing the First Army didn't expect was that he didn't go anywhere, so he stayed in the sewer.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, there is a good explanation for why he stayed in the sewer.

The reason is not complicated. It is nothing more than the response ability of the First Legion is too fast. After the devil appeared, the blockade was completed in less than half an hour, which gave Childe no time to escape.

When he was about to leave the sewer, he found that every exit was guarded by soldiers of the First Legion. Although the sewer was sufficiently concealed, it was also closed enough to hide people, but it was also a cage.

After capturing Childe, the good news was immediately reported to Natasha. At the same time, Childe was also secretly sent to the prison in the west of the city.

After Childe was captured, the dark clouds that filled Marani city finally dispersed. At this point, all members of the Hessian Guild in Marani city were arrested.

It was late at night, and at this time in the military government, the lights in Natasha's exclusive office were still on.


A piece of information that popped up on the screen surprised Natasha.

At this time, the screen flickered, and Sha's tiny figure appeared.

She explained: "Just now! Childe was captured in the sewer and is now in a prison west of the city."

Natasha is no stranger to Childe, because he is the culprit of this demon incident. The First Legion has been looking for this person and must be captured.

He is too dangerous, as long as he is in Marani for a day, Marani is under threat.

Before, the First Legion had been worrying about how to capture Childe who was hiding in the dark, but he did not expect that just tonight, the existence that had been worrying the First Legion would be caught.

This is something Natasha never expected.

However, this is a good thing, and for Natasha, it can be regarded as a problem solved.

"Do you have information about him?" Natasha asked.

The screen flickered, and a photo appeared on the screen, a very permeating photo.

The picture shows a person, a person who is not human. His skin is scarlet and his body is covered with abscesses. There are densely packed abscesses. Some of the abscesses even ruptured, and the white liquid is flowing out, especially that. The face is even more terrifying. There is a huge abscess on the left face, like a sarcoma, the surface is puffy, like a lump of rotten meat hanging on the face, so is the smooth head, which is covered with dense numbers. The abscesses, the whole person looks, not only oozing, but also disgusting.

Only the upper body is revealed in the photo, and the lower body does not look miserable.

"He is very dangerous. According to the test, his flesh and blood are as corrosive as the devil, but he is not as strong in terms of strength. Now he has been isolated to avoid contact with others."

This kind of permeating appearance made Natasha a question in her heart.

Natasha asked, "Is he alive or dead?"

If he was a living person, he had already died in pain in such an appearance. If he was a dead person, he was still alive. This made Natasha very curious what kind of state he was at this time.

"Neither dead nor living." This is Sha's answer.

In Natasha's puzzled gaze, Sha replied: "According to the test results, although his body is active, all parts of his body have been ulcerated and the ulceration is very thorough. If compared with the human body, he should have died long ago. However, he is still alive. It seems that there is a force that cannot be explained by science to maintain his life. His current state should belong to a kind of "semi-demonized"."

After hearing this, Natasha finally understood.

It seems that this is a kind of reward for believing in demons. For fallen people who believe in demons, what the demons like is also what they like. The form of demons is also what they yearn for. They will change themselves unconsciously. , In order to achieve the devil's aesthetics.

Just like the demons that appeared in Marani this time, in the eyes of humans, they are extremely ugly.

But in the eyes of the devil, this is the greatest manifestation of pain.

"General! How to deal with him? Devil is not a good kind, he is also very dangerous as a demon believer. A little carelessness may cause new disasters."

What to do?

Natasha did not hesitate on this point. The devil is the enemy, and of course the devil’s followers are.


In the hood, Natasha's cold voice rang.

Although there is only one word, it is enough to show Natasha's attitude on the matter.

"Remember to clean up the aftermath, so that even a drop of blood can't remain." Natasha reminded again, who was worried.

You can't be too careful with demons. Demons are polluting, and any residue will pollute the human body and spirit.

The main reason for the frequent recurrence of wars between humans and demons is that the aftermath of the war has not been properly handled.

In the battle against the devil, even if human beings win, there is a possibility of being contaminated by the devil.

Once contaminated by the devil, he will become a fallen one, and he will be separated from the ranks of mankind. Once he becomes a believer of the devil, he will become the new enemy of mankind.


As the screen flickered, Sha's tiny figure disappeared.

Sha left and did not leave, because Sha is an intelligent AI, she is everywhere where there is a network, and the virtual characters are only needed for the image, which makes them look more anthropomorphic.

They look emotional. They can laugh and cry by using virtual images, and do some very human-like actions, but they are all fake. They only learn through learning and know that doing so will make the people they serve happy. All you have is thinking and calculation.

Although mechanical consciousness is not non-existent, intelligent AI will also evolve and evolve the ability to think about itself, but this process is a long one.

Of course, this is not absolute, because the first legion has a "BUG"-like existence like the main brain. In a sense, the main brain can be called mechanical consciousness, and its existence is even more peculiar, not just Mechanical consciousness is so simple.

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