Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1124: Financial constraints

In the hood, Natasha's expression slowed down a lot.

Childe is captured, and the next biggest threat is only the demons from the sewers. As long as the demons from the sewers are cleared, order in Marani City will be restored again.

For Natasha, she was finally able to focus on the election.

The establishment of a new government is not an easy task. The election of members and the chairman of the parliament is only one of them. The most important thing is a good political system. The high-level system is the simplest. The more you go down, the more the management system becomes. Complex, these need to be formulated in advance by the First Army.

Although the formulation of the system does not require Natasha to participate, the First Army has talents in this area, but as the actual power holder of Bentley, Natasha must always pay attention to the formulation of the system and at some point Own opinion.

For Natasha, tonight is as short as usual.

Compared to Natasha's busy schedule, Li Meng is undoubtedly much more leisurely.

When night comes, he always has a hobby, that is, hot springs.

Hedonism is a spiritual instinct for any species, and resistance is not necessary.

The hot water was rippling, and the courtyard was filled with heat. When it rose to a certain height, the billowing mist disappeared again.

In the hot spring, in the mist, Li Meng leaned his back against the pool comfortably, slumbering with his eyes closed.

Tonight, only Sakuya is with Li Meng.

The slender figure stood quietly in the aisle behind Li Meng, quietly looking at the figure in the hot spring.


Eyelids moved slightly, Li Meng opened his eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

Feeling the hot water hitting him, and looking at the rippling water, Li Meng whispered: "I can't stay in Bentley for a few days. Although it is good here, it is not a place to stay for a long time. Go back immediately after the meeting. The civil affairs of Nanlin Island should also have a constitution. You can't leave everything to the security team, and the name is not very good."

Sakuya’s expression remained unchanged, she just responded with a light voice: “Nanlin Island is not big, and the civil system does not need to be too complicated. Let’s set up a district government to assist the First Army Corps in managing the civil affairs of Nanlin Island. ."

"That's OK!" Li Meng affirmed Sakuya's suggestion.

Although Nanlin Island is not large, as the headquarters of the First Army Corps, this place will develop sooner or later. In the future, the entire Nanlin Island may become a large-scale city, and it will be decentralized in civil affairs. The First Army cannot focus on civil affairs.

"After you go back, you are responsible for this matter. Whether the appointment of the district chief is an election or an internal decision, you can handle it yourself. This matter must be resolved as soon as possible. This year’s rapid development, the First Army is Time to stop and digest the fruits of victory."

Although Li Meng did not want to admit it, the series of wars launched by the First Army have already caused the First Army to make ends meet. Once Bentley stabilizes, it will not be able to bring much benefit to the First Army in a short period of time. , Maybe you have to invest a sum of money to help it build.

On the battlefield outside of Austria, although the First Army avoided the war and supported the Danlan Kingdom to fight the unification war, the support required funds, so the First Army would give Regarding the arms money loaned by the Danlan Kingdom, although the First Army could make a lot of money in it in the end, this benefit will not be seen in a short time, and a large amount of money needs to be invested.

Billions of munitions are of course not available to the First Army today, and can only use the time difference to provide the Danlan Kingdom with the munitions it needs.

Although Li Meng doesn't care, he is very concerned about finances. Li Meng has reviewed every financial expenditure of the First Army. Li Meng knew nothing more about the current finances of the First Army.

Nowadays, although the scale of the First Army is very large, the source of funds is very small. The source of funds is taxation. This is negligible, because the First Army only conducts business on Nanlin Island. Taxation, Nanlin Island is not big, and of course the taxes are pitifully small.

The second is from the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce. In the past year, the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce has developed well. There are supermarkets in each acropolis of Kyoto. On Nanlin Island, there are several transport ships full of goods going there every month. Within the sphere of influence of Kyoto, but because it is a foreign business, the interests will be exploited layer by layer. Although the interests obtained are there, they are not so gratifying. It is precisely because of this that the industries under the influence of Kyoto are carried out by the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce. The restrictions are now only involved in the retail industry, and the scale is also limited to the supermarket level. Nevertheless, every month, the First Army’s finances will receive one to two billion yuan from the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce.

The third is Bentley Country. This is also a source of funds that has just been obtained. Bentley Country is rich in raw crystal. The first legion in the original crystal mining industry has been completely controlled. The original crystal mines everywhere are fully mining. The output of the original crystal ore of various colors that have been discovered, if all mined, can provide the first legion with an original crystal worth 100 billion crystal coins. Of course, this takes time, and the mining of the original crystal ore is not easy.

The income of several hundred million a month, although it seems to be very high, is far from enough compared to the entire consumption of the First Army, especially in wartime, the consumption of funds is even greater.

Although it is not necessary to stop the war and rest, it is time for the First Army to converge.

Nanlin Island, Bentley Country, and the Outlying Region of Austria, these three places add up, the territory is already sufficient, and the resources are not lacking, enough for the First Army to perform.

War depends on national power, and a stable rear is the most important thing. It is impossible to achieve only by plunder.

The First Army understands very well, and Li Meng also understands that although the real rear of the First Army is "Ayre", this rear is not stable because the two places are too far apart, and once there is a problem with the network connecting the two places , The First Army will be in desperate situation, so the First Army must establish a large domestic rear.

Li Meng has always had this idea, but the conditions are not allowed. But now, this condition is about to be met. As long as the outland of Ogeria is unified, the First Army can rely on these three places on this planet. The real has a place.

This is the first step.

"Yes! I'll make arrangements after I go back." Sakiya responded softly.

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