Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1125: Conference hall

Sakiya is quite familiar with Nanlin Island. Whether it’s elections or an internal decision, a civil management system can be set up very quickly. This is not a difficult task. After all, Qingcheng is still relatively small now, with only tens of thousands of people. That's it.

Leaving slightly, Li Meng in the water stood up, and the entertainment tonight ends here.

It was late at night.

Leaving from the hot spring, taking the bathrobe that Sakuya handed over, Li Meng put it on.

In the slight sound of footsteps, the two gradually disappeared into the courtyard.

As the two left, the courtyards all over the hot springs returned to calm, only the heat rising from the surface of the water continued, as if it would never stop.

The night is long and short.

When the night is gone and the light falls, a new day begins.

Today, for Bentley, it is destined to be an extraordinary day.

The election of the president of the parliament was conducted with the members, but the time was delayed by one day.

Compared with the election of members, the election of the President of Parliament is more grand.

Early in the morning, in the largest square in Marani, the First Army prepared a huge venue.

This afternoon, at the exact time, 26 parliamentarians from all over the country will gather in Marani City to witness the birth of the President of Parliament.

Compared to yesterday, today's Marani City has slightly recovered some popularity, and the people's fear of demons is disappearing.

When order was restored on the surface, the First Army also launched a final battle against the demons in the sewers in the west blockade.

The earth concealed everything well, except for the faint gunshots that could be heard underground in the urban area around the blockade, a slightly further distance was covered by the noise of the city.

In the sewers, after the reloading, 36 first-level non-commissioned officers equipped with a large number of grenade guns began to push deeper into the sewers. For a while, the sewers rumbling loudly, explosions and flashing flames everywhere.

Under the bursting flame, the darkness was removed.

Although the power of the grenade gun is great, the damage to the sewers is amazing, and some places even collapsed, causing many soldiers to end their missions early and hand over the task of clearing the devil to friendly forces on other routes.

Just as Li Meng said, the soldiers used a defensive stance to advance, the enemy forced us to retreat, and gradually eliminated the demons in the sewer.

Time passed little by little in the battle, and the battle continued until the afternoon.

Marani City, in the military government.

"The battle went smoothly. Although many troops were hit by a large number of demons, they were all successfully wiped out. According to the degree of battle, the demons in the sewers were far below the number we expected. They are gone and eliminated. Sooner or later, the cleanup of the sewers has now been completed 60%, and the battle is expected to end in the early morning."

In Natasha's exclusive office, Shana's tiny figure appeared on the screen in front of Natasha, reporting to Natasha about the task of cleaning up the sewers.

In the hood, Natasha's expression remained unchanged.

The previous worries about loss were only the disadvantages of the terrain and the wrong estimation of the number of demons.

It now appears that the remaining demons pose no threat to the First Army.

Think about the battle that night, there are already some traces of this result.

Demons are bloodthirsty monsters. After they appear in the material world, the first thing to do is to kill, killing all living beings. They cannot stay in the sewer consciously, nor can they hide in the sewer because of danger.

The battle in the blockade is the main force of the demons, and the remaining demons in the sewers are just some remaining demons who have not kept up with the large forces.

For Natasha, this is certainly good news.

In this way, tomorrow's conference will be held without any worries.

Letting go of the devil, Natasha thought about the election.

In the hood, Natasha spoke slightly and asked: "How is the election of the presidency?"

"In the process, Sergeant Jevrich is maintaining order at the scene. A large number of people have poured into the square, and parliamentarians from various places have also arrived at the venue. There is still one hour before the final announcement."

Natasha asked again: "Who has the highest approval rating?"

"Filide, a quartermaster of the former Marani military government, is also the leader of the revolutionary faction. Since the election, his approval rate has been much higher than that of the second place. Up to now, it has been higher than 20. percentage point."


In the hood, Natasha's expression was clear, this person was right.

The First Corps did not fail to say anything about the promise of the revolutionaries and the rebels. In this election, the First Corps gave some support to these two factions, and the support for Fei Lid was the most obvious. maximum.

Fei Lide is also the first president of Parliament appointed by the new government.

"General! It's still early, do you go to the scene for inspection?"

"No, just leave this to Jevrich, I don't need to come forward."

Natasha rejected Sha’s proposal without hesitation.

Tomorrow's meeting is the most important meeting. It is the time when the first legion will hand over the rights to the new government when the new government is announced. In this meeting, Natasha will come forward with the owner.

At this moment, in the city of Marani, on the central square, a spectacular scene that Bentley has never seen before broke out.

Amidst the buzzing voices of people, the huge central square was already crowded with crowds, and black and heavy figures stretched to the streets outside the square. When more than 100,000 people gathered together, the crowds could no longer describe this magnificence.

At this moment, the crowd burst into cheers. On the conference stage, 26 congressmen walked onto the conference stage one by one with a smile, and they waved to the cheering crowd.

Being watched and cheered by more than 100,000 people, apart from being nervous, they still have pride.

On the podium of the conference platform, it was not the First Legion who presided over it, but an old man who was slightly older.

He is not an ordinary person, but an official of the former military government in charge of other civil affairs. He has experience in such matters, so the First Army gave him the venue of this meeting.

He is dressed in a gray long dress, and although his face is a bit old, he still looks healthy.

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