Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1130: Important day

"Then I will wait with peace of mind."

After speaking, Li Meng smiled slightly, did not let go of Natasha, but moved forward slightly, occupying the rosy lips.

When her lips were attacked, Natasha had to let go of her hand pushing her master's chest, supporting the table with both hands, silently catering.

Natasha did not know that her catering was like encouragement to Li Meng.

Originally Li Meng just wanted to bully Natasha before leaving, but now Li Meng wants more.


At this moment, the door was knocked suddenly.

The knock on the door undoubtedly disturbed Li Meng's interest, and Li Meng could only regretfully leave from Natasha's exquisite body.

"Your Highness! It's time to rest." From behind the door, a light voice sounded.

It's Sakuya.

Sakuya is here, and of course the two can't continue.

Regrettably, he glanced at Natasha, leaned forward, and dipped on the ruddy lips again. In speechlessness, in Natasha's soft gaze, Li Meng left and walked to the door.

When Li Meng opened the door, he saw the slender figure of Sakuya behind the door.

As the door was closed again, two figures walked one after another in the long corridor.

It was late at night.

The night is long, especially tonight.

For the soldiers in the blockade, the multi-day battle is finally over.

In the sewers, as the teams of noncommissioned officers converge, the elimination of the devil has come to an end.

At two o'clock in the morning, as the last gunshot fell, the last demon fell. At this point, the battle was over.

Marani city has also restored order.

This is not the end. For the soldiers, the battle tonight is not over yet, and the sewers need to be cleaned up, and the demon corpses in the sewers must be burned.

In the busy aftermath work, the long night just left unknowingly.

When the darkness fades and the light falls, Marani has ushered in a new day.

Today, it is destined to be a day like no other.

Compared with the noise of yesterday, today, the people of all cities in Bentley have gradually returned to the original rhythm of life.

For the election, for the civilians, it is just one more topic that can be discussed on weekdays.

When discussing, I will be amazed by the grand and magnificent scenery of those few days.

But today, it is the most significant day for Bentley.

The upcoming conference is like the founding ceremony. After this conference, the new government can truly have rights and be recognized by the First Army.

Early in the morning, the small hill on the outskirts of the military government became lively.

Vehicles of all kinds drove up the winding mountain road towards the Commander’s Mansion on the mountain.

When the sun rises until the sky is high, the courtyard of the military government is already full of vehicles. At a glance, there are dozens of vehicles.

Not only are there in the courtyard, there are also cars parked on the side of the road outside.

Not only the parliamentarians, but also celebrities from all walks of life in Bentley, and some local businessmen were invited by the First Army to witness the establishment of the new government.

With the arrival of the invited people, the hall became more and more lively.

Many people have taken their seats in the observer seats and deputy seats.

There are many Bentley countries, but the upper circle is very small. Whether businessmen or politicians, they are familiar with each other in the era of military government.

Gathering together on this important day today, there is no need to say hello and communicate.

This caused whispers in the hall, and people in twos and threes gathered together to talk.

There is still a while before the start of the meeting. Many people have arrived, and some have not yet arrived.

"President Lockes! I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect to see you here. Look at what I said. With the reputation of the Chamber of Commerce, if President Lockes is not invited, what qualifications do we people have? Everyone said yes. Isn't it?"

"Of course, I knew that President Lockes must be on the invitation list."

"President Lockes, please take care of my little brother's business in the future."

Seeing that his way was blocked, Lockes smiled faintly. Of course, Lockes would not show his face to these "comrades" in front of him.

He said very politely: "You are welcome. Although Huixing Chamber of Commerce involves many industries, but the main industry is planting and "vintage". In the future, Huixing Chamber of Commerce will ask you to take care of it."

"Be humble. In such a large Bentley country, only President Lockes can develop smoothly in the territory of the three commanders. This makes me very envious. Now Bentley is finally unified. Even for the sake of oneness, I don’t know what President Locks thinks about the future? I also ask President Locks to enlighten us so that people like us can have a long eye."

"Yes, we really believe in the vision of President Lockes, and I would like to ask President Lockes for advice."

In response to the requests of his colleagues, Lockes' expression was still very calm. He just shook his head and slowly said: "The previous "statement" was complicated, but for me, the worst result was nothing but "profit." As long as there is money, there will be no "difficult things" for the loss on the front. But now, although the situation is clear, the road ahead is very blurred. Now this "potential" lies in the First Army. For me, The only thing that can be done is to follow the "trend" of the First Army. Don't think too much or think too much. As for how to do the future, how to seize the opportunity, it's up to you."

At what Locks said, the few people looked at each other thoughtfully.

Although they don't understand it very well, they all understand the general meaning.

At this time, one person came along the aisle.

He said to the people who stopped in front of Lockes: "Everyone! Excuse me, I have something to discuss with President Lockes. Please make it easy."

The words of the visitors caused several people to turn their heads and look around. At this look, several people were taken aback.

One person hurriedly said: "It turned out to be Senator Leiros. Since the Senator has important matters to discuss, how dare we stop it? Please feel free."

With that, the few people who stopped Locks quickly dispersed.

Seeing the few people leaving in a hurry, Lockes smiled and sighed: "This right is really a good thing."

At least it can be feared, and it is what people want to get.

"If you want to be an adult, the position of the head of parliament is within reach."

Lelos’ words made Locks look back at him. At this moment, Locks’ expression was quite serious and reminded: “Lellos! Now you are a councillor, and I am no longer a grown-up, now I am Not an instructor, just an ordinary businessman, whether it's a rebel or a revolutionary, from now on, don't mention it. This is for your good and Bentley."

With a slight expression, Lilos nodded. He knew the meaning of Lockes' words.

Now the owner of Bentley is the First Army. The revolutionaries and the Resistance Army are gone. Their identities must be completely changed. If they are still involved in their previous status, the First Army will not allow them to exist. .

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