Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1131: The way forward

"Let's talk! What can I do?" Locks asked.

Lockes didn't know the purpose of Lylos, but at this time, there shouldn't be anything too important.

With a faint smile, Lilos said softly: "It doesn't matter too much. Those of us can sit in our current position, thanks to the help of President Lockes. I just came to say hello on their behalf, and thank you. In the future, if there is no official business involved, President Lockes will still be our good friend. After all, we have shared the same thoughts and worked together. This connection cannot be broken by breaking it."


Locks looked sideways and lifted up the deputy seat. In those many positions, Locks could see many familiar people. In the past, those people were his subordinates, and they were fighting for a common goal. .

Lockes didn't have too many thoughts about the change of identity. It was his own choice to give up rights. He didn't want to fight, and he didn't want to fight. For this kind of result, Lockes most wanted to see.

With a slight sigh, Lockes said deeply: "You have to rely on yourselves for the future. The future of Bentley is in your hands. Worry and worry, it is enough for you to have this heart. "

After speaking, Locks said to Lelos: "Go back quickly. You, a congressman, walked down from the deputy seat to the audience seat and talked to me. It has attracted the attention of many people. Don't arouse criticism at this time."

Lelos understands Locks's concerns. His current status is a member of Parliament, and his every move involves the majesty of the new government. In this position, some things cannot be too random.

Nodding lightly, Lelos said: "President Lockes said, I will go back now."

"Go back!" Locks said softly.

Under Locks's gaze, Lelos turned and left, heading for the deputy seat.

At this time, in the hall, the people who should be there are almost there, which makes the hall noisy.

At a glance, there are no fewer than a hundred people in the spectator seats.

At the gates at the two corners of the Great Hall, occasionally someone would push in.

By this time, the 26 members of Congress have almost arrived, and the businessmen and celebrities from all walks of life have basically arrived.

"It's the President of Parliament, the President of Parliament is here."

With a burst of suppressed discussion, the noisy hall became much quieter in an instant.

Countless people looked at the gate, and in the aisle of the gate, the conference leader "diligently" was walking alone.

His steps were not hurried or slow, and he seemed to ignore the hundreds of eyes in the Great Hall, and walked his own way.

Following the aisle, he came to the deputy seat area and sat down on the first seat.

As soon as he sat down, a member of Parliament asked Fei Lide, "President! What do you think of this meeting today? Although the First Army Corps was going to hold an important meeting, it did not inform about the content of the meeting. Let me wait for some doubts in my heart, and ask the President of Parliament to clarify."

At this point, the congressmen sitting here turned their gazes to Lilid. They were also puzzled about this and wanted to know the content of this meeting.

Facing the gazes of his colleagues, Fei Lide looked calm. He calmly said: "I don't know the specifics, but it is not difficult to figure out. Although the new government has been established, we still don't know the power structure. The next meeting should announce the details of the new government’s power structure, as well as some policies."

That should be the case. The congressman thought about the laborious calculation.

At this time, Fei Lide said again: "Just wait with peace of mind. The meeting is about to begin. By then, we will naturally know."

This is also...

The expression was slightly relaxed, and in their seats, the congressmen waited with peace of mind.

While waiting, the time has finally come.

"Zhengzheng" footsteps sounded, the gate of the Great Hall was pushed open, and several groups of soldiers poured into the Great Hall.

On the aisle behind the Great Hall, the soldiers stopped, lined up and stood guard with guns, guarding the order of the Great Hall.

The appearance of the soldiers aroused one after another eyes.

At this time, the broadcast in the Great Hall rang to remind the crowd in the Great Hall that the meeting was about to begin.

At this moment, the noisy noise in the Great Hall disappeared, and everyone remained quiet.

At this moment, in the dedicated passage next to the chairperson, the closed door was opened, and a group of people walked out of it.

Suddenly Li Meng was walking in the front, he was dressed in black with a faint smile on his face.

Behind them are Sakiya and Natasha. Today, the two are dressed very formally, as usual soldiers dressed in black armor, hoods, and cloaks.

After that, it was Wendy. As the captain of the guards, Li Meng only brought her to this meeting. Today, Wendy's dress is still the usual one, wearing a black Gothic dress.

Although there were only four people, their appearance undoubtedly attracted the attention of everyone in the Great Hall.

This is the "special envoy"?

Before the meeting was held, many people had heard that this meeting would be attended by "special envoys" dispatched by the top ranks of the First Army, but the "special envoys" were undoubtedly unfamiliar to everyone.

Black hair, black eyes, and thin body made many people breathe a sigh of relief.

The First Legion is too mysterious. People who can come into contact with it are hidden under the armor. This makes many people wonder whether the body under that armor is human.

Today, this "special envoy" was the first face they saw in the First Army. This broke the mystery of the First Army and brought down the hearts of many people.

What a beautiful woman...

When I saw Wendy who was following Li Meng, the bundled black hair and beautiful face aroused many people's amazement and attracted more attention.

There is envy, there is wonder, and even more amazing.

Regardless of appearance or temperament, to most people in the Great Hall, such a beautiful woman is something they have never seen before.

At this moment, Li Meng ushered in a lot of jealous eyes.

Although the four of them were very sensitive to their eyes, they all chose to ignore them at this moment.

In this kind of occasion, you must have a forgiving heart and try to ignore what you can ignore.

On the chairperson, the three of them were seated one by one. Only Wendy stood behind Li Meng. She stood quietly, her cold face expressionless. Only when she looked at the master in front of her, the cold face was Will be slightly soft.

After the three people were seated, the meeting was announced.

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