Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1132: Responsibility and ability

It was Jevric that presided over the meeting today. As the opening of a major meeting, Jevric got rid of Mandarin and went straight to the topic.

On the podium, Jevrich said slowly: "Today, the new government is officially announced. Under your witness, the old age of Bentley has gone, and a new dawn is ushered in a new journey. , The First Army is just a monitor. The future of Bentley rests with you. Today, the new government will take over the power from the First Army. Starting today, in the next three months, the First Army will withdraw its troops from the city and strive to To return the government to the people, in order to ensure the safety of major cities, under the law, each councilor and each city can form a tens of thousands of guards to be responsible for urban defense and urban security. The weapons needed are provided by the First Army. Uniformly equipped..."

On the radio, Jevric’s words echoed in the Great Hall.

There are many things to say and many things to do, but today, Jevrich only needs to say.

Sentence after sentence on the broadcast, for Members and everyone, there are joys and worries.

There are reasons for happiness, and there are also reasons for worry.

Whether they are happy or sad, they all have the right to be happy.

After all, no policy can achieve the best of both worlds, nor can it satisfy everyone.

The meeting lasted for a long time, and the content of the meeting also said a lot, involving the power structure of the new government, and also promulgated some laws, covering a wide range of issues, and lasted until the afternoon.

During the meeting, Li Meng did not speak, he just sat quietly in the chairmanship, watching the development of the situation.

At this meeting, Li Meng was just a witness, representing the First Army to witness the birth of the new government.

Its special status can be regarded as a kind of support of the First Army for the new government, a kind of expression.

At the national level, although it does not seem necessary, some forms are needed.

At 16:20 in the afternoon, with warm applause, the meeting came to an end.

Leaving the Great Hall, in the corridor, the discussion of the crowd never stopped.

As witnesses, the businessmen and people from all walks of life in the audience are the disseminators of the new government.

They will spread what they have seen and heard today.

The businessmen left, and celebrities from all walks of life also left. Only the parliamentarians and the president of parliament remained.

Marani City is the capital and the political center of the House of Representatives is still under planning. Before the completion of the construction of the House of Representatives, with the approval of the First Army, the military government of Marani City will become the temporary political center of the new government.

Night is approaching. When the noise of the military government disappears as the crowds leave, in a certain meeting room of the military government, a meeting is in progress under the convocation of the parliament president "diligently".

At the huge round table, 26 parliamentarians were sitting upright, and in the first place were strenuous.

Looking around the congressmen, he said in a solemn voice: "Delegation of power by the First Army is a good thing for the new government. It is also a test. It tests our ability. Three months is the time limit. During these three months, we must Decentralize the power structure of the new government to each city. During these three months, the city's management system must be improved."

Speaking of this, Fei Lide said: "Early tomorrow morning, all members will immediately return to the cities under their jurisdiction. With the assistance of the First Army, they will complete the alternation of power. What follows depends on the ability of all members."

Under the laborious gaze, all the MPs remained silent, thinking secretly.

Right represents responsibility, and responsibility depends on everyone's ability.

Ability has nothing to do with the approval rate. At this moment, many people feel the pressure.

Of course, some Members will be much easier.

After all, there are large and small cities in Bentley Country, with hundreds of thousands of large cities, and only tens of thousands of small cities.

For small cities, the structure of political power is not difficult, and it is undoubtedly much easier for parliamentarians to govern small cities.

Speaking of this, Fei Lide reminded: "The city-state parliamentary system tests the ability of the councillors. Even if the city is small, it also has the potential for development. Every year, I will conduct a comprehensive evaluation based on the situation of each city. If the development rate is less than 20%, I will enforce the power of the President of Parliament and impose certain penalties. Those who have fallen below the passing line for two consecutive years will be dismissed from their posts."

Upon hearing this, many Members looked at each other with bitter expressions.

A congressman even said: "President! Although there are 26 cities in Bentley, 11 of them are agricultural and grain-producing areas, and the number of people is only tens of thousands. How should these cities develop? The arable land is so large. , You can't tear down the city wall and expand the cultivated land, right?"

Another congressman also seconded: "Yes, the city under my jurisdiction is a pasture for raising livestock. The area of ​​the city is that big. If the area of ​​the pasture is expanded, the city wall must be demolished. How can this be done?"

Regarding the complaints of the congressmen, the expression of Lilid has not changed much.

He just said indifferently: "The era of the military government has long passed. Now is the era of the new government. Do you still want to continue to implement the military government? Now the cities are developing independently, and agricultural cities are not limited to growing food. You can also open food factories. Ranch cities can not only breed livestock, but also can open food processing factories. There are many ways. You have to let your brains think and do it."

Speaking of this, Fei Lide said in a low voice, "I don't care whether the industries in each city are nationalized or privatized, because this is your right. I only look at the result."

The laborious remarks made the congressmen think.

Indeed, the times are different now. The power in their hands allows them to accomplish a certain goal without any scruples, and what the President of Parliament said is not a way.

Finally, Fei Lide ended the meeting and said: "The meeting ends here. Next time I have something to discuss, I will call you all. Now, your only task is to return to your respective jurisdictions, from the First Army. Take over the rights."

At this time, it was dark, and the congressmen would stay in the military government overnight.

At this time, on the other side of the military government, in the courtyard full of hot springs, Li Meng was enjoying relaxing physically and mentally and washing away the tiredness of the day.

Soaking in the misty water, Li Meng looked comfortable.

Looking slightly, Li Meng looked at Natasha in the aisle.

Tonight, only Natasha was with Li Meng.

Although when Li Meng came to the hot spring, there was not only Natasha but Saya and Wendy beside Li Meng, but they all left due to various "reasons", and finally only Natasha was left.

With a slight smile, Li Meng said, "Are you asking me to pull you down, or do you come down by yourself?"

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