Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1133: Best of both worlds

The master's words made Natasha quite helpless, she could only sigh in secret, bend down honestly, put her hands into the bottom of the skirt, and took off her black stockings.

Following her movements, the skirt was lifted slightly, and the white skin was clearly visible.

Who told her to promise the master last night, tonight, she belongs to the master.

In Li Meng's fiery eyes, Natasha took off her stockings and her dress, leaving only a layer of white underwear like tulle.

The skin under the underwear is so white and clearly visible.

Tonight, Natasha is much bolder, everything is vacuumed under her tulle-like underwear.

Seeing this scene, Li Meng's body suddenly became hot.

But Li Meng did not worry, but quietly watched Natasha step into the hot spring step by step.

The water was rippling gently, and Natasha's seductive body also approached Li Meng step by step.

The thin clothes on her body were soaked with water and pressed tightly to the skin, which added a temptation to Natasha.

When Natasha came to her, Li Meng finally couldn't bear the impulse of her body, and grabbed Natasha's left wrist and pulled it into her arms.

Under the rippling of the water, the tender body entered his arms, which made Li Meng impatiently kiss Natasha's lips.

In the hot spring, the two hugged each other.

While kissing, Li Meng's hands became dishonest, and he stroked Natasha's seductive body under the water.

Li Meng felt a soft squeeze on his chest. The touch was comfortable and lustful.

The impulse in his heart made Li Meng a little impatient. He was not satisfied with the status quo and wanted more.

While attacking the city on Natasha's lips, on the other side, Li Meng's hands were already touching Natasha's slender thighs underwater.

The surface of the water was rippling, much more intense than before, and the rippling ripples slowly spread from where they were.

In the water, the two no longer distinguish each other.

The impulse in his heart was satisfied, and Li Meng let go of Natasha's lips.

In the water, the task of both hands has been completed, Li Meng slightly leaned back, leaning back against the edge of the pool, and spread his hands on the bank.

Looking at Natasha, who was full of mountains and half exposed, Li Meng didn't say much, but just smiled.

In the master's smile, Natasha's blurred gaze regained her clarity. She stretched out her white and smooth right hand and slightly lifted a bunch of hair on her forehead, giving her her a helpless look.

Then she stretched out her hands and put them slightly on the shoulders of the master.

The water in the pool began to rippling slowly, very steady and rhythmic.

I don't know how long it took, Natasha's voice rang in the mist, echoing with the rippling water.

"The meeting is over, and the host's mission in Bentley's country is complete, host! When will you return?" The voice trembled.

Looking at Natasha who was working hard in his arms, Li Meng smiled and said, "Why, are you so eager for me to return?"

Hearing what the master said, Natasha gave Li Meng a look, and said rather irritably: "Lord...if the master wants to stay, I...of course I am happy, but it is impossible. The master cannot stay at Bentley. country."

The smile on his face was put away, while enjoying the thrill of piercing his soul, Li Meng sighed: "Although the Bentley country has been resolved, there are still many things that bother the First Army. You can't be careless."

Speaking of this, Li Meng's face showed a light smile again. Looking at Natasha who was working hard, Li Meng looked very open and said calmly: "You can never finish things. Once you finish this thing, There is another thing, take it slow, by the way, the Governor of Bentley, take care of it first. In the recent period, the South China Sea will be calm for a long time, and focus on the construction of Bentley first."

"Oh...what about the Kingdom of Orleans? Master will not forget, right?"

Not long after the owner mentioned it, Natasha didn't believe that the owner would forget it.

Shaking his head lightly, Li Meng said: "This matter is not in a hurry, the time has not yet arrived, and some preparations are needed. Wait for the order. Bentley is the gateway to the South China Sea. Once the plan is implemented, your task is related to the success or failure of the plan. Be careful."

"Yeah!" Natasha responded softly with a trembling sound.

The water in the pool was still rippling, and gradually, Li Meng's face also showed a hint of joy.

At that moment, greeted by the comfort in his heart, Li Meng grinned slightly and took a breath of cold air.

With a long deep breath, the rippling water surface gradually calmed down, and Natasha, who was in the mist, lay lazily in her master's arms and stopped moving.

And Li Meng also retracted his hands back into the water, holding the soft body in his underwater arms.


After some rain, Li Meng felt very relaxed, and the daytime fatigue was wiped out.

In the pool, the two embraced quietly, quietly feeling the aftermath of the passion.

For a long time, Li Meng seemed to have thought of something, his right hand poked out from the water, gently stroked Natasha’s brown hair, and said softly in the expression of Natasha's enjoyment: "About the "Marxist Lenin"," Treat it lightly, think of a way to get the best of both worlds, don't let that girl down, and don't let Marx and Lenin regret it for life."

Natasha raised her head when the master's words were heard.

Seeing Li Meng's eyes full of doubts, she asked in a puzzled way: "How did the master know?"

With a slight smile, stroking Natasha's beautiful white cheeks, Li Meng said softly: "How did I know? Don't ask. Military law is ruthless and affectionate. Give them a chance."

"But..." Natasha hesitated, she said worriedly: "It will be very difficult to do it after opening this list."

What Natasha is worried about, Li Meng certainly knows that everyone has a fluke mentality. Once the first list opens this time, it will easily cause the soldiers to follow suit.

There are indeed difficulties in this matter, but...

Shaking his head lightly, Li Meng said, "It's okay! Sooner or later, the network between the earth and Al will be closed, and soldiers from Al will also return to their home planet. This time will not exceed ten years. In order to ensure the purity of the army, let’s impose recoverable chemical barriers on soldiers."

The better one is sexual disorder, and the worse one is chemical castration.

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