Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1139: If it's not good

Li Meng is not too surprised by the bad market in all walks of life in Bentley.

It is a strange thing that Bentley can develop in commerce and industry in the management style of the previous military government.

In Chen Yan's regretful gaze, Li Meng withdrew his hand and said lightly: "In the future, the industrial system around Bentley and the outback of Austria must be led by the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce. Your task is the most important thing, as soon as possible. Improve the management system of the Chamber of Commerce. After the reunification of Ogeria, the era of rapid development will come, and you must not lose the chain at that time."

"Relax, Master! The ghouls will never let you down."

When she said this, Chen Yan's face was full of confidence, and she barely patted her chest to make sure.

However, as a woman, how could Chen Yan make such rude actions that lack grace.

Speaking of this, Chen Yan thought of the purpose of coming back this time, and asked: "Master! You call me back this time, isn't it just for these things?"

Chen Yan was happy and curious when receiving the order from General Natasha.

I am glad that the master thought of her, and curious about why the master called her back in such a hurry.

Since Chen Yan asked that, Li Meng happened to be talking about business.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "It's not too important. For some reason, I'm going to Kyoto. I just want to ask you if you want to go with me?"

Go to Kyoto?

Chen Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then she was very excited. She quickly said: "Of course I do! I know Kyoto. If the host goes to Kyoto, I should go with Yaner."

There was one thing that Li Meng cared very much, and asked, "Leaving you, there will be no problems with Bentley Country, right?"

"No, I have arranged everything, and it won't affect anything without me."

Hearing Chen Yan's words, Li Meng was relieved.

Although the trip to Kyoto is important, the development of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce in Bentley is also very important.

Li Meng did not want to influence the development of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce in Bentley because of his trip to Kyoto.

"Your Highness! Are you going to Kyoto?"

At this moment, Sakiya on the side couldn't help asking.

Sakiya didn't know that Li Meng had just decided to go to Kyoto.

Not only did Sakiya not know, but the women sitting there did not know.

Facing the gazes of the women, Li Meng smiled faintly and said: "Yes, it was decided not long ago. Now the First Army is troubled by financial problems. This trip to Kyoto is to solve the financial problems. "

What His Highness said made Sakuya more puzzled.

Sakiya is aware of the financial problems of the First Army, but what does it have to do with Kyoto?

Looking at His Royal Highness, Sakiya whispered softly: "Your Royal Highness! Please also make it clear that Sakiya doesn't understand the purpose of your visit."

Regarding Sakuya’s puzzlement, Li Meng explained: “It’s just going to Kyoto to sell a few things. You know the devil statue. This thing is of no use to the First Army, but in the eyes of humans, it’s a big deal. The killer is also an eye-popping weapon. Many countries are willing to spend a lot of money to get it. Since they hold such a good thing in their hands, of course they must take good advantage of it."

Hearing this, the women in the room suddenly realized that the owner was going to Kyoto to sell the statue of the devil, in order to obtain a lot of money to fill the finances of the First Army.

"If it's just a sale of the statue of the demon god, why should your Highness go there in person? In Kyoto, the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce has already developed, and this can be left to them.

Although His Highness's purpose is known, Sakiya does not approve of his highness's personal risk.

As an international metropolis, there is a mixture of fish and dragons. Your Royal Highness now has many inconveniences for this person. Once you go to Kyoto, there will be risks. In Sakiya's view, it is unnecessary for Your Royal Highness to go there in person.

Sakiya’s opposition was expected by Li Meng. He smiled faintly, stroked the hairy tail in his arms, and said softly: "This trip to Kyoto is indispensable. This is not just to solve the first legion. It’s been more than a year for his finances and some deceased people to meet. Those who should meet need to meet, and the things that should be resolved should also be resolved. The debts owed must always be repaid, if it is delayed for a long time , Some things can't be said clearly."

Who to meet and what to solve, these are not what the girls in the room can know.

Putting down the tail in his arms, Li Meng looked up at Sakuya who was sitting on the opposite sofa, and said, "I know what you are worried about. Don't worry. No matter how bad this body is, your majesty is not ordinary. People, people who can threaten me, in this world, apart from demons, humans can't do it."

Speaking of this, Li Meng leaned back and lay lazily on the sofa, and said calmly: "There are some things you can't do, and I don't want to stay idle in the cold palace. Military is your business. Politics is the business of the people below, and leave other things to me."

After that, Li Meng turned his eyes slightly and looked at Wendy who was aside, and said: "This time I go to "Kyoto" and I will not act under the banner of the First Army. It is enough to have Yaner with you. You will stay in Nanlin. Island, enter the reincarnation tower and practice well, and wait for me to come back."


This time, Wendy didn't insist on going together, but nodded softly.

"And you!" Grabbing the fluffy tail again, and squeezing it hard in his hand, Li Meng said in Shayue's unyielding look: "After you go back, practice hard. Your strength is the lowest in the guards. No way."

In the master's kneading, Shayue could only whisper pitifully: "Shayue knows."

Seeing that the master said so, what else could Sakuya say, she could only compromise, and said: "This trip to Kyoto, Your Highness has to be careful about everything. If you offend someone, how angry you are, Your Highness You have to write it down."

Sakiya's words made Li Meng a little embarrassed, he never thought that Sakiya would be such a vengeful woman.

This is too low-level to say, like a child.

When Li Meng looked at Sakiya, he saw Sakiya look very serious.

This made Li Meng smile helplessly and said, "I will."

At this time, Chen Yan on the side finally had room to intervene. She hurriedly said: "Master! Let's take a "floating boat" to go to "Kyoto" this time. There is no need to return to Nanlin Island. Let the transport ship to Kyoto. By the way, just bring the statue of the demon god, we just need to wait at the destination."

After thinking about it, Li Meng did not object to Chen Yan's suggestion, and said, "Also!"

Li Meng is unfamiliar with airships, so I can take this opportunity to feel the charm of these aircraft.

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