Seeing the master’s promise, Chen Yan smiled slightly and continued: “There are also martial artists. This trip to Kyoto will be much more convenient if the master is accompanied by a few martial artists. At least it will be smooth wherever you go. It can also avoid some troubles."

Is it convenient to travel?

These privileges are what Li Meng needs most during his trip.

Chen Yan's words made Li Meng thoughtful, and it seemed that several martial artists were needed to accompany him.

Speaking of martial artists, Li Meng thought of Silver Wings.

Li Meng is no stranger to this martial arts guild, because the entire Bentley country seems to have only the Silver Wings martial arts guild left, and the other martial arts guilds have left Bentley one after another.

Li Meng didn't care about the Martial Arts Guild. Although the existence of the Martial Arts Guild could indeed reduce the threat from polluting beasts in each city, in Li Meng's view, the martial arts were not necessary.

What a martial artist can do, ordinary people can do as long as they hold a sharp weapon.

However, in some things, martial artists do better than ordinary people.

It is precisely because of this that the First Legion chose to ignore it and let it be free.

Without thinking about it, Li Meng said, "I will go to the "Silver Wing" Martial Artists Guild to release the mission tomorrow."

Since there is no need to return to Nanlin Island, the trip to Kyoto can be put on the agenda earlier.

Picking up the wine glass on the table, Li Meng took a sip, and the wine-flavored liquid went down his throat. The stimulating fragrance made Li Meng's spirit shocked.

The fall of the words made the room quiet.

This trip to Kyoto seemed casual, but the burden on Li Meng was not light.

The First Army has a big business. If you want to get a big rear, you must first develop the territory, and development cannot do without money. Nowadays, the First Army needs money in many places, whether it is Bentley or Austria. Out of the country, the financial gap is too large. Li Meng must ensure that sufficient money flows into the finances of the First Army within a month. If he has enough money, a series of major development plans will be possible. Implement.

Otherwise, the advancement of the First Army would be delayed for many years, which Li Meng did not want to see.

Just as Li Meng was preparing for the "Kyoto" trip, an unexpected visitor was welcomed in the Danlan Kingdom outside Austria.

To the Danlan Kingdom, this was an uninvited guest, but to the First Army Corps stationed in the Danlan Kingdom, this uninvited guest was the one who was waiting.

The breeze was blowing, and Melo City, shrouded in green, was still so beautiful.

Since becoming a vassal of the First Army, the Danlan Kingdom has undergone great changes.

The biggest change is the stability of the political situation and the general mobilization for war.

In just a few months, hundreds of thousands of young people were mobilized and sent from all over the country to the largest recruit training camp in Melorka. The Danlan Kingdom is working hard for the unification battle.

Today, for the people of Danlan Kingdom, it is an ordinary day, living their lives as usual.

But for the First Army, the waiting man finally arrived.

Outside the city of Melorka, a wooden ship slowly passed through the gate of the guard wall and entered the port.

In the port, there are many kinds of ships, but only one ship is the most eye-catching.

It is located at the corner of the port, and its huge metal body reflects metallic luster. Whether it is a towering bridge or the dazzling turret on the deck, it is enough to attract people's attention.

Although there is only one such ship in the huge port, its existence undoubtedly indicates the existence of the First Army.

For a fleet, the port of Melorca was still a bit small. After signing the vassal agreement with the Danlan Kingdom, the fleet of the First Army left the port and docked in a bay not far from the north.

And that bay is where the First Army intends to build a military base.

To the few people on the sea-going ship, the warship docked on the pier is certainly no stranger to them.

They are familiar enough with the First Army.

Standing at the bow of the ship, looking at the busy port, Kuniya was a little bit emotional.

She is no stranger to the Danlan Kingdom. Although she has never been here before, this territory is clearly marked on the map of the Kingdom of Austria.

Many years ago, this place was just a duke of the Kingdom of Austria.

Time has changed, things are different, many things have changed, and the once powerful Kingdom of Austria has fallen.

In the future, what the fate of the kingdom will be, Gu Niya doesn't know. The only thing she can do is to do her own thing, work hard, fight for it, and fulfill her responsibilities as a princess.

"I heard that the Danlan Kingdom is preparing for the "War of Unification", but I don't know whether this is true or false. If the Danlan Kingdom can really unify the outland of Austria, with this vast territory, it may be true. The dream of a great country." Behind Gunia, Torres looked at the port and said with a hint of envy.

It is no secret that the Danlan Kingdom has become a subject of the First Army.

The unification war outside Austria is also an inevitable result, because this is the ultimate goal of the First Army.

Even if the outer land of Austria is not unified by the Danlan Kingdom, it will be conquered by the First Army.

For his own ambition, the First Army has never concealed it.

The words of Torres in the ear made Gunia silent.

After a long time, she sighed: "If there is a loss, there will be a gain. Perhaps, this is the luck of the Danlan Kingdom."

Although it lost the sovereignty of the country, it relied on the big tree of the First Army.

Under this big tree, the road of Danlan Kingdom will be much easier in the future.


Maybe there is, but Gu Niya will not force it.

The situation in the continent of Austria is far more complicated than in the outer regions of Austria. There are only three countries in the outer regions of Austria, and there are seven on the continent of Austria, these seven kingdoms, No matter which kingdom is comparable to Danlan Kingdom.

In the great era of unification, the three dukes out of Austria are just the poorest overseas territories in the kingdom. The innate foundation, even if the nation is founded independently, cannot escape poverty. In the future, this situation may change. , But the current Danlan Kingdom won't let Gu Niya think highly of it.

During the slow voyage, the ship docked on a civilian pier.

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