Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1146: airport

Tonight is destined to be a peaceful night.

Early the next morning, Li Meng got up early, and after breakfast, summoned the girls before leaving.

In a small room, Natasha, Saya, Wendy, Shayue, Pasha, Qinqian, Chen Yan, all the slender figures gathered together, sitting quietly on the sofa, listening to one person's words.

Looking around the girls, Li Meng said, "I will leave soon. It is still unknown when I will return. I will do things as soon as possible and come back as soon as possible."

His gaze paused behind Sakuya, and Li Meng said, "After I leave, you will take them back to Nanlin Island, and take the "Emperor" back."


Nodding lightly, Sakiya responded.

Turning around, Li Meng looked at Natasha on the opposite sofa and said, "You are part-time governor of Bentley, and you are in control of Bentley. You know what happened, so I won’t say more about the development of Bentley’s business. Influenced by the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce, you have to give some cooperation in some matters."

Natasha nodded and said, "Don't worry, Master, Natasha knows what to do."

There are some things that do not need to be said by Li Mengdo, and Li Meng also understands that the women here are not stupid.

They are very smart, and many things are easy to understand. Without Li Meng's reminder, they can realize it by themselves.

The separation is only short-lived, Li Meng will not be hypocritical, and neither will the women.

When Li Meng left the military government with Chen Yan, noon was approaching.

"Chen Yan! The master will leave it to you. The amount of medicine used is three times a day, no less, no more. As a family member of the master, you should be responsible for the master’s body. There are some things you should do less. This trip to Kyoto , Your Highness is afraid that you will be surrounded by red powder, and you also have the responsibility of supervising. If necessary, you must remind your master."

In the outer courtyard of the military government, Sakuya, who was seeing off, was giving Chen Yan his final exhort before leaving.

It is not that Sakiya is worried, but Sakiya who knows many things is very clear about what kind of people will be waiting for the master in Kyoto. Sakiya did not forget the people who appeared by the master a long time ago.

When the owner said to pay the debt, Sakiya thought of a lot.

With a slight smile, Chen Yan nodded and said: "Please rest assured, General Saya! I will take good care of the master."

The matter was over, and Sakiya didn't say much anymore.

Looking across Chen Yan, she looked at His Royal Highness in the car.

"Go! The master is waiting for you."

Nodding lightly, Chen Yan turned and left, boarding a bloated car parked in the courtyard.

With the roar of the "rumbling" engine, in the eyes of the women, the car riding Li Meng slowly moved, and slowly drove away from the courtyard.

The road into the city is not far away. On the winding mountain roads, vehicles are speeding up and down.

As the tallest building in Marani, the airport is undoubtedly the most conspicuous.

It is five hundred meters high, T-shaped, tall and big, isolated in the city, it looks very magnificent when seen from a distance.

When Li Meng's vehicle stopped under the airport, noon had arrived, and the agreed time was approaching.

The airport is not a place where people gather. For ordinary civilians, the high cost of the pontoon is not what they can afford. Generally speaking, the people who take the pontoon are either merchants or martial artists. Either they are some powerful people.

Therefore, when Li Meng took Chen Yan to board the airport by elevator, the dock at the airport was sparsely populated.

There are only a few people walking on the dock, and at a glance, there are only a handful of people walking around.

At this time, on a pier, a docked floating boat could be seen.

The wooden structure resembles the hull of a sea-going ship, the propellers on both sides, and the tall masts. This is the second time Li Meng has watched the floating ship so close.

"Master! Look, isn't that the person who received us yesterday?" Chen Yan's reminder sounded in his ear.

This made Li Meng look at Chen Yan's gaze.

At this look, Li Meng saw her.

She stood on the pier and looked around. When Li Meng looked at her, she also fixed her eyes on the two of them.

Yesterday's visit to the Silver Wings Guild, Li Meng did not forget that she was the one who received them behind the counter.

It's just that compared to yesterday, her clothes are different.

Yesterday in the Silver Wing Martial Artists Guild, she wore a blue and white dress, but today she is in leather armor.

The dark leather armor is slightly tight, revealing her perfect figure slightly, and the curve is very attractive.

She was dressed a little back to ancient times, and the long sword on her waist made her look like an ancient lightly outfitted assassin.

Compared to yesterday's gentleness, who is like the big sister next door, she is even brighter for Li Meng today.

When she saw the employer coming, she brightened her eyes and walked up to meet her.

Li Meng and Chen Yan also took light steps and greeted her.

The two sides met on the dock and stopped.

Looking at the thin person in front of him, Tyra smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Li Meng! We meet again. My name is Tyra. I will take over the entrusted task. In the next month, before the end of the task, I Will accompany Mr. Li Meng around."

It turned out to be like this...

Li Meng knew it. Although I didn't know why Tyra, who was a receptionist at the counter, took over this task, Li Meng didn't think much about it. As long as Tyra was a martial artist, that was enough.

As for who took over the task, Li Meng didn't care.

Nodded, Li Meng chuckled softly: "I didn't expect that the person who would take over the task this time would be the beautiful Miss Tyra, and this journey will not be too boring."

Tyra smiled lightly at Li Meng's praise, and said indifferently: "Mr Li Meng! Let's board the ship."

The airport in Marani City is just a stop, and the pontoons will not stay here for long. They must hurry.

"Let's go!"

At Li Meng's words, the three of them stepped forward towards the floating boat docked on the pier.

The floating boat docked on the pier is not big or small, about 100 meters long, about the same as a medium-sized sea boat.

Looking to the deck, some figures were standing on the side of the ship and looking out.

At a height, the scenery in your eyes must be beautiful.

There are not many people on the deck, in twos and threes, about a dozen people.

When the three people arrived at the dock where the floating boat was docked, a simple ticket office blocked their way.

"Sorry! The medium and high-class cabins have been sold out, and now only the low-class cabins are free. Do you feel wronged? If you delay this time, you will get half of the floating boat on the next trip to "Kyoto". Months later."

After the small square table, the young conductor reminded me kindly.

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