Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1147: Responsibility (see monthly pass)

Facing the beautiful Chen Yan, he seemed to be a little stressed, his eyes wanted to see but he didn't dare to look, a little erratic.

Lower class?

How can you let the master stay in such a cramped place?

Without even thinking about it, Chen Yan immediately asked, "Is there any space in the luxury cabin on the top floor?"

Luxury cabin?

The young conductor gave Chen Yan an unexpected look, then looked at Li Meng behind Chen Yan, and Tyra.

He nodded and said, "Yes, there is one room left, but at this price..."


Hearing this, Chen Yan frowned slightly.

One room is not enough, if only she and the owner are two, one room is enough.

But now that there is an extra Tara, one is not enough, and three people can't be squeezed into one room.

Aware of Chen Yan's embarrassment, Tyra understood very well: "I'll live in a lower class cabin."

At this point, Li Meng refused.

Looking at Tyra beside him, Li Meng said, "As a martial artist and a woman, how can you live in a low-class cabin where there is a mixed bag? Since it is a luxury cabin, there should be enough space, so just feel wronged."

With a faint smile, Tyra nodded softly without refusing.

Indeed, if she lives in a low-class cabin where there is a mixture of fish and dragons, even as a martial artist, she will encounter some troubles.

How can she care if the people around her don't care?

Chen Yan heard what the host said. Seeing Tyra's consent, she had to say to the conductor: "A luxurious cabin!"

Looking at Li Meng with a little envy, the young conductor nodded and said, "The price of the luxury cabin is 10,000 crystal coins."

It's really expensive...

For ordinary civilians, 10,000 crystal coins are enough to live for half a lifetime, but on a floating boat, it is only the price of a luxurious cabin.

Although you are expensive, for Chen Yan, she doesn't care about the money.

From her pocket, Chen Yan casually took out a topaz coin and placed it on the table.

This surprised the young conductor.

In terms of wearing, only Tyra is more conspicuous among the three. You can see that they are martial artists at a glance. However, Chen Yan and Li Meng are much simpler. People with crystal coins.

As a staff member of the Bus Association, the young conductor quickly regained his demeanor with his long working experience.

He opened the drawer under the square table, took out a key, handed it to Chen Yan, and said: "The deluxe cabin is on the top floor, and the cabin is convex at the rear of the hull. Your room is cabin No. 3."

Chen Yan took the key from the young conductor.

The weight of the key is very heavy, it seems to be made of bronze, it is cyan, and it looks slightly old.

At this time, the young conductor reminded: "Please board the ship as soon as possible. The Whirlwind will depart in half an hour."


Probably the name of this ship.

The three of them did not stay more than, and from the open passage, they boarded the floating boat along the steps connecting the "Tornado" at the dock.

Compared with sea-going ships, floating ships flying in the air are undoubtedly much more stable. Walking on the deck is like stepping on the ground, without any illusion.

The luxury cabin is located on the top floor, in the back half of the hull, which is easy to find.

The arrival of the three of them did not arouse much attention. For the people on the deck, they care more about the beauty in front of them.

On the deck, the three of them did not stop, but went straight to the area where the luxury cabin was located.

The area where the luxury cabin is located is not large, but a little small, just one floor and a corridor.

There are rooms on both sides of the tens of meters long corridor, and there are not many doors, only single digits.

At the door of cabin No. 3, the three stopped.

With the key in her hand, Chen Yan unlocked the door.

With a "click", the door of the room was pushed open by Chen Yan.

The three of them entered the room one by one.

"The place is not small."

Looking at the fairly spacious room, Li Meng was very satisfied.

A hall, a bathroom, and a bedroom. The hall is fairly wide. Although the furnishings are simple, there should be everything, gray sofas, square tables, and a one-person-high vase in the corner, with a bunch in the vase. What kind of green foliage.

There is also a balcony outside the hall, separated by a window wall.

With curiosity, Li Meng came to the balcony.

Looking out, there is a stunning panoramic view.

The side facing the balcony is the outer side of the hull. Looking to the left, you can see some sightseeing people on the deck. Looking out, you can see the vast sky and the city of Marani below.

Standing high, seeing far, half of the city of Marani, a huge city, has a panoramic view.

The densely packed buildings, the streets extending in all directions, and the slowly moving vehicles like ants, looked at all this, even Li Meng was quite shocked.

At this time, beside Li Meng, a slight footstep sounded, and Tyra also came to the balcony and stood beside Li Meng.

Looking outside, she said softly: "It takes about three days to arrive in Kyoto. During these three days, Mr. Li Meng must be careful. There are strong winds at high altitudes. Every year, many people are negligent. If you die, it’s better not to stand on the balcony after you set off."

Tyra's words made Li Meng look sideways. He looked at the people around him and then at the balcony.

It is true that the protection measures for the balcony are not good enough. Although there are guardrails, the height is limited. If you are not careful, you may cross the guardrail and fall into the abyss.

With a slight smile, Li Meng said, "Thank you Miss Terra for the reminder, I will pay attention."

Withdrawing his gaze from a distance, looking at the person beside him, and staring at those eyes, Tyra said calmly: "Since the task is entrusted next, my duty is to ensure the safety of Mr. Li Meng before the task is over."


Li Meng faintly smiled and couldn't comment.

This can be regarded as a dedication spirit of martial artists.

Because of their powerful abilities, they are different, enjoy a high status among human beings, are revered and hoped by others.

The greater the power, the greater the glory, and the greater the responsibility.

The duty of the martial artist is to protect the order of mankind and fight for the survival of mankind.

The existence of the Martial Arts Association is just a way to serve humanity, which can better integrate the Martial Arts into the human society.

Li Meng is no stranger to martial arts, and of course, he is not familiar with it.

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