Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1148: strength

Time just passed by little by little.

Soon, with the ringing of "ding jingle bells", it was time to set sail.

The Tornado docked on the dock, the propellers on both sides of the hull began to rotate, and the roaring engines were transmitting power. Driven by the propellers, the huge floating boat gradually moved away from the dock.

After leaving the pier, in the airspace, the pontoon started to rise slowly while moving forward. Soon, as it went away, the pontoon sailing in the sky turned into a small black spot and headed north.

For the First Army, Li Meng's departure would not have much impact. With the generals, order in various places can be guaranteed.

Just when Li Meng went to "Kyoto", in the Danlan Kingdom, the first batch of munitions also arrived at Melorka City.

Early this morning, the heavy cruiser docked at the port of Melorca had left the port.

Soon after the heavy cruiser left, the four military transport ships arrived in the city of Melorca, sailed into the port, and docked at the dock where the heavy cruiser originally docked.

In the straight noon, there were figures surging on the pier. There were soldiers blocking the pier as well as coolies who unloaded goods. At a glance, it was densely packed with hundreds of people.

For the Danlan Kingdom, the arrival of arms is a top priority, because it is related to the combat effectiveness of the army.

After being notified, Prime Minister Harandi quickly put down his government affairs and arrived at the port with a group of generals.

On the dock, Davis received Harandy and his party.

At the unloading dock, the stern door of the transport ship has been lowered, and the heavy cabin door forms a platform directly leading to the dock, which provides great convenience for unloading.

A large number of coolie workers in grey clothes were going back and forth between the dock and the warship. Several people worked together to lift wooden boxes one after another from the cabin. The wooden boxes were large and small, and the small ones could be carried by one person, while the large ones needed Multiple people.

On the side of the dock, more than a dozen figures stood, watching the busy scene on the dock.

Looking at the busy wharf, Davis explained to Harandi beside him: "This batch of munitions is worth 3 billion coins, a total of 300,000 ADK-45 rifles, 1.5 billion rounds of ammunition, and RPG-V rocket launchers. Five thousand, corresponding to 100,000 rockets, 200 V1 "Guards", 250 V12 35MM rifles, 20 million rounds of ammunition, and approximately one million sets of various parts. For the use and maintenance of weapons, the first The corps will give corresponding instruction, and the technical learning staff will arrange it as soon as possible."

This batch of munitions is quite a lot. Only four 50,000-ton-class military transport ships have fully loaded this batch of cargo. The volume is huge, and the price is of course expensive.

For Harandi and the generals of the Danlan Kingdom, they are certainly happy with the arrival of the arms.

Looking at the busy pier, there was excitement in his eyes.

With this batch of munitions, the Danlan Kingdom's army can be completely refurbished, and the unification war outside Austria can be started as soon as possible.

Nodding lightly, suppressing the excitement in his heart, Harandi said: "I will arrange the personnel as soon as possible. Lord Laudavis is here."

The words of Harandi in the ear caused Davis to withdraw his sight from the busy port. He looked slightly sideways and looked at Harandi beside him. Davis said: "The first batch of munitions has arrived, and the subsequent supplies will be the foundation. The Danlan Kingdom’s needs are provided, and the training of new recruits must hurry up. The unification battle outside Austria must be started as soon as possible. The First Army will not give you too much time."

Although the First Legion handed over the unification of the Outland of Austria to the Danlan Kingdom, there was a certain time limit, and the First Legion could not wait indefinitely.

It has been several months since the Danlan Kingdom belonged to the First Army. During this time, the First Army has been patiently waiting and gave the Danlan Kingdom enough time to prepare.

Now, with the arrival of munitions, the Danlan Kingdom, equipped with new weapons, is time for the battle of unity to be put on the agenda.

At Davis’s urging, Harandi smiled bitterly and said apologetically: "My lord! Please also give the Danlan Kingdom some time to prepare. This unity battle is not a trivial matter and involves too much. Once it starts, there is no turning back. The Danlan Kingdom must be fully prepared, and the soldiers also need a certain amount of time to train for new weapons and equipment." At this point, Harandi said with a slight expression and solemn expression: "Please tell me too. General Tanya! In the next three months, the battle for unification will surely start."

With the assurance, Davis would naturally not say much, and said indifferently: "Just know it in your heart, and I will tell General Tanya."

The arrival of the arms was a great event for the Danlan Kingdom, but it was only a small matter that was more concerned for the First Army.

Although the Danlan Kingdom belongs to the First Army, its politics is independent, and it can be regarded as a dominion of the First Army.

In the unification battle against the Outland of Austria, in order to make the Danlan Kingdom the sole master of the Outland of Austria, the First Army will not participate in the battle, and all the fruits of victory belong to the Danlan Kingdom.

This was not because the First Army deliberately avoided fighting, but gave Danlan Kingdom a chance, a chance to grow stronger.

If Danlan Kingdom wanted to grasp this opportunity, it had to fight for it by itself.

This world will not pity the weak, and neither will the First Army.

Today is a very special day, at least for the First Army.

In Bentley, as the highest commander of the First Army, Li Meng has set sail and embarked on a journey to "Kyoto". In the Danlan Kingdom, the first batch of munitions not only reached the city of Melorca, but also made the Danlan Kingdom. With a new beginning, on the vast sea, a fleet led by Tan Ya is heading eastward, and soon they will arrive in a new world, an ancient continent.

Today, it is destined to be a day of extraordinary significance. This is not only the new beginning of Danlan Kingdom, but also a new transformation of the First Army. This is the trajectory of destiny, which makes people unconsciously embark on a staggered the way.

The direction of the road may be opposite, but many things, people and things will be affected.

Where is the road ahead? This moment has begun to change and become blurred.


A pontoon flying in the sky is undoubtedly much faster than a ship sailing on the sea.

Departing at noon, before night fell, the cyclone floater had flown about 300 kilometers. Although it was still over the South China Sea, it was already very close to the coastline of mainland Kyoto.

As night falls, everything is gone, and it is still the same in the thousand-meter-high sky.

Although stars are scattered all over the clouds, the airspace is still dark.

In the darkness, only the howl of the wind and the roar of the engine were heard. In the dim starlight in the sky, only a few dim orange rays were flashing, looming, moving slowly in the dark sky.

The sky is no better than the sea, even in the dark, the floating boat still sails fearlessly.

The threat of the sky is not without, but on the contrary to the threat of the sea, at night, the sky is absolutely safe.

In the hall, the orange light is very soft, although a little dim, it also drives away the darkness.

On the gray sofa, Chen Yan sat bored in every way, looking at the owner next to her, and then at the opposite Tyra. When she looked at Tyra, she always curled her lips.

Without Tyra, she would not sit on the sofa so properly, nor would she be so boring.

In the hall, only Chen Yan is doing nothing, Li Meng and Tyra are doing their own things.

On the sofa, Li Meng's sitting posture looked a little lazy, holding a portable palm computer in his hand, and clicking on the small silver screen. While viewing some interesting information, he was also passing boring time.

On the opposite sofa is Tyra sitting upright. She closed her eyes and leaned back on the sofa. Under the soft light, there seemed to be a circle of cyan radiance on the surface of her body, which looked very strange.

In the silence, time passed bit by bit.

I don't know how long it took, and with a "long" breathing, Tyra woke up with closed eyes, and broke the silence in the hall.

The awakened Tyra was in a strange state, sweating all over his body, and crystal clear sweat appeared on his forehead, face, neck, and visible skin.

This made Chen Yan, who looked at Tyra from time to time, very curious, and looked at Tyra, who was dripping with sweat.

In the silent hall, the long breathing sound was so clear, which made Li Meng withdraw his gaze from the silver screen in his hand, and slightly raised his head to look at the opposite Tyra.

Looking at the sweaty Tyra, Li Meng thoughtfully said, "This is a way of cultivation."

When Tyra closed his eyes and rested, Li Meng's eyes would occasionally drift towards Tyra.

This was not a peeping, but an abnormal movement in Tyra's body that attracted Li Meng's attention.

Although Li Meng’s mental power was damaged, the characteristics of Minjue did not disappear. Li Meng could perceive that the energy in Tyra’s body was being consumed in a unique way. This way was very peculiar, even Li Meng, Also felt incredible for this way.

Li Meng's question made Tyra's face redden slightly, but she quickly returned to her normal color. She nodded lightly and said: "This is the "Dream Training Method", which can exercise a certain amount of Jin in sleep."

Dreaming forging strength?

The name is quite apt.

Jin is a kind of biological energy in the martial artist's body. It can strengthen the body and strengthen certain things. It has a gentle characteristic and can also appear irritable when necessary. It is a kind of energy that humans can control.

Jin comes from the cells of the human body. There is only one way to exercise Jin, which is to consume,

Exhaustion of Jin stimulates cell recovery. During exhaustion and recovery, the quality of Jin will increase, and the energy of Jin pulses will be enhanced, thereby increasing the amount of Jin.

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