Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1149: Revolt against fate

Among martial artists, the talents they do refer to Jin's ability to recover.

Different martial artists have different recovery abilities.

The martial artist with the stronger recovery ability, the higher the talent, and the easier it is to step onto a higher level.

The martial artist with weaker recovery ability is undoubtedly extremely low in talent. It is not only difficult to improve the strength, but sometimes is trapped in a certain level, and cannot make further progress in his life.

Exercise in your sleep. This method seems to be subtle, allowing the martial artist to have more time to exercise the "strength", but Li Meng can see the shortcomings of the dream exercise method at a glance.

Li Meng shook his head lightly, and said calmly, "This is to promote growth. It seems to have a good effect, but it actually weakens the foundation of the martial artist. You should understand."

Li Meng's words made Tyra quite surprised, she looked at Li Meng in surprise.

Of course, Tyra knew about the drawbacks of the dream training method, but an ordinary person like Mr. Li Meng knew that Tyra could not understand.

The dream forging strength method is a banned book, even among martial artists, few people know it.

It is precisely because of this that Tyra has not concealed the fact that she has practiced the Dream Forging Technique, because she thinks that Mr. Li Meng is an ordinary person, even if she knows it, she cannot understand it.

Is Mr. Li Meng a martial artist?

Thinking of this, Tyra glanced suspiciously at Li Meng.

From this look, Tyra didn't notice anything unusual. In Mr. Li Meng, Tyra didn't perceive anything.

This convinced Tyra that Mr. Li Meng sitting on the opposite sofa was just an ordinary person.

Li Meng's expression was very calm to the gaze of Tara's visitation. He just said indifferently: "A martial artist's jin comes from the cells of the human body, and the recovery ability of jin comes from the stimulation of the human cells. There is no shortcut to exercise "jin". The only thing a martial artist can do is exercise. Together with Jin, it consumes the body's physical strength. The recovery of physical strength will invisibly increase the stimulation of the cells. The different exercise methods can enhance the toughness of the meridians and make the strength stronger. With a smooth flow, there are many sword skills among martial artists. The performance of these sword skills relies on tenacious meridians. The progress of martial artists requires comprehensive practice. Any shortcut is an act of promoting and encouraging.

Speaking of this, Li Meng's words paused slightly, and in Tyra's increasingly puzzled gaze, he said solemnly: "The dream training method only cultivates the amount of energy, and the way it consumes energy also hurts your body. Ordinary exercise. The law, Jin is consumed with physical strength, and the law of dreaming Jin Jin is to expel. I think, you have lost your fertility now, the impact of Jin has destroyed the function of your uterus in your body."

In Li Meng's gaze, Tyra lowered her head sadly.

Although she didn't know how Mr. Li Meng knew about these things, and she knew so clearly, but every word of these words made Tyra feel very uncomfortable.

For a long time, perhaps to vent the pressure in her heart, Tyra raised her head and said quietly: "I entered the Martial Artist Academy at the age of ten, and at the age of twelve, I rushed into the veins and sensed the existence of Jin. When I was fifteen, "Jin" broke through to the "yellow" state. At the age of 20, Jin broke through to the "cyan" state. In terms of talent, no one can compare to me. If the cycle progresses gradually and breaks through to the blue state, it will take others ten years, even In a few years, it will take me more than 30 years. If there is no dream training method, I may break into the blue realm today, 30 years later, but the road of a martial artist is not smooth and full of crises. , I have no choice."

Speaking of this, Tyra smiled sadly, with a bitter expression on her face, and said helplessly: "Perhaps this is fate. More than 30 years ago, the dream training method was regarded as a treasure by me, and it also made me honor and respect. Today in thirty years, I have been bald for more than twenty years. I can't live without it, but I'm cruel to it."

As if aware that she was a little gaffe, Tyra took a deep breath, and the expression on her face gradually returned to calm.

She looked at Li Meng apologetically, and said softly: "Sorry! The self-pity of an old woman made Mr. Li Meng laugh."

"No!" Li Meng shook his head and denied: "I admire Miss Terra's choice very much. It is about the future of her life. Not everyone has the courage of Miss Terra. The talent is bestowed by fate. Isn't the dream training method a kind of resistance to fate?"

Resistance to fate?

Looking at Li Meng blankly, at this moment, Tyra's mood was very complicated.

She did not expect that in her life, she would meet someone who could understand her at this time.

Yes, she is not reconciled to talent, rests into dreams and exercises, and changes her life. Isn't it her resistance to fate?

Thinking of this, Tyra smiled, the expression on her face improved a lot.

"Go take a bath!"

Sweating all over does not make you comfortable.

Tyra smiled at Li Meng so intimately, nodded lightly, got up and walked to the bathroom.

Although it is a deluxe cabin, the conditions of the floater are very poor and there will not be too much space. In the hall, whether it is a bedroom or a bathroom, the layout is relatively compact.

Compared with the bedroom without door isolation, the bathroom has a door isolation, which avoids unnecessary embarrassment.

With the sound of slight footsteps, Tyra entered the bathroom.

As soon as Tyra left, Chen Yan, who was bored in every way, began to become dishonest.

She smiled lazily, her whole body pressed close to Li Meng's side, and whispered in Li Meng's ear: "Master! Time is running out."

This alluring little fairy...

The soft twin peaks squeezed his arms tightly. The softness and pleasant touch made Li Meng's body agitated.

At this time, the sound of splashing water rang out from the bathroom. Although nothing can be seen, in such a scene, people can't help but think wildly. This atmosphere undoubtedly stimulates Li Meng.

However, in the end, Li Meng suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

With a helpless smile, Li Meng stretched out his hand and pressed his finger against Chen Yan's forehead, pushed the seductive body away from him, poke the forehead lightly, and said spoilingly: "You, just be honest. "

Chen Yan curled her mouth slightly in response to the host's refusal and was very unwilling. She opened her mouth slightly, revealing her white teeth, like a tiger holding Li Meng's finger.

Li Meng was slightly taken aback at Chen Yan's behavior, and the touch from his fingers made Li Meng take a breath.

But Li Meng remained unmoved, and gently pulled out his finger from Chen Yan's mouth.

Seeing that her teasing was fruitless, Chen Yan was rather disappointed and had to sit on the sofa obediently.

Seeing Chen Yan's pitiful appearance, Li Meng felt quite amused.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed the head, and said angrily: "You don't look at any occasion, but the martial artist's perception is very keen, and any movement outside can't hide her."

Chen Yan enjoyed the hands on her head very much, and her unwillingness disappeared instantly.

Regarding the owner's worry, she said indifferently: "What about it, even if she notices something, she will pretend not to know."

With a faint smile, Li Meng withdrew his hand and said softly: "Time is still long, but it shouldn't make people feel embarrassed."

Li Meng was not surprised by Chen Yan's randomness. Although ghouls understand the world, they have a self-centered temperament like the dead, especially when they are by his side, they don't care about other people's thoughts.


Chen Yan responded with disappointment.

Now that the master has said so, what else can she do? Can only stay obediently and settle down.

Following Chen Yan's peace, the hall also became quiet, and only the sound of water echoed.

In the lobby, Li Meng picked up the palm computer again, and didn't know what he was looking at on the small screen.

On the other hand, Chen Yan was boring and half nestled on the sofa. Under the gray dress, the concave and convex curves were very attractive, but this seductive scene could not attract the attention of people around her.

"Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, a short knock on the door suddenly sounded, breaking the silence of the hall.

This made the bored Chen Yan look straight, and she got up quickly and walked to the door of the room.

Li Meng didn't stop Chen Yan's actions, he just glanced at the door of the room and withdrew his gaze.

Soon after night falls, at this time, only the food delivery people will come.

As expected by Li Meng, when Chen Yan opened the door happily, she saw a staff member pushing a cart outside the door to deliver meals.

He is dressed in white clothes, a white cap, and a white scarf around his waist. He is a little older, about forty years old, and his face is clean and refreshing.

When he saw Chen Yan behind the door, he was stunned for a while, his eyes were amazing, but his long work experience quickly restored him to his normal colors.

With a slight look, he hurriedly said: "Hello, it's time for dinner, what do I need? Tonight there will be roast beef, wheat porridge, cheese bread, and fruit plates, as well as wine, rum, and green fruit wine. ."

It's the food delivery staff...

Seeing the people outside, Chen Yan was slightly aware that it was time for a meal at this time.

After a moment's thought, Chen Yan said, "A large portion of roast beef, and one portion for the rest."

The food delivery person nodded lightly and said: "Please wait! I will deliver it to the lady later."

On the floating boat, guests in the luxury cabin dine for free, and the floating boat will also provide them with the best food.

This is a privilege, a privilege from money.

As the food delivery staff left, Chen Yan also closed the door.

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