Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1150: Just curious

At this time, the sound of water in the room disappeared, the door of the bathroom was opened, and Tyra, still in leather armor, came out of the bathroom.

Only the wet blond hair was telling something.

"who is it?"

Tyra asked softly while wiping her head with a towel.

Tyra heard the conversation between Chen Yan and the food delivery staff just now, but did not hear clearly what was said.

Returning to Li Meng's side, Chen Yan sat down. When asked by Tyra, she said casually: "It's the person delivering the food."

Chen Yan's answer made Tyra a little stunned, the night had fallen, and it was time for dinner.

Returning to the sofa and sitting down, Tyra silently wiped the long wet hair on her head.

Tyra's hair is very long, the long hair is pulled to the chest, the end of the hair has touched the leg.

Although wearing leather armor, Tyra's maturity, and the gentle movement of wiping the hair, gave people a feeling of watery hibiscus, which made Li Meng amazed and looked at Tyra involuntarily.

She seemed to perceive Li Meng's gaze, and Tyra raised her head to look at Li Meng. When the eyes of both sides met and peered at Li Meng, Tyra smiled slightly, as if she didn't care, and continued to lower her head and wipe the hair on her chest.

Tyra's smile made Li Meng touch the bridge of his nose awkwardly, and the surprise in his heart disappeared instantly.

In terms of age, Tyra is at least forty years old, which can be said to be twice Li Meng's.

The age gap is a gap that cannot be crossed, and there should be no ideas.

Li Meng also had no ideas. Although his eyes were a bit fiery just now, it was just because of the surprise in his heart, a pure appreciation of "beauty", and no desire was mixed.

Chen Yan on the side saw the fiery gaze that the owner had just looked at Tyra.

The corners of her mouth curled slightly, her eyes full of alert when she looked at Tyra.

Tyra couldn't feel Chen Yan's vigilant gaze, and she didn't know Chen Yan's thoughts.

But Tyra didn't say much, and chose silence.

Explanation is not necessary, she can understand the worries of young girls.

Although Tyra does not know the relationship between this girl and Mr. Li Meng, they should be very close.

A close relationship can become very fragile in some things and can easily cause misunderstandings.

Years of life experience made Tyra understand how to avoid this misunderstanding.

Although she is a martial artist, she is also a woman. It is necessary to keep a distance from her employer and she knows what to do.

Li Meng didn't know the invisible confrontation between the two women, and even if he knew, he would only laugh.

In Chen Yan's eyes, he is the object of admiration, but in the eyes of others, it is not the case.

In terms of appearance, although Li Meng is not ugly, he has nothing to do with handsomeness. It is only better than ordinary. The kind that can be distinguished even when thrown in the crowd. In terms of rights, Li Meng now has no rights. Some are probably just money, and being able to live in the luxury cabin is enough to prove that Li Meng has a lot of wealth. After all, even a martial artist would not be willing to spend 10,000 coins to enjoy the comfortable luxury cabin.

Although martial artists need money, they will not fall for money. Li Meng doesn’t think that Tyra, who has a rich life experience, will feel something about him. Apart from other things, the age gap between the two is the biggest obstacle. .

After Tyra smiled at him, Li Meng calmed down the fluctuations in his heart and returned his attention to the silver screen in his hand.

Nanlin Island is very close to Kyoto. A hundred kilometers to the north is the coastline of the Kyoto Territory, and dozens of kilometers to the west is the coastline of ASEAN. Due to the arc of the earth, the communication distance of the Quantum Communication Tower is 5,000 kilometers. Not only has it enveloped the Bentley country, it has also enveloped part of Kyoto's southern part of the country.

The warning line for signal failure is about a thousand kilometers south of Kyoto. That is to say, in the next few days, Li Meng’s handheld computer can be effectively connected to the data terminal, and you can check the information of the First Army at any time. The situation changes.

Today, the First Army's war in Bentley has ended, and the main focus is on the outer regions of Austria.

The outland of Austria must be unified. This is the plan of the First Corps, an unchangeable plan.

Since the unification battle out of Austria was handed over to the Danlan Kingdom, in terms of warfare, the recent First Army Corps was quite calm, and seemed to put away its fangs.

"Huh! Tan Ya personally led the fleet to set off?"

The emergence of a message gave Li Meng a good news and surprised Li Meng.

In the report, Gunya and her team have arrived in the Danlan Kingdom, and Tanya also led an army with Gunya to the Kingdom of Austria according to Li Meng's order.

The fleet has just set off, just today, around ten o'clock in the morning.

Although Li Meng was a little surprised that Tanya personally led the army to the Kingdom of Austria, but Gu Niya arrived at the Danlan Kingdom still made Li Meng very happy and he was relieved.

This is Guniya’s choice, a choice that satisfies Li Meng.

For Li Meng, Gu Niya's choice also shows that he did not misunderstand the person.

"Master! What's so happy?"

The happy expression on Li Meng's face was so obvious that she couldn't hide it from Chen Yan, which made Chen Yan asked curiously.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said softly: "It's nothing, I just saw a piece of good news."

Because of Tyra's existence, Li Meng didn't elaborate, which made the wise Chen Yan nodded thoughtfully.

"Mr. Li Meng can have something to do with the First Army?"

At this moment, the opposite Tyra suddenly asked, she was still wiping the long hair on her chest, but looked at Li Meng.

Faced with Tyra's question and that soft gaze, Li Meng smiled faintly and said, "Why do you see it?"

Tyra moved her gaze down and looked at the palm computer in Li Meng's hand. She smiled slightly and said softly: "I have the honor to have seen this kind of thing once, and I also know that it comes from the First Army."

It turned out to be like this...

Li Meng's heart became slightly clear.

Handheld computers are not a rare thing in the First Army. Whether they are generals, senior sergeants, and even nuns, they have been equipped with them. In Bentley, the first army also provided a large number of handheld computers for the newly formed new government. , As well as some communication devices that can be connected to the Internet, a database has been established for the new government in the data terminal specifically to serve the new government.

In Bentley, handheld computers are no longer a rare thing, and are slowly entering the eyes of civilians.

Li Meng’s silence seemed to have caused Tyra to misunderstand something. She wiped the long hair on her chest and said: “Of course! We martial artists perform tasks without regard to the identity of the employer, regardless of whether Mr. Li Meng and the First Army have It doesn't matter, it won't be a problem for this trip. Mr. Li Meng doesn't need to care. Tyra is just curious, and this question does not need to be answered."

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