Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1151: Cold current

It is necessary to hide the identity. Since Tyra has said so, Li Meng will naturally not reveal his identity.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "I am from Bentley, so naturally I have some connections with the First Army."

This is also...

Tyra nodded clearly.

Obviously, Mr. Li Meng didn't want to reveal his true identity, so Tyra would not force it.

The soft light inside the house is shining, but outside, the wind is blowing, there is strong wind from the propeller, and wind from nature.

In the night sky, the whirlwind pontoon was slowly advancing.

The pontoon is subordinate to the Bus Association, a long-distance passenger carrier, with a body length of more than 100 meters, allowing it to carry more than 500 passengers. The large number of people represents a mixture of fish and dragons, and the hierarchy of cabins also ensures order.

The food delivery staff did not make Li Meng wait for a long time. About half an hour later, the door rang again.

A large plate of roast beef exuding meaty flavor, golden yellow sauce makes appetite, a bowl of wheat porridge, a cheese bread, a glass of green fruit wine, a bottle of rum, this is the dinner for three.

"Then I'm welcome."

Facing the big meal on the table, the first person who couldn't bear it was Tyra. As a martial artist, she had a great demand for food, and her desire for food was even stronger.

With a slight smile, Li Meng said softly: "Whatever."

With Li Meng's words, Tyra was no longer polite, picked up the tableware on the table and began to eat. Her main goal was roast beef.

Tyra's food is not ugly, but it has nothing to do with beauty and elegance. Although it is not the amazing appetite of the martial artist in the first legion, compared with Gunia, Tyra's appetite is even more terrifying. The roast beef in the big plate , The amount is less than five catties, and in a while, the beef in the market will be eliminated by half.

After a storm, the food on the table was quickly swept away by the three of them.

Most of the credit goes to Terra, and the roast beef alone has made Li Meng daunted.

When the last sip of rum was drunk, Tyra's face was already slightly ruddy.

Although the degree of ram is not high, it will still be intoxicating after drinking too much. Although the system of martial artists is stronger, the appearance of intoxication can be independent of the system.


With a long breath, Tyra put down the empty bottle in her hand contentedly.

She seemed to perceive Li Meng's gaze, she smiled faintly, and said casually: "Mr. Li Meng laughed."

The martial artist's temperament has always been very straightforward, and he doesn't feel a little embarrassed about his huge appetite.

Eating is a blessing, because food intake guarantees physical strength. There is a saying in the survival rule of martial artist that one can eat more and not a lot, because adequate food intake can ensure the martial artist's combat effectiveness while ensuring physical strength.

Li Meng understood this truth, and naturally he would not have any negative views on Tyra's huge appetite.

Regarding Tyra’s eyes, Li Meng chuckled and shook his head, and said: "Miss Tyra reminds me of an old friend, she is also a martial artist, which reminds me of the first time I saw her at dinner. It was really shocked at that time."

Old man?

Tyra smiled and said, "Mr. Li Meng should care about a beautiful woman, right?"

Li Meng did not deny this, nodded and said: "Indeed, she is very beautiful."

As a princess, Gunia has very good genes, and she is impeccable in appearance, enough to be called "beautiful".

Seeing Mr. Li Meng’s honest answer, it made Tyra a little curious, what kind of woman can make Mr. Li Meng care so much?

No matter how beautiful, can the girl beside her be beautiful?

Tyra has always been envious of Chen Yan's beauty, and the beauty of oriental women is fully demonstrated in her.

However, curiosity belongs to curiosity, and Tyra certainly won't break the casserole and ask the end.

As the topic stopped, there was a brief silence in the hall.

For a long time, in silence, Tyra turned her head and looked at the door, with a trace of doubt on her face.

It's been so long, why haven't the food delivery personnel arrived yet?

The tableware on the table can't just be placed like this. It stands to reason that the food delivery personnel should have arrived long ago.

Waiting is no way, Tyra turned around and said to Li Meng: "The tableware can't be kept just like that. The staff of the Bus Association is really getting more and more unruly. I'll go out and have a look."

With that, Tyra got up from the sofa and walked to the door.

Just after two steps, the room shook violently and tilted to the left.

The sudden change, even Tyra, who is a martial artist, did not react for a while, and his body staggered and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the place where Tyra fell was beside Li Meng. Li Meng quickly grabbed Tyra's fallen body and pulled it into his arms.

At this time, the shaking of the room continued, and the angle of tilting to the left was greater. The tables and sofas in the room were shaking, showing signs of sliding.

The sound of "creak creak" also rang in my ears, it was the groan of the hull.

"What happened?"

Holding Tyra tightly in his arms, Li Meng frowned slightly.

Obviously, the pontoon is turning urgently.

For the first time, being held tightly by a man, Tyra in Li Meng's arms had already blushed.

But she did not move, and while she was shy, doubts appeared on her face.

How can the floating boat suddenly turn suddenly? I don't know how many people will be injured in this way.

" see, young master, what is that?"

Looking at the night sky outside the balcony, Chen Yan let out an unexpected whisper.

This made Li Meng look at Chen Yan's gaze.

At this look, even Li Meng was stunned.

In the darkness outside the balcony, an iceberg was swept back. It was not an iceberg, but an ice cloud. It was not ice, but a crystal clear cloud like ice crystals.

With its appearance, the temperature in the air dropped sharply, and the cold breath made Li Meng shiver, and the hot body in his arms made Li Meng feel better.

In the shaking, the tilt in the room finally recovered its balance, and the violent shaking calmed down slightly.

"No, we have a cold snap."

Just now outside the balcony, Tyra had seen the icy clouds. At this moment, she had forgotten her shyness and her expression became very solemn.

"It's cold..."

The temperature in the air is getting colder and colder, and the room seems to be covered with frost.

At this time, the horns scattered around the floating boat also sounded solemn and rapid sounds.

"Warning, warning, encountering a cold current, encountering a cold current, please go to the lower deck to evacuate immediately for passengers in the deluxe and high class cabins, please go to the lower deck immediately."

The sound from the horn repeated over and over again, and the rapid alarm bell rang.

At this moment, the originally peaceful floating boat completely rioted, and in the corridor outside the door, there were rapid footsteps and flustered words.

"It's useless, it's useless."

In Li Meng's arms, Tyra muttered to herself, her expression very ugly.

"What's the matter?" Tyra's muttering in his arms attracted Li Meng's attention, and he lowered his head and asked.

Tyra shook her head and said in a deep voice: "If the floating boat cannot leave the ravaged area of ​​the cold current in time, it will be useless no matter where you hide. Except for the martial artist above the green realm, everyone on board will die and be frozen The cold current of everything froze into blocks of ice."

Is the cold current so scary?

Li Meng was quite surprised by what Tyra said. If the power of the cold current is really so strong, the entire floater will probably be frozen.

At this time, Li Meng couldn't help but believe it, because in the gap between the windows and doors of the isolation balcony, a trace of ice crystals was spreading, and white ice mist was pouring into the room, which made the temperature in the air even colder.

The extremely cold temperature also made Tyra look upright, and she quickly said: "Let’s go quickly and go to the bottom compartment. We need a place that is sealed enough. Only in this way can we get through this crisis.

After speaking, Tyra broke free from Li Meng's arms, and ran outside the door while pulling Li Meng.

Li Meng could feel the tension of Tyra. In order to reassure him, Li Meng did not resist Tyra's pull, and followed very obediently. When Tyra was dragged out of the room, Li Meng nodded to Chen Yan. .

Chen Yan followed behind her clearly for the master's gesture.

When the three people left the room, the hallway outside the door had already changed a lot. Whether it was on the ground or on the wall, there was a layer of hoarfrost. At the end of the hallway, a cloud of ice mist was constantly flowing. Influx.

Opening his mouth and exhaling, the gas fell into a piece of ice crystal as soon as it left his mouth.

At this time, the temperature in the corridor has dropped to the extreme.


There was a strange sound, it was the sound of freezing.

At the end of the corridor, the ground and walls were freezing and spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye. The speed was extremely fast. Everything was frozen where the ice crystals passed.

"Go!" This terrifying scene made Tyra's face changed greatly, and he couldn't help but hurriedly pulled Li Meng to the hatch that led to the lower deck.

When Tyra pulled Li Meng to escape, he had already made a mess in the cockpit of the Cyclone floater.

"Unable to discern the direction, the Magic Furnace is disturbed and unable to provide more lift, unable to determine the range covered by the cold current, Captain! We can no longer run out."

"Captain! The propeller is frozen and has stopped spinning. We have lost thrust and the speed of the floater is decreasing."

"Captain Jade! What should we do?"

In the huge cockpit, the crew has already become flustered. Although they are still stationed at their posts, their faces are full of panic, which is the fear of death.

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