Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1281: we are coming

In Ogeria, Tan Ya's fleet has nearly a hundred ships, but it cannot transport more than 500,000 troops at one time. To fight tomorrow, the advance team will land first, and the follow-up troops will follow.

In the orderly action, time just passed bit by bit.

Early the next morning, at five o'clock in the morning, at the exact time, the fleet set off.

Everything is going on quietly.

When the darkness left and the light shrouded the earth again, the warship on the sea had disappeared and became empty.

In the camp on the shore, the silver-gray tents were much less, and a large number of armored units disappeared. Only the piles of materials were still there, located in the corner of the camp.

On the golden beach, there was a mess, and there were traces of military actions.

The wind is blowing, and the waves are hitting the reef and beach over and over again.

On the cliff, behind the coast, is an endless forest.

The swing of the canopy and the swing of the branches and leaves make the green forest look like a surging ocean wave, forming an endless sea of ​​forests.

The place where the continent and the sea are in contact is not peaceful, because the waves make a lot of noise.

When the waves hit the shore violently, the purest roar of the sea will sound.

Looking into the distance, the sea was white. I don't know when, a black shadow appeared on the sea.

It was a fleet, a fleet approaching the coast.

The silver-gray painting and the black flag all prove the identity of this fleet.

The Kingdom of Danlan is not far from the mainland of Austria. After sailing to the east for about three hundred nautical miles, the fleet is divided into three. The third fleet continues to move east until it reaches the designated position, while the fourth and fifth fleets Then drove into the Arafore Strait.

This fleet is the third fleet, and here is the coastline of the northern part of Culver Kingdom.

As the highest commander of the Ogeria theater, Tanya is also in this fleet.

Compared with the tasks of the other two fleets, the task of the third fleet is more difficult.

Delhi City is the "capital" of the Culver Kingdom. Although it is deep inland, it is connected by the Yiluo River. That is to say, the fleet can directly upstream and reach outside Delhi City.

Today’s wind is fairly calm, and although the sea is undulating, specifically, the sea conditions are fairly good.

The fleet of more than 30 warships is very large, covering a large area of ​​the sea.

In the roar of the engines, among the countless huge ship shadows, battleships and drone aircraft carriers are the most eye-catching. Their hulls are the most massive, like a steel mountain moving on the sea.

Especially the UAV aircraft carrier, as a new generation of naval units, it has extremely beautiful lines and beautiful appearance. Unlike ordinary aircraft carriers, the UAV aircraft carrier does not have a direct deck, and its rear part is bridged, and Auxiliary weapons occupy, the front deck is an apron, and the entrance and exit of the hangar.

There is only one type of carrier-based aircraft for UAV aircraft carriers, and that is the "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter jet.

As a new generation of unmanned carrier-based fighter aircraft, vertical take-off and landing is the most basic capability. Naturally, there is no need for a through deck with high take-off and landing requirements.

In terms of hull size, aircraft carriers are the largest and battleships are the second.

Since battleships are equipment after World War II, in order to mount three triple-mounted 406 mm main guns, a large enough hull is needed to bear the recoil of the main guns.

There is only one type of battleship for the Allies, and that is the "Warner-class" battleship.

This type of battleship is the last battleship naval service of the Allies. Aside from the fading of the times, in that era of huge ships and artillery, the "Warner-class" battleship with a full capacity of 60,000 tons can be described as proud of the crowd.

The only regret is that it has not been battlefield for a long time.

In the third year of the launch of the first Warner-class battleship, the Second World War was over.

In the third war, although the Allies used some "Warner-class" battleships that were sealed and retired, in modern warfare, the battleship function of the giant cannon is minimal, and it can only be used as a mobile fort for offshore landings. The troops provided artillery support.

However, in a world dominated by "precision guided" weapons, it has natural enemies, it is difficult to survive on the battlefield, and it is difficult to give play to its own firepower advantage.

But here, on the earth, its role is undoubtedly huge.

When the enemy of the day is not present, it can exert its most powerful firepower. When a battleship tilts its firepower to its fullest, its power is extremely amazing, and it is a nightmare for any enemy.

"General, we are here, and the mouth of the Yiluo River is in front of us. After sailing along the Yiluo River for more than 60 kilometers to the southeast, we will arrive at Delhi."

In the bridge command room of the battleship, Davis standing straight said to Tan Ya on the captain's seat beside him.

He looked out of the window. Outside was the sea, and at the end of the sea was a steep cliff.

Looking into the distance, all that is in contact with the sea is a cliff that stretches to the end of time.

The cliff was very high, hundreds of meters long, black, like a high wall blocking the fleet in front of it.

There was a fault on one part of the cliff, a gorge, as if it had been split from it, and a gap of hundreds of meters wide appeared, which was the mouth of the Yiluo River.

A touch of green can be seen above the cliff, which is the edge of the forest sea.

Although Davis is the commander of the Third Fleet, Tan Ya can only be in the second line here.

Looking at the cliffs in the distance, Tan Ya's mouth curled slightly, and said calmly: "Immediately dispatch the drone to tell them that we are here."

Davis: "Yes, dispatch an unmanned fighter jet."

With an order, the UAV aircraft carrier changed during the advance of the fleet.

The door of the hangar was opened in the alarm bell of "Ula Wula". With the roar of the aviation engine, twelve "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter jets rushed out of the hangar and flew into the sky.

In the sky, twelve "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter jets flew in a figure eight formation over the fleet and flew rapidly to the southeast.


With a blast, in the midst of the billowing air, the continuously accelerating "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter jet broke through the sound barrier, gradually disappeared in the whistling sound, and soon turned into black spots on the horizon. Disappear without a trace.

The dispatch of the "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter jet was a deterrent, and it was also telling the Kalfe Kingdom that the First Army was here.

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