Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1282: Deterrence and contempt

In the unification battle of the Austrian mainland, the purpose of the First Army is to occupy, not to kill. If it can take a city or a country without blood, the First Army will certainly be happy.

Although this possibility is very low, it does not prevent the First Army from doing unnecessary things.

The fleet did not stop advancing. Amidst the roar of the "rumbling" engines, warships lined up into the Yiluo River.

The terrain of the Austrian continent is gentle, very low and flat. The northern region is full of endless plains, and only some areas on the southern edge have mountains.

The entrance and exit of the Yiluo River are on the northern coast, more than a thousand kilometers deep inland. In the first half of the river, there are large cracks, as if the earth has split, and the Yiluo River lies in the cracks.

When the fleet all sailed into Yiluo, in the Yiluo River, a warship formed a team of more than ten kilometers long.

In the first half of the Yiluo River, due to the large cracks, the river channel is very narrow. The narrowest place is only more than 50 meters. On both sides are towering and steep cliffs, which are close to 100 meters in height. A dangerous scene created by nature.

Although the river channel is narrow, the depth of the water is amazing. Looking towards the surface, the black river water gives people an extremely deep feeling. Only with enough depth can the river water have such a color.

Before the fleet opened, the First Army was not idle.

In the past few months, according to some information provided by the Kingdom of Austria, the First Army used air units and ground reconnaissance teams to collect a lot of information about the seven countries of the Austrian mainland, as well as accurate road maps. .

Austria is just a continent slightly larger than Kyoto, but there are seven kingdoms on this land. If you add the Kingdom of Austria, that is, eight kingdoms, the eight kingdoms divide the continent, and each kingdom’s territory Neither will be very big.

Take the Kingdom of Culver, why did the fleet of the First Army be divided into three and attack from different directions. One is efficiency, and the other is that there is no need to concentrate superior forces to deal with the seven countries, and the third is Karl There are only three cities in the Kingdom of Falcon. If the Kingdom of Culver has a fourth and a fifth city, the fleet will still be divided into three, but the landing force will be divided into multiple corresponding siege troops.

For the Kingdom of Culver, the First Army has enough knowledge.

As it is located at the northwestern tip of the mainland of Austria, the kingdom is fairly peaceful, without enemies from outside, and it has been peaceful for decades, and its neighbors rarely trouble it.

In terms of military strength, the Culver Kingdom does not have an army to fight outside. There are only some garrisons. The total number of garrisons in the three cities is about 100,000. Among these 100,000 garrisons, the city of Delhi accounts for more than half. , And the defenders of Bruce and Rose were only tens of thousands. The three fleets, each of which had no less than 50,000 advance landing troops, was more than enough to deal with the Kingdom of Culver.

As the fleet entered the Yiluo River, the "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter plane arrived in Delhi.

When twelve "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter jets broke through the air from a distance, it caused a commotion in Delhi.

The first to spot the "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter was the guards on the city wall. They were condescending. When the "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter appeared from a distant sky, they were the first to spot it.

"what is that?"

The abnormal movement of the sky caused the patrol team on the wall to stop and look towards the distant sky.

In the sky, twelve small black spots are rapidly approaching.

For a moment, just over a minute, the roar of howling was clearly audible, and the black spots in the sky revealed their true colors.

Before the guards on the wall had time to react, twelve "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter jets whizzed past the wall and flew into the city.

When flying near the city, the twelve "Sky Rider" UAVs scattered, lowered their altitude, passed through the city, and flew around.

The strange sound from the sky undoubtedly attracted the attention of the civilians in the city, and they raised their heads and looked at the sky suspiciously.

All they could see was the metal figure whizzing past their eyes.

what is that……

At this time, only doubts came to people's minds.

"Immediately sound the air defense alarm, quickly, activate the air defense weapon."

After a short delay, the city defense department in Delhi reacted immediately.

In the city, the piercing siren suddenly sounded.

In the sound of the sirens, on the terraces of the tall buildings, the anti-aircraft weapons showed their true colors.

These large-caliber anti-aircraft guns were originally used to deal with the threat from flying pollutants, but now they have become the only air defense weapon in Delhi.

"Da da da!"

In Delhi, the civilians were puzzled and surprised, and there was a burst of gunfire.

The high buildings everywhere in the city were constantly flashing flames, and dense bullets swept across the sky.

"If you encounter an attack, the threat is low, do you fight back?"

In the sky, under the control of intelligent AI, the "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter jet dexterously avoided the barrage attack.

Compared with manned fighters, UAVs can ignore the risk of overload. As long as the body structure is strong enough, it can make some incredible actions.

However, at this moment, the "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter does not need to do some extra dodge actions. As long as the speed is fast enough, the barrage fired by those anti-aircraft cannons is difficult to hit the "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter.

Under attack, the intelligent AI spread the news to the fleet as soon as possible.

"No need to fight back, return immediately."

Among the flagship of the fleet, Tan Ya gave orders to the "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter.

This time, Tanya sent the "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter jet to take a stroll around Delhi. This was only a deterrent and a kind of contempt. It also made Delhi understand that war is coming.

Obtained an accurate order, in the dense bullet rain, the "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter flying around the city of Delhi instantly accelerated, and flew away from the city of Delhi amid a piercing sound.

In the high air outside the city, the far away unmanned fighter jets regrouped into a figure eight formation, and quickly disappeared into the eyes of the city wall guards.

This sudden arrival of the enemy suddenly left, making people puzzled and somewhat at a loss.

Where do they come from?

It was not a polluting beast, but some kind of flying machine.

The arrival of the "Sky Knight" made Delhi become vigilant and panicked for a while.

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