Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1286: Win without fighting

In silence, under the leadership of Zin Erman, the ministers left the wall and returned to the palace.

However, Jinelman did not know that his urgent decision at this time prevented a war from happening.

As Zinerman said, if an envoy was sent to the First Legion to inform the Culver Kingdom of surrender, it would be too late.

When the "king" of the Culver Kingdom fled to Delhi, the fleet outside the west wall of Delhi was ready to attack.

The landing point has been found, on the bank of the river more than ten kilometers ahead.

The water area is very deep, and the underwater terrain is a pit. Although there is a shallow area, the water depth is very shallow, only about half a meter. At this depth, troops can land even if the ship does not come to the shore.

As the total offensive time gets closer, the fleet outside the west wall of Delhi suddenly becomes active.

A large number of transport ships left the fleet and headed for the landing point.

"There are still twelve minutes before the total offensive time. All ships follow orders and immediately prepare for battle."

With an order from Davis, the fleet entered a combat state.

The rapid alarm bells sounded in each battleship, and all crew members rushed to their posts.

The destroyer, the heavy, the battleship, all the turrets turned, and the muzzle of the black hole aimed at the city of Delhi amid the sound of machinery.

In the fleet, the only amphibious assault ship also began preparations for combat. The hatches leading to the back of the deck were opened. As the elevator platform was raised, a Falcon helicopter was sent to the deck.

As the latest armed helicopter installed by the Allies in modern times, the "Falcon" armed helicopter is undoubtedly a very practical army aviation unit. Although it uses traditional propellers, it has outstanding speed and load capacity. It is robust and durable. Simplicity is also one of its highlights.

It is a heavy-duty armed helicopter with a relatively bloated and slender body. It has an empty weight of four tons. Under the short wings on both sides, it can carry about three tons of ammunition. The main weapon is two 21 tubes of 70 mm. Rocket launch nest, 18 various missiles, and a 35mm cannon under the nose, carrying 2500 rounds.

In terms of firepower, the "Falcon" helicopter gunship is unquestionable, capable of flexibly cooperating with ground forces and providing powerful fire support.

The UAV aircraft carrier is also ready for combat. The door of the hangar is opened. As long as the attack order is issued, a "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter jet will swarm out and occupy the sky above Delhi.

This is destined to be an asymmetrical battle.

Of course, the defenders on the wall were aware of the fleet movement on the river.

But they did not have any way to defend against the enemy. In the past, at a certain period of time, there were a lot of shore defense guns on the west wall facing the river. However, as the peace has been long, their vigilance has been reduced. When it became rusty due to disrepair for a long time, he did not choose to replace the new cannon, but removed the defensive weapon of the shore defense gun, which made the defense on the west wall empty.

Today, the only long-range weapon used by the defenders on the West City Wall to defend against the enemy is the 65mm cannon on the first-generation guards. Of course, this long-range cannot reach the fleet on the river.

When the muzzle of the black hole of the fleet on the river aimed at the west wall, a tense and solemn atmosphere reverberated on the wall. The soldiers hid behind the battlements and watched nervously at the aggressive fleet on the river.

Just when the battle was about to start, a soldier hurriedly boarded the city wall.

While running wildly, he yelled: "Master Chin'erman ordered to raise the white flag, open the city gate, and all the defenders return to the barracks."

The sudden order made the guards on the city wall startled slightly, looking at each other, somewhat at a loss.

Raise the white flag and open the city gate. Isn't this surrender?

This makes it difficult for many soldiers to understand.

When Zin Erman's order reached the ears of Wan Shoujun on the wall, the wall suddenly fell into a commotion.

An army officer grabbed the running messenger and asked, "Is this the king's order or the order of Minister Chinlman?"

The arm was pulled, and the soldier who sent the order hurriedly said: "The king led the guards to escape from the city. The order was issued by Lord Chinlman. Lord, please follow the order. I need to pass the order to other troops. "

After speaking, the soldier who sent the order broke free from the restraint of the officer and hurried away.

The king escaped?

When the news reached the ears of the defenders, many soldiers couldn't believe it, wondering if they had heard it wrong.

As the lord of a country, how can the king leave his subjects and flee in this important period?

Although I can't believe it, the facts cannot be changed.

The escape of the king has been confirmed and soon spread to the soldiers and civilians of Delhi.

The kings have fled, is there any value in Delhi for them to protect?

The king's escape was nothing less than a blow to the Culver Kingdom.

If we say that before, the tens of thousands of soldiers in Delhi still had the confidence of World War I for the powerful army of the First Army, but the escape of the king completely broke the confidence in the hearts of the soldiers.

This led to the surrender order to Chinlman, and no officer stood up against it.

On the Yiluo River, the fleet of the First Army was sharpening its knives and was about to give orders for a general attack, only to find that the white flag was raised on the wall of Delhi and the gate behind the pier was also opened.

This scene made the First Legion very surprised and a little bit ridiculous. Unexpectedly, at the last moment, the Culver Kingdom chose to surrender.

In the flagship of the fleet, when he learned of the abnormal movement on the west wall, the word attack got stuck in Davis' throat.

The blue light flickered, and a holographic figure of "Ya" appeared on the metal disk on the side.

"There is information from the Fourth Fleet, the Fifth Fleet, Bruce, Rose City has surrendered."

On the captain's seat, Tan Ya thoughtfully.

In this way, the Culver Kingdom has fully surrendered.

Does it win without a fight again?

To be honest, in the bottom of my heart, Tanya hopes that the Culver Kingdom can be hardened.

The Kingdom of Culver is the first leg of the First Legion to invade the continent of Austria. If the First Legion can defeat the Kingdom of Culver, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the First Legion in future wars.

However, since the Kingdom of Culver chose to surrender, the First Army did not need to conquer by force.

The thoughts in her heart were put away, and Tan Ya said to Davis beside her: "Lead the army into the city and take over the defense of Delhi."

After speaking, Tan Ya said to Ya: "Order the "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter jets to dispatch immediately, and the "Falcon" armed helicopters, let them take the lead to explore the reality of the city."

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