Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1287: Strong

The First Army knew nothing about the situation in Delhi, and it did not rule out that the so-called surrender was just a trap. Although this possibility is small, it is not impossible.

During the war, the First Army must be careful not to take a wrong step.

"Yes!" Davis responded.

"Understand, the order has been delivered." It was "Ya" who spoke.

Foreign enemies invaded and the kingdom surrendered. This news is no secret to the soldiers and civilians of Delhi.

As civilians, they are powerless. They may be angry with the king's escape and the cowardice of the regime, but for fate, all they can do is obey.

In the sound of "howling", the "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter plane re-invaded the sky over Delhi.

When the twenty-four "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter jets flew indiscriminately over the city of Delhi, they flew again. Immediately aroused countless eyes. This time, the "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter jet was not attacked by any air defense weapons in the city.

They arbitrarily shuttled between the high-rise buildings, conveying news of the arrival of the First Army to the soldiers and civilians of Delhi.

Soon after the "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter plane flew over the city of Delhi, with a "buzzing" engine roar, twenty "Falcon" gunships leapt from the tall city wall and entered the city.

There was no one on the wall at this time, no matter it was a guard or a soldier, no one was seen.

The Culver Kingdom has fully surrendered, and this news is true.

Outside the city, on the bank of the river a few kilometers southwest of the pier, a large-scale landing is underway.

In the deep water area, many transport ships were moored quietly on the water, and one landing craft after another exited from the transport ship’s hatch, carrying soldiers and armored units fast to the shore.

In the shallow water area, five "tank landing ships" even washed up the shallows, and the flat-bottomed bow gave the tank landing ships the ability to land near shore.

The hatch at the bow of the ship had been opened, and the guardian tanks drove into the shallows less than half a meter deep amid the roar of the engines, pressing the water all the way to the river bank aggressively.

The river bank at the landing site is a fairly wide river beach. The river beach is flat and stretches for several kilometers. There is no soft sand, only pebbles and black frozen soil tens of meters wide.

The river beach is just a landing point. When hundreds of soldiers and armored machines landed on the river beach, they rushed straight into the forest and marched towards the city of Delhi not far away.

There was no enemy and no resistance, and the advance troops landed very smoothly.

Not long after, nearly 70,000 troops, large and small armored units of various types were sent to land.

For an army of up to 70,000, the dock is still a bit small.

On the pier outside the city, after a bit of rectification, the first army of nearly 70,000 troops marched toward Delhi city mightily.

The enemy has surrendered and the city gate has been opened.

Seventy thousand troops formed a torrent of steel and poured into Delhi.

The roar of machinery, the sound of dense footsteps, the shaking steel figure, the mighty war machinery, at this time, the city of Delhi, on the main road connecting the west gate, shows such a moving army.

Raising the white flag and the order of non-resistance turned Delhi into an alley for thousands of people. The streets were empty and deserted.

The civilians in Delhi did not flee, they were still in the city, but because of the recent ban, they returned home in a hurry and waited quietly.

The street seems to be empty, but in the buildings on both sides of the street, countless people are watching the army marching on the street.

The city of Delhi is not big, but not small. Not all the troops entering the city from the First Army stay on the main road.

After entering the city, the army was divided into two, the main force marched towards the palace, and the other army boarded the city wall and took over the city defense mission of Delhi.

Since the city of Delhi has surrendered, the operations of the First Army in the city can be said to be very smooth, without any hindrance, and completely controlled the city before dark.

When the night was approaching, the main force of the First Army also arrived at the palace, occupying the most important political center of the Culver Kingdom.

At this time, the palace was already empty, the king fled, and the guards were taken away. Before the arrival of the First Army, the palace was an empty shell, an empty shell with a gorgeous appearance.

The kingdom in the city is not magnificent, it is just a fortress in the city, with walls and a group of castle buildings. Although the area is not small, it does not look "atmospheric."

Without giving people a kind of "symbolic" feeling, it can only be regarded as a very ordinary castle.

From this we can see the "understanding" of Culver Kingdom.

The palace was not empty. When the First Legion entered the city, a group of ministers were waiting in the king's hall.

Time has passed for a long time, and the ministers in the king's hall do not know what happened outside.

But they knew that the First Army had entered the city. Although they were very worried about their wives and children, they could do nothing but wait in the king's hall, waiting for the final ruling.

"Come, they are here."

With a soft cry, outside the hall, intensive footsteps sounded.

Under the gaze of the ministers, a large number of soldiers wearing silver-gray armor poured into the hall. They were holding weapons, and the sound of clank footsteps rang into one, and they occupied the entire hall for a moment.

Looking at the foreign soldiers around, the ministers looked at each other and did not act rashly.

Not many soldiers entered the hall, just over a hundred.

Soon after the soldiers entered the hall, footsteps sounded at the door again.

This time, the footsteps were not intensive. For a moment, Tan Ya, wearing a black bloodmark armor and a cloak, walked into the hall, and followed Davis beside her.

Walking in the smooth hall, the footsteps of "Zhengzheng" sounded under the feet of the two. In the hall, the crisp sound of footsteps echoed, and it also spread to the ears of the ministers.

This made the ministers look back at the two people who entered the hall.

Looking at Tan Ya's unique costume, they understood that the top of the First Army had arrived.

Tan Ya walked straight past the ministers, her cloak fluttering, drifting with Tan Ya's steps.

Before the stairs where Wang was sitting, Tan Ya stopped and turned to face the ministers.

At this time, Jin Erman quickly went out and said respectfully to Tan Ya: "This lord, my name is..."

"I don't need to know your names."

Before he finished speaking, Tan Ya's cold voice interrupted him.

This made the ministers looked at each other, their expressions changed, and they kept looking at the female general who was completely covered by the hood.

In the hood, Tan Ya faintly looked at the ministers in front of him, and said coldly: "What was your responsibilities before, and it is still the same now. Starting today, the Culver Kingdom is no longer there. The army in the city is immediately disbanded and the defense is handed over to the One legion is in charge."

"I don't care whether you want it or not. Before the situation in the Austrian mainland is stabilized, you must do your own thing and manage this territory as before. I don't want to see voices against the First Army appear. It will not be a good thing for you."

After finishing talking, ignoring the reactions of the ministers, Tan Ya strode out of the hall, passing by the ministers.

Behind Tanya, Davis followed closely, and the soldiers in the hall also moved, leaving the hall with intensive footsteps.

After Tan Ya left, peace was restored in the king's hall, leaving only a group of ministers looking at each other.

The female general's words were already very clear, they were warnings, and she was also showing them that the goal of the First Army was not the tiny kingdom of Culver.

It's really strong...

Facing the female general, they didn't even have the courage to speak, until she left, what they wanted to say was still in their mouths, which made some ministers very uncomfortable.

But that's only the case. As the female general said, the Culver Kingdom is no longer there, and the officials of their kingdom naturally do not have any "dignity" at all, whether it is forced or threatened. For the sake of their wives and children, as well as the people of the Culver Kingdom, they must bear the heavy responsibility on their shoulders.

"Everyone, you have heard what that person said. I don't know what you think in your heart, but for your own sake and for the people of Delhi, we must do our part. Let everything be business as usual, what we did before Yes, I still do it now."

The ministers knew what to do and what to do, and no one raised any objection to Chinlman's words.

Those who know the current affairs are brilliant, and they can't help it at this time.

The palace is not a good place for garrisons. There is not enough space to accommodate nearly 70,000 troops.

In the city, the main force only went through a cutscene and drove to the outskirts of the northwestern city of Delhi.

The outskirts of Delhi city is a woodland, because when the city wall was built, the remaining area was too large, and the expansion and development of the city did not happen overnight. In the process of development and expansion, the periphery of the city appeared unoccupied by buildings. Suburbs.

Surrounded by nature, with a breath of wilderness of green mountains and green waters, the suburbs are often the domain of the rich.

Many powerful people like to open up their own "home" in the suburbs away from the noisy city.

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