Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1294: power

It is undoubtedly a lot easier for Arran to deal with people he knows.

After taking a slight step, Yalan left, and her slim figure disappeared behind the door under Li Meng's gaze.

After Yalan left, the room was quiet again.

Standing in front of the window again, Li Meng quietly looked at the dark garden outside the window.

Not far away was Long Qiao'er standing still.

She had been frivolous by the master just now, she didn't seem to care, the expression on her face was always calm.

Li Meng was thinking about things, thinking about the war on the Austrian mainland, and thinking about the overall situation of the First Army now.

In general, the situation facing the First Army is not bad.

Although Li Meng is paying attention to the war on the Austrian mainland, he does not have too many worries in his heart.

This time the First Army launched the war against the seven kingdoms on the continent of Austria. They are not powerful. Years of civil wars and conquests have consumed too much national power of the seven countries, even if the seven countries are united. , There is no possibility of defeating the First Army.

For this war, Li Meng was full of contempt from beginning to end, and the only thing that made Li Meng a little concerned about was the demons in Daran City.

The demons from the subspace are terrifying and cunning. Their scale is no longer small, and it will be a big trouble for the First Army.

There is always a feeling in Li Meng's heart that the devil will become the biggest enemy of the First Army in the battle of Australia and Austria.

"I hope nothing happens..."

Looking at the night sky, Li Meng thought to himself.

Although his current ideas can reach any corner of the earth in an instant, Li Meng still lacks some power. The projection of his ideas has no power. If he wants to intervene in the war on the Austrian continent, Li Meng can only take advantage of Go to mainland Austria by boat or by military plane.

However, this is not much necessary. No matter how strong an individual is, even if it can affect the direction of the battlefield, it cannot change the situation of the entire battlefield. Li Meng personally participated in the war. Although it has great benefits to the war, it does not have much necessity.

"God" is not omnipotent. The stronger the individual's power, the easier it is to be targeted. Once targeted, even the "God" may be damaged. The true **** does not exist, but the false **** of the strong is not immortal. .

In Kyoto, Li Meng is still unable to leave, and the war on the mainland of Austria can only be handed over to Tan Ya.

Speaking of strength, Li Meng thought of the strength he has now.

Aside from the spiritual body, the power of death is a very peculiar "power", it is a kind of elemental particles, born in the subspace and the material world, and has a great impact on the life of the main material world, and "death" There is a close connection.

The power of death is ubiquitous, and Li Meng is almost invincible on the earth in the state of spirit.

Of course, this kind of "invincibility" does not mean that you can defeat any enemy, but that you can guarantee "immortality" no matter what enemy you face.

In Li Meng's heart, the power of the spirit body is not strong enough, and it is far from the standard in Li Meng's heart.

However, powerful "power" takes time to brew, especially for the spirit body.

The spirit body is a container, a container with almost infinite "capacity". If Li Meng is given tens of thousands of years, there might be a god, a true "death god" in the galaxy.

Leaning against the window sill, Li Meng fell into contemplation.

Speaking of the spirit body, Li Meng noticed one thing.

It has been more than a year since the time has passed. In this more than a year, the power of the spirit body has become stronger and stronger, but at the same time as it is strong, Li Meng also felt a kind of "binding" power.

Especially after returning from underground space, the feeling of "binding" is even clearer.

The spirit body and Li Meng are originally one body. Although it is hidden in the emptiness, the emptiness is not another plane, but another perspective, a different world view, both in the main material realm.

This allowed Li Meng to receive information from the spirit body at any time.

The **** does not come from a physical attack, but a kind of oppression, a kind of oppression from the law.

The spirit body is an aggregate of the power of death. Perhaps this kind of pure elemental body is not allowed in this universe. The so-called "binding" Li Meng prefers to understand it as "repulsion" and being rejected by the world.

The stronger the spirit body, the greater the rejection. Li Meng can feel that there is a power that wants to erase the existence of the "spirit body". Fortunately, that power is not strong, but an instinctive reaction to the laws of the world.

Being rejected by the law cannot be ignored. The world law's rejection of the spirit body is still weak, but what about the future? When rejection gets stronger, who knows what will happen in the future.

How to solve this problem, Li Meng still has no solution, so he can only let it go for the time being.

After letting go of the problems caused by the spiritual body, Li Meng thought of the power of faith again.

Although the power of faith and the power of death appear together, the two are completely different "powers". The power of death is elemental particles, while the power of faith is a by-product of ideas, something born from the spirit of life. A kind of longing, a kind of belief, is a kind of power more "pure" than mental power.

It can be said that the power of faith is the real spiritual power.

Li Meng's use of the power of faith is still very shallow.

The only ability is to tear the space apart, and use a principle similar to space folding to reach another place instantly. There is no limit to the distance. As long as there are coordinates, it can be reached instantly even if the two places are separated by hundreds of thousands of light years.

In terms of attributes, the power of faith is close to nothing, but it is only close. Li Meng discovered that when it comes into contact with the "light" of the material world, the power of faith produces a linkage effect, forming a kind of attributed particles.

This kind of particles is white. The stronger the linkage effect, the color will change from milky white to pale gold. If it continues to strengthen, the pale gold will become deeper and deeper, and eventually become as dazzling as the sun.

The color changes, the attributes will also change.

In the milky white color, the attribute is soft and full of gentleness, as gentle as flowing water, but when it becomes golden, the attribute will change rapidly, becoming extremely irritable, like a volcano about to erupt, with great damage Sex, when the golden color becomes as dazzling as the sun, it is as destructive as the real sun.

In this more than a year, Li Meng has not been idle. Although he does not use the power of belief, he has always been very curious about this peculiar power, and he often conducts some research on the power of belief.

Not long ago, the soaring development of the brain domain gave Li Meng a good brain. The research on the power of faith can be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds. After learning that the power of faith has such characteristics, Li Meng did countless things Simulation experiment.

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