Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1295: Attend an appointment

The experiment has made some progress. In theory, Li Meng has obtained a set of very reasonable methods of use, and now it is short of practice. If the theory is correct, Li Meng can obtain another powerful "power."

Finally, it is Li Meng’s most commonly used "mental power". As a power of mind, it is actually very impractical to use it in combat. Without a good brain and huge computing power, mental power will appear to be very helpful. It is only suitable for assistance. If the calculation ability is strong enough, the ability of mind is omnipotent and the strongest kind of power.

If there is no limit to computing power, the power of mind can make Li Meng a "true god".

Absolute control is terrifying. If Li Meng can control all the particles that make up the world at will, he can change the rules of the universe at will. At that time Li Meng was not a "god" but a "creator."

Of course, the limit is the limit. Even if the human brain development can exceed 100%, he cannot have the computing power in Li Meng's ideal. This is the limit, the limit of life.

These three kinds of power, any kind of power is indispensable to Li Meng, all have their own uses.

Li Meng's ideal is to let these three forces develop together and try not to ignore any party.

The increase in strength can not be achieved overnight, it takes time, enough time.

Putting his thoughts aside for a while, Li Meng looked up at the garden outside the window.

At this time, the sky was completely dark. Although the street lamps in the garden were still shining, they could not completely fade the darkness. Looking out, it was dim, and all you could see was the outline of some things.

After watching for a while, Li Meng withdrew his gaze from the window, turned his head to Long Qiaoer beside him and said, "Come with me out for a walk."

As the "ambassador" of the First Army, Li Meng has not been idle these days. Even if he is lying in a hospital bed, he has to meet some people in the ward. For several days, Li Meng stayed in the room and his body was about to be born. Rust.

Since the night came, the dark clouds in the sky have disappeared, the sky is shining with stars, and the moonlight is swaying in the half moon, as clear after the rain, this kind of night is suitable for walking.

Go for a walk?

Naturally, Long Qiaoer would not refuse the host's invitation.

However, Long Qiaoer did not forget another important thing compared to going for a walk.

Speaking slightly, Long Qiao'er reminded: "Master, don't you plan to go to the appointment?"

Go to the appointment?

For a moment, Li Meng suddenly realized.

After Long Qiaoer's reminder, Li Meng remembered something that should not be ignored.

That was the news brought by Wang Yanmei two days ago. The second lady of the Li family in the "Wu Capital" on the No. 4 Acropolis wanted to see him. Li Meng agreed and was invited by her to go to the "Yipingtang" tonight with her. meet.

This second lady is no one else, but Li Yanran who Li Meng knows.

The last time I didn't last was only a few months, and Li Meng didn't forget about this one.

Naturally, Li Meng would not refuse her invitation.

Thinking of this, Li Meng said casually: "Then go."

The night had just come, and it was not too late, otherwise Long Qiaoer would not remind him at this time.

Although it was not too late, it was not too early. Without further delay, Li Meng left the ward with Long Qiao'er.

In a bustling city, the night is not a quiet moment.

Long Qiaoer had prepared for the appointment tonight. When the two walked out of the hospital's door, outside the door, a "vehicle" belonging to the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce was waiting.

101 Hospital is located in the First Ring City. For the entire city, the First Ring City is undoubtedly relatively quiet.

The Yihuan City District is the most important military jurisdiction in Kyoto, and it is the political center of "China" today. In this area, there are no entertainment venues. Everything in this area belongs to the government, which is "Kyoto." Where all important departments are located.

Once it's one night, compared to the noise outside, the first ring of the city is quite calm.

Outside the door, Li Meng saw the vehicle parked on the side of the road, and saw a slim figure beside the car.

It was Chen Yan, she looked so beautiful and moving in a purple dress.

Li Meng saw her, and Chen Yan also saw the two people walking out of the hospital door, which made her eyes light up slightly and energetic.

When he came to the car, he looked at Chen Yan who was smiling, and Li Meng said softly: "Yan'er, why don't you go in when you are here?"

Although there are some doubts about why Chen Yan is here, Li Meng didn't think much.

With a slight smile, Chen Yan stepped forward and hugged Li Meng's arm naturally. The towering and soft peaks squeezed Li Meng's arm unceremoniously.

That wonderful touch makes Li Meng very useful.

Holding her master's arm, Chen Yan turned her head and said to Long Qiao'er: "Leave the master to me. You can stay in the hospital."


He responded softly, and Long Qiaoer turned and left.

Li Meng and Chen Yan boarded the roadside vehicle.

"Let's go."

In the car, following Chen Yan's words fell, the roar of the engine suddenly rang, and the scenery outside the window began to slowly move back.

In the car, Chen Yan behaved a lot, sitting quietly next to Li Meng, looking very elegant, her beautiful eyes looked at Li Meng from time to time, and that appearance made Li Meng quite funny.

In the end, Chen Yan couldn't help it, and she said, "Master, what do you say her purpose is? In the current situation in Kyoto, her identity is a bit inappropriate to see you."

A few months later, the twelve golden families were still waiting and watching, and did not respond to the call of "Wang Yanmei".

Under such circumstances, Kyoto is ready for war, and the army expansion is still continuing.

After a few months, Kyoto’s military power has now formed a certain scale, and wars may occur at any time.

Li Yanran is a direct member of the Li family of the No. 4 Acropolis "Wudu", and Li Meng is the "ambassador" of the First Army. It is of course inappropriate for the two to meet at this time. This will cause misunderstandings and also Let some people think more.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said indifferently: "It's okay, she is very smart, knowing that it is inappropriate to see me in private, so she contacted me through Wang Yanmei. With Wang Yanmei's relationship, my meeting with her seemed very simple. "

This is also...

Chen Yan is slightly aware that Wang Yanmei is China's "Grand Archon" and the highest in power. Since Li Yanran has contacted the master through her, it means that this meeting with the master has nothing to do with politics.

Thinking of this, Chen Yan was very curious.

Chen Yan is not unfamiliar with Li Yanran, but she also talks a lot about being familiar with her. She is just like the owner, and the experience of getting along with it is only the few days on the "Whirlwind" floating boat.

As a woman, in Chen Yan's eyes, Li Yanran is just a familiar stranger.

But to the master... it should be more than that.

Although the time to get along was not long, the woman and the owner also had skin closeness.

As a woman, Chen Yan naturally knows where women are most sensitive. For a woman, skin-to-kin is not something that can be forgotten at will, is she...

Seeing Chen Yan who was in the midst of reverie, Li Meng reached out and tapped on the white forehead.


With a soft cry, holding her forehead, Chen Yan looked at Li Meng pitifully.

Facing Chen Yan's pitiful gaze, Li Meng said helplessly: "You, don't keep thinking about these insignificant things. Master, I don't have such a big charm."

Reaching out his hand again, Li Meng rubbed Chen Yan's forehead, and said indifferently in Chen Yan's very useful expression: "I have guessed more or less her purpose. This is a private matter, not too important. "

"Private matter?"

Chen Yan asked puzzledly: "The master is not familiar with her, right? How can there be private affairs?"

In Chen Yan's puzzled eyes, Li Meng withdrew his hand.

"You, if you are more careful, it is not difficult to find the reason. Although your ghouls are not as solid as the corpse, but there are infinite possibilities. Yan'er, you have to work hard."

Chen Yan was unconvinced by her master's preaching for no reason, and her thoughts moved quickly, thinking hard in her mind, wondering if Li Yanran was ignored by her.

After thinking hard for a long time, Chen Yan didn't think of a reason, so she could only look at her master with expectant eyes.

Chen Yan was very curious about the reasons. She wanted to know what was involved between Li Yanran and her master.

Li Meng did not respond to Chen Yan's expectations, but said indifferently: "Okay, don't ask about this matter. I really want to know. You will see her with me in a while, and you will naturally understand when the time comes. "

Hearing what the master said, Chen Yan became more and more curious, curious to curious, Chen Yan did not continue to ask.

As the master said, no matter what purpose the woman has, as long as she is by the master's side, she will always know.

Don't rush for a while, she just needs to wait slowly.

The road is not very far, Yipintang is located in the second ring city, and the traffic at night is good, which also shortens the time to reach the destination.

After staying in the car for nearly forty minutes, the destination arrived.

Leaving the car, beside the street, the big plaque of "Yipintang" caught Li Meng's eyes.

"Yipintang" is located in the busy city. Although it is night, the street is brightly lit. The dazzling lights and faint singing present a lively and prosperous scene.

Without staying too much, Chen Yan took her master's arm, and the two entered Yipintang like a couple.

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