Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1359: Sewer

Lying on the wall, Orson listened with his ears, while reaching out his hand and tapping on the wall.

The voice of "Boom Boom" echoed in the darkness.

"Fortunately, this wall is not very thick, about one to three meters, with our existing tools, it should be able to carve it in three hours, everyone, let's start."

The team led by Orson was an archaeological team, and the tools used for excavation were necessary.

It was a small engineer shovel, very small, but with complete functions, it could dig soil or chisel rocks, but it was not very efficient.

Everyone stepped back, including Tan Ya. People with engineer shovel on their bodies stepped forward and began to chisel the wall.

The percussive sound of "dongdong" reverberated in the darkness, and every time it was shoveled, the whole tomb seemed to be trembling, which showed that this space was in an unstable state.

Think about it, although the tomb is a whole, the ground above it collapses, and all the weight is placed on the top of the tomb, which of course will exert a certain pressure on the structure of the tomb.

Although there are some concerns that the tomb will collapse due to the wall-cutting action, everyone has no choice. If they stay here, they are also dead. They may survive for a few days, but if they can't find a way out, death will be a matter of time.

Although there is air and a comfortable temperature, no one will feel at ease in this small space.

Under the light beams on the soldiers' helmets, Orson's team was working hard with the bright light.

Whether there is the exit that everyone expects behind the wall is still unknown. In this darkness, three hours are not short.

Without knowing it, Orson, who was retreating, came to Tan Ya's side.

In the darkness, Tan Ya's voice rang and said, "Is it worth it for a key? In the Renaissance era, old antiques have a collection value, and some ancient relics called "Kaibao" Ancient objects are even valuable, but in this era, antiquities have no value. They are not more precious than a grain of grain."

This sentence was of course addressed to Orson, and to Tanya's question, Orson answered indifferently.

He replied: "The general is right. Whether it is gold or antiquities, it is worthless in this era. It will not bring visible benefits. But from these antiquities, we can know what happened thousands of years ago. What kind of era we are in, the pursuit of the past may not be important to us now, but if we know the origin of mankind, we can better understand what kind of existence we are."

"The history of mankind is clearly documented about two thousand years ago. For a long time, most people believed that the human race evolved from ancient apes, but I don’t think so. I always think, The origin of mankind is even more mysterious, beyond everyone's imagination, General! Do you believe that we humans evolved from ancient apes?"

For this question, Tan Ya answered very vaguely.

"What if you get the real answer? Maybe it will scare you and make you afraid to face it."

Tan Ya is naturally not interested in the origin of mankind, but after getting along with the owner for a long time, Tan Ya also knows some things more or less.

In the vast universe, the earth is not the only place where mankind originated. In Al, the blue star in the main population, and even the "Edras" in the magical world also existed.

As a human being, Tan Ya was very surprised that there is "Earth" on the other side of the universe, a planet where humans live, because the previous cognition has been completely subverted, but after becoming a zombie, as her vision expands , Some things are not difficult to think of, guessed.

Where is the origin of mankind?

Who knows this?

Perhaps in "Ayre", or in the Blue Star, or in an unknown planet, only one thing is clear. The reason why the human race can spread all over the universe can only be explained in a long time ago. Human civilization is no longer limited to the "parent planet."

Orson sighed slightly to Tan Ya’s vague answer, and said, “No matter what the real answer is, whether it makes me feel scared or not, my biggest goal in this life is to find the origin of mankind. If I can really get The real answer, that is what I dream of, I will not be afraid, I will only accept it calmly."

Perhaps this is the only wish in his heart as a mortal.

Wish is beautiful, no matter what kind of wish, we should not deny it.

Unconsciously, while waiting, time passed bit by bit.

Knowing that there was a way out on the other side of the wall, Orson's companions worked very hard, digging through the wall bit by bit with the shovel.

"Passed, passed!"

I don't know how long it took, and with a cry of joy, the wall was finally dug through.

Although only one hole was dug, it confirmed that there was indeed a passage behind the wall.

Seeing the hope of leaving, everyone worked harder, tapping hard with the engineer shovel in their hands. Amidst the sound of "dongdong", the wall was dug into a hole enough for one person to pass through.

"What's inside?"

Although the tunnel was dug, the darkness behind the wall made people subconsciously afraid.

A soldier stepped forward and shone the beam from his helmet into the space on the other side of the wall.

At this moment, everyone finally knew what was on the other side of the wall.

Looking at the dim and narrow space opposite the wall, Orson said, "It's the sewer. We are lucky. Although the ground near here has collapsed, the sewer is well preserved. This is our luck."

To Orson’s words, Glenn emphasized: “It’s just luck at this time. At least we can leave this ghost place. Okay, let’s go. The sooner you leave here, we will have more time to help The companions buried in the ruins have not much time left for them."

Even so, everyone knows that the survival rate of the companions buried in the rubble will not be too high. Not to mention the difficulties in rescue, it is not easy to say that they want to leave here.

At Glenn's appeal, everyone in the tomb began to act.

The first to leave the tomb was Tan Ya's subordinate. The light in the team came from the beam of the soldier's helmet. A soldier must be exploring the way ahead.

The process of leaving the tomb was fairly smooth. After all the members entered the sewer, everyone began to fumble forward.

Compared with the tomb, the sewer is much narrower. It is a cylindrical shape with a height of no more than three meters. There is a thick layer of water on the ground with some unknown vegetation floating on it.

It is like a kind of algae, very dense, stepping on it is like stepping on a soft carpet.

If it weren't for the sound of water and the shoes that were invaded into the water, the touch would be really like carpet.

Perhaps it was because of the cylindrical structure of the sewer that the sewer was not destroyed in the collapse.

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