Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1360: Corruptor?

"Don't worry, polluting beasts have a great demand for sunlight. In such an environment, no polluting beast will like it here."

Amidst the sound of water, a soldier’s voice rang out in the darkness.

In front of the soldier, a companion of Orson attracted the soldier's attention.

His footsteps were sneaky, and he seemed to care about contact with the algae, but the edges were slippery, which made him almost fall several times. The soldier who couldn't stand it couldn't help but remind him.

The words of the soldier behind made the young man laugh, and said embarrassingly: "I have intensive phobia, I can't control it."

It turned out to be so, the soldier knew slightly.

The algae floating on the water are too dense. With the footsteps, it makes the algae seem to be squirming. For people with intensive phobia, the pressure is indeed too great.

The soldier said: "Then look at the front, don't look at your feet. If you fall, it's not your feet that touched them, but the whole body touched them. You don't want to be like that."

The soldier's words undoubtedly had tremendous lethality. The young man in front of him was obviously stiff, his feet seemed to tremble, his footsteps hurriedly, his steps on the algae were steady and powerful.


At this moment, in the darkness, the soldier walking in the front suddenly let out a beating.

He held the gun and looked warily at the dark depths in front of the sewer.

The soldiers' rants stopped everyone in the darkness, and their expressions became tense.


The fierce sound of water was rippling, and in the rear, the soldiers of the First Legion passed by the crowd stepping on algae and rushed to the front of the team.

It also includes Glenn and his mercenaries.

In Orson's team, Glenn and his surviving companions are the only combat power, at this time, they are indispensable.

"What did you find?"

Tan Ya also came to the front and asked the soldier who had discovered the vision.

Staring fiercely at the dark depths ahead, Tan Ya’s question in his ear made the soldier very nervous and said: "General, I saw a shadow. Although it is at the edge of the visible distance, I saw it. It is watching us."


Following the sewer, Tan Ya looked towards the end of the front. Since the sewer is not a straight line, the distance to the end is not very far, only about fifty meters away.

In the visible range, Tan Ya didn't see anything unusual, the sewers were empty, except for them, nothing.

As if afraid that Tan Ya would not believe it, the soldier said with great confidence: "General! I am sure this is not an illusion. Although it was just a flash, I saw a pair of blue eyes."

blue eyes?

The soldier’s words made Tan Ya frowned. There are only two kinds of people with blue eyes in this world, one is the psionic and the other is the fallen. Even though the devil sometimes shows blue pupils, But only when using psionic energy, the blood-red pupils will turn blue.

The devil will not run away, no matter whether it has wisdom or not, in this dark place, if the devil really existed, it would have rushed forward.

The greatest possibility can only be the fallen.

Although the possibility of psionicists is possible, the probability is very small. There are not many psionicists in the human world. Most of them are concentrated in the Middle East. The main activity area is within the sphere of influence of allies. They are also the most commonly used by allies. An unnatural force used to deal with increasingly powerful subhumans.

Now in Austria, the threat of demons has just been eliminated. Although the demons have been eliminated, there are fallen ones. So far, the First Army still doesn’t know how many fallen ones are hidden on the continent of Austria. .

If you encounter a fallen person here, Tan Ya will not be surprised.

For the fallen, the ruins of the city above are indeed a hiding place. It is hidden enough that no humans will come here. The ruins can also ensure that they can effectively avoid the threat of polluting beasts.


With a decision in her heart, Tan Ya no longer hesitated, and rushed into the darkness ahead.

In a blink of an eye, Tan Ya's figure disappeared, and only the sound of water was heard in the dark.

If you really meet the Fallen, Tanya will not let it go. The Fallen knows some things that the First Legion does not know. If there is one more Fallen, then there is an extra bargaining chip, and there is no need to have too much in the interrogation. More scruples.

The word "chasing" in Tan Ya's mouth made the soldiers react for a while, and they quickly followed.

Without keeping up with everything, the soldiers who had taken the lead in the front stayed.

Although the First Legion is not obliged to take care of the people in Orson at this time, the exit has not been found. Everyone is still a grasshopper on a rope. Not to mention other things, the First Legion is also "moral". Orson and his team will not be discarded at this time.

Although the First Army is a follower of darkness, it also advocates justice and order, and will not be evil for the sake of evil. Human "morality" is also an important reference point for the First Army to act.

For any race, kindness and justice are good qualities. As a believer in darkness, the First Legion will not deny this.

"What are you guys?"

Seeing Tan Ya's sudden departure and the soldiers following him, Orson asked the soldiers who remained in puzzlement.

Regarding Orson’s question, the soldier said truthfully: "With blue eyes, either psionic or fallen, and here can only be fallen. From the perspective of the First Legion, fallen are extremely dangerous. Yes, it is the biggest murderer of the devil raiding the material world. Once we find it, we will list it as the first enemy to destroy, and we will drive them out. The general is chasing down the fallen."

Psionic? The physical world?

These two professional terms made Orson's eyes shine, and the First Army seemed to know some secrets that humans didn't know.

Although Orson didn't know what a psionicist was, Orson knew about people with blue eyes.

One is the fallen one, the other is the capable one, and the other is the sorcerer who is called very complicated.

This psionicist, Orson guesses, is the collective term for the capable and the wizard, but this psionic...

Orson does not know the meaning of the two words "spiritual energy", as well as the material world.

Orson was very curious about the meaning of these two terms.

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