Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1362: no offence?

In the end, Tan Ya chose to pursue a straight line and continued to chase the prey along the sewer below her feet.

There is only one reason, because the wind comes from the front.

After running several hundred meters ahead, Tan Ya finally knew whether her choice was correct.

That's right, in the air, Tan Ya felt the presence of subspace breath again.

In the next ten hours, in the sewers, a hunter-prey battle began.

Tan Ya never thought that chasing down the fallen in the sewer was such a difficult thing.

There are too many forks in the sewer. Whenever you feel close enough to the fallen, the appearance of forks will always make Tan Ya stop and make the right choice. Although Tan Ya's choice is correct every time, it is also Missed the best time to catch up with the fallen, and can only come from the beginning.

Ten hours later, Tan Ya still didn't see the shadow of the fallen, the only thing he could perceive was the subspace breath in the air in the sewer.

Even Tan Ya, at this moment, was quite impatient.

This guy is too cunning, as if deliberately taking her around the sewers of the ruins of the city.

Seeing to catch it, but almost every time.


The water splashed fiercely.

In the darkness, Tan Ya stopped.

The gaze in the hood coldly looked at the dark depths ahead, Tan Ya said, "Can you find the exit?"

In Tan Ya's ear, there is a miniature communicator, which can contact soldiers who do not know where they are in the sewer.

The signal was unobstructed, and soon a certain soldier's response rang from the communicator.

"No, we have joined Dr. Orson, General! Where are you?"

Tan Ya said, "Don't worry about where I am. Now your main goal is to find an exit from the sewer. Don't pay attention to the others. Remember, if you encounter a fallen person, shoot immediately. Don't think about capturing it alive. You don't have that ability."

Soldier: "Yes, I understand, Dr. Orson said, we have left the area where the ground collapsed. There should be more than one exit from the sewer. We should be able to find it soon, General! If you can't find it, don't force it. Now, leave it to the subsequent troops to deal with it. As long as the ruins are sealed off, it will be a matter of time before it can be found. It will not run."

Tan Ya said: "I have given up, now I am looking for an exit, see you on the ground!"

Soldier: "Understand, we will leave here as soon as possible."

After breaking the contact with the soldiers, Tan Ya did not move forward in the darkness, but turned and left without nostalgia.

While chasing down the fallen, Tan Ya found a lot of exits. Although those are just upward shafts, it is not certain whether they are exits, but for Tan Ya, as long as they are close enough to the ground, it doesn’t matter whether they have exits. She is not an ordinary person, she does not have high requirements for exits. There are many ways to get out of the sewer. Violence is the most convenient and practical way. Although there is a certain degree of danger, there is no other person around her, even if Yes, they are also fallen ones hiding in a corner.

If the fallen are buried due to the collapse of the sewer, Tan Ya is still happy to comment.

If you can't catch it, a dead fallen one is better than a living one.

Two hours later, it was on a street somewhere outside the ruins of the city.


Hearing a loud noise, the ground cracked, and among the rolling rubble, a black shadow broke through from the ground and landed on the street a few meters away.

It was Tan Ya, she finally left the ground.

The long-lost sunlight shone from above, and there was still a hint of coolness in the air. Looking at the position of the sky and the sun, it seemed that the early morning had just left.

Unconsciously, they spent the night in the sewer.

Looking around, there are decaying building debris and forests. The trees are not dense. They grow from the building debris and are entangled with them. The ground is also thick with greenery and covered with an unknown layer. Grasses and vines are everywhere, like spider webs everywhere.

The magic of nature is undoubtedly revealed at this moment. A human city has been gradually occupied by forests in hundreds of years, and the traces left by human beings are slowly being eliminated.

Looking around, Tan Ya was confirming the direction.

The ruins are still huge, and Tan Ya doesn't know where she is now, because what she can see in her eyes is a ruin with no boundaries, she can only rely on the position of the sun to tell the direction.

Before leaving, Tan Ya contacted her long-separated subordinates.

"Where are you now? Did you leave the sewer?"

Perhaps it was disturbed, and there was a rustle of electricity from the communicator.

After waiting for a while, a certain soldier's unstable voice rang from the communicator.

"The exit has been found. We are leaving the ground, General! Where are you?"

Tan Ya: "I'm on the ground. I have already left the sewer. I will meet at the collapsed place later. I will come to find you."

"Yes! Received."

After speaking, Tan Ya facilitated the soldiers to disconnect.

Knowing the exact situation of Orson and his party, Tan Ya was relieved a lot. Her subordinates are not "dead", but ordinary humans. Although they carry advanced weapons and equipment, they will always see in the dark sewers. She was not there with some interference, and if the fallen were watching them, the result would not be too good.


In the hood, Tan Ya frowned slightly, and turned to look at the ruins not far away.

In his hand, the black power of death surged, and a black bloodmarked sword appeared in Tan Ya's hands out of thin air.

The corners of her mouth were slightly tilted, Tan Ya's expression was slightly cold, and her body was leaning forward slightly, she was about to act.

At this moment, a black figure jumped out of the ruins and landed on the street not far from Tan Ya.

This made Tan Ya put off his intentions, and stared coldly at the fallen man not far away.

It was dressed in a black robe, almost covering its entire body, and its wide hood also covered its face.

It is a fallen one, and Tan Ya is sure of this, because the subspace aura on it is very familiar. It is the fallen one that Tan Ya has been pursuing in the sewers.

It spoke, and a slightly hoarse voice came from the hood.

"You are very strong, stronger than any human being I have seen. My instinct tells me that I have no chance of winning against you, don't be nervous, I have no malice, nor will it pose any threat to you."

no offence?

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