Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1363: Krakens

In the hood, Tan Ya was unmoved and uttered a few words coldly.

"Fallen, die!"

At that moment, a powerful momentum appeared from Tan Ya, only pushing the fallen ones not far away.

Seeing that Tan Ya was so aggressive, it quickly said: "Wait, wait!"

There was some panic in the hoarse voice, it said hurriedly: "I am not a fallen one, I have no threat to you."

With a cold smile, Tan Ya said blankly: "Your lie is ridiculous, no matter how you hide it, the stinking subspace on you...the devilish breath cannot be erased."

"Huh? Do you know Subspace?" The hoarse voice was full of surprise.

In the hood, those blue pupils looked at Tan Ya unexpectedly.

The words of the Fallen's surprise also gave Tan Ya some doubts in her heart.

Humans in this world don’t have any knowledge of “subspace” and don’t know what subspace is. As for whether the fallen one knows, Tan Ya cannot be sure, but between knowing and not knowing, Tan Ya believes the latter.

Because the fallen are also human beings, even if they are fallen, even if they can communicate with the demon's consciousness, Tan Ya does not think that the devil has the leisurely heart to inform fanatical believers about "subspace" matters.

But it knew, and it was surprising that she knew the existence of "subspace".

"You are really not ordinary people, it seems Isis is right."


After a few words, Tan Ya became more and more curious about the fallen man in front of him.

It seems to be a little different from other fallen ones. Although it has a subspace aura, it is not as crazy as the fallen ones. If it is a fallen one, there will not be so much nonsense at this time.

Although she didn't let down her vigilance in her heart, Tan Ya still suppressed her urge to use force to solve it.

Seeing that the depressing aura on Tan Ya's body disappeared, it sighed lightly in his heart.

Although it is not without the power to protect itself, it does not want to fight at this time.

In order to show sincerity, in Tan Ya's gaze, it stretched out its right hand and took off the hood on its head.

Tan Ya's eyes were printed with golden hair, golden pupils, and a human face.

Is it human?

No, as soon as this idea came up in her heart, Tan Ya denied it.

No matter what it looks like, the subspace breath is always right.

He is very young, in his twenties, and he is in the golden age of men. If it weren't for those golden pupils, he would be an authentic human, at least in appearance.

There are people with golden pupils in the world, but the golden color will not be as dazzling as this one in front of you, just like a golden gem with a halo surging inside.

He smiled slightly, clutching his chest, and said politely: "My name is "La". In a certain age on earth, humans called me "God", the **** of the sun."


Hearing this, Tan Ya's gaze looking at "Pull" became a little strange.

The brain of this fallen man will not be corroded by the demon's consciousness, or how could he speak such nonsense?

As if knowing that Tan Ya would not believe it, La said indifferently: "That was a long time ago. Now we are the so-called "devil clan" in your human mouth, and we now live in the southern continent."

Frowning slightly, Tan Ya said rather unkindly: "Devil?"

Of course, Tan Ya knew what the Zhanmo clan was. It was the ruling class of the Yunan Continent. It can be said that the fall of the Yunan Continent was caused by the Zhanmo clan.

Realizing that Tan Ya's aura has become extremely dangerous again, La helplessly smiled, and quickly explained: "No, no, no, although we have a relationship with demons, we are not subspace creatures."

Seeing that Tan Ya's compelling momentum subsided again, La heaved a sigh of relief.

Now he has to admit that this young lady in front of him is really hard to communicate, and if he doesn’t agree with him, he will have to fight. Although he understands the other party’s reaction, he doesn’t know how to deal with her personally. Good communication.

Ra can only simplify what she has to say so that she can know his purpose more quickly.

The words paused, and La continued: "My purpose in coming to Austria is to find a "sentinel", a ball-shaped biological weapon. I know that you have touched it, miss you, and you can't hide it. When you get it, miss. , I was nearby and saw the young lady take it back to Daran City."

"Are you watching me?"

Tan Ya's voice was a little cold.

With a faint smile, Ra did not deny this.

He said calmly: "I didn't enter the city. I have been waiting outside the city for the opportunity to contact the young lady. I think this shouldn't be considered as surveillance."

Speaking of this, Ra’s expression changed slightly, and he said solemnly: "Sentinel" is a very dangerous thing. It will not bring any benefit to your First Army. It will only bring disaster, I I hope you can give it to me, miss. "

Tan Ya had already guessed what the "sentinel" he said in his mouth was referring to.

What it said was quite clear, it was nothing more than the "meat ball" she got from that small town not long ago.

That thing is indeed dangerous, but even if what it says is true, even if the meat ball is in great danger, Tan Ya will not give it to it without any reason.

Speaking slightly, Tan Ya said coldly: "It is now part of our First Army. Do you think that I will give it to you?"

Ra only smiled at Tan Ya's words and said realistically: "You won't, but I will tell you the reason. After you listen to it, decide whether to give it to me."


The curiosity in her heart made Tan Ya **** her ears, and the "fallen man" I met today was indeed somewhat unusual.

Whether it is a Zhanmo family or not is yet to be determined, Tan Ya cannot believe it with just one sentence.

With a slight expression, "Pull" said, "It is the sentinel of the Krakens to explore the civilization of the galaxy. Now human beings are still trapped on their home planet, and their knowledge of the universe is still blank. As the great purges of the galaxy, they are the most loyal followers of the subspace evil gods. They like to use killing to please the evil gods they believe in. They will find all findable civilizations in the galaxy and erase any form of life, while Kraken Sentry It is the first step for them to invade civilization. The sentinel is the explorer. When the sentinel discovers the intelligent race in the universe, it will send out the coordinates of the planet where the intelligent race is located. When the day of the Great Purge, the Krakens The fleet will cleanse all known civilizations in the galaxy."

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