Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1397: uninvited guest

She has never had this feeling before. Although she has a husband, because of the identity of "brother", the relationship between the two is not like a husband and wife, but the affection between the brother and the sister. Sexual matters are only In order to pass on the lineage, everything is simple and direct.

Such a deep kiss made her experience a feeling that she had never had before. That feeling was wonderful, unforgettable, and even more impulsive.

After some requests, facing Li Meng's offensive, Wang Weiwei finally entered the state, she let go, the shyness in her eyes disappeared, and she became bolder.

She stretched out her hands and took the initiative to wrap Li Meng's neck, and her mouth was even more defensive, entangled with Li Meng.

After a long time, the two parties were satisfied to separate, and a silver silk thread was hung on the corners of their mouths, and a warm atmosphere reverberated around.

Looking at each other, the two smiled at each other.

At this moment, Wang Weiwei finally let go and completely admitted the relationship between the two.

The shyness on her face was gone, sitting on Li Meng's lap, Wang Weiwei quietly nestled in Li Meng's arms.

"when are we leaving?"

The two people today are like the couple who have been separated for a long time, and they care about the time they get together.

Although Li Meng wanted to give Wang Weiwei more time to make up for her debts, Li Meng had no more time.

He can't stay here for long, one night is the limit.

Without lying, Li Meng said truthfully: "Tomorrow."

This answer was not what Wang Weiwei expected. She knew that this man would not be by her side forever. She did not have the qualifications. He did not belong to her. Wang Weiwei understood this from beginning to end.

Therefore, Wang Weiwei didn't say anything extra. She just raised her head, looked at the man in front of her with the most tender eyes, lowered her head and kissed the soft lips, and said with attachment: "Love me!"

It was just an invitation, a request from Wang Weiwei, how could Li Meng as a man refuse.

He responded to Wang Weiwei with practical actions, turning over and pressing Wang Weiwei under him.

Feeling the soft body under him, watching Wang Weiwei's glamorous and silky glamour, how could Li Meng remain indifferent, bow his head and kiss the rosy lips again.

The demand from his mouth could no longer satisfy Li Meng, using both hands together, he fumbled for Wang Weiwei's sensitive body.

"Sister Weiwei?"

The sound appeared so suddenly, echoing in the living room.

At the door, a slender figure appeared at some point, and neither of the two who were in passion noticed her presence.

Standing at the door in a daze, Chen Nannan stared blankly at the two people lingering on the sofa in the living room. This embarrassing scene made her a little bewildered, and the expression on her face turned slightly ruddy.

She's a big girl, how could she have seen such a hot scene, which made her very embarrassed.

Upon hearing the sudden sound, Wang Weiwei immediately realized who the person was.

Only Chen Nannan who has the key to the villa can enter the villa quietly and without interest.

The appearance of Chen Nannan undoubtedly interrupted the passion between Li Meng and Wang Weiwei.

In Wang Weiwei's slightly flustered expression, the two stood up slightly embarrassed from the sofa.

Li Meng is okay, he doesn't feel much, but Wang Weiwei is different.

After more than a year of getting along, Chen Nannan has already become her good sister. Now that the good sister has run into the ambiguity between her and Li Meng, how can Wang Weiwei not feel embarrassed.

Ruddy and standing up from the sofa, Wang Weiwei greeted Chen Nannan with composure.

"Sister Nannan! Why did you come so late?"

I looked at Wang Weiwei in front of me, and then at Li Meng who was sitting on the sofa indifferently. Chen Nannan knew the thin figure naturally, and knew who he was, and knew that he had something inexplicable with sister Weiwei. relationship.

In the past, Chen Nannan was just a guess about the relationship between the two, but today, seeing with his own eyes, Chen Nannan finally knows the relationship between the two.

With the embarrassment on his face put away, Chen Nannan apologized and said to Wang Weiwei: "Sorry, sister Weiwei, I didn't know that Li Meng was here. Excuse me, you guys continue, I'm leaving now.

"do not!"

Although Chen Nannan's words made Wang Weiwei quite embarrassed, she quickly grabbed Chen Nannan.

Looking at Chen Nannan with an angry look, Wang Weiwei whispered: "Since you are here, then stay. It's so late. Where else can you go? You came to me, there must be something wrong, as for Li Meng..., he I won't care."

Is it really?

He looked at Li Meng on the sofa in the living room, and then at Wang Weiwei in front of him. Finally, Chen Nannan nodded and said, "Then bother."

Taking Chen Nannan, Wang Weiwei returned to the living room.

"Li Meng, sister Nan Nan is here, you should know her."

"of course!"

Looking at Chen Nannan next to Wang Weiwei, Li Meng nodded.

Of course she knew each other. Although there were only a few fate, Li Meng still remembered her deeply and would not forget it too easily.

Recalling the scene just now, Chen Nannan still felt a little embarrassed when Li Meng was watching.

Fortunately, as a martial artist, she has a strong willpower, using will to eliminate the unnecessary embarrassment on her face.

Looking at Li Meng, she whispered: "Mr. Li Meng, we have met again, and it is nice to see you again."

"Please sit down!"

Reaching out for a gesture, Li Meng invited.

Opposite Li Meng, Chen Nannan sat down, while Wang Weiwei consciously sat beside Li Meng.

Looking at the well-behaved Wang Weiwei beside Li Meng, Chen Nannan felt a little weird.

She didn't know what happened between Wang Weiwei and Li Meng. In her cognition, the two should not be so close.

I don't understand, Chen Nannan can't figure out what happened between Li Meng and Wang Weiwei.

In this villa, Wang Weiwei is the owner of this house.

Although Wang Weiwei is her own woman, Li Meng will not turn away from the guest here.

Looking back at Wang Weiwei beside him, Li Meng said, "Don't care about me, you can talk."


Wang Weiwei nodded in response.

Looking up, Wang Weiwei looked at Chen Nannan who was sitting opposite, and asked: "Sister Nannan, what difficulties did you encounter in the Chamber of Commerce?"

Coming here, Chen Nannan naturally had a purpose, and Wang Weiwei's guess was completely correct.

Nodding lightly, Chen Nannan said: "After more than a year of development, the former American Chamber of Commerce has developed in Bentley. In the past few months, I have been inspecting the food industry in surrounding countries and found some problems. ."

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