Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1398: Two women in a play

After speaking slightly, looking at Wang Weiwei, Chen Nannan continued: “In the industries under the former American Chamber of Commerce, the lumber mills and shipyards have the smallest profits. The reason is that competition is high. There are several shipyards in Nanlin Island alone. Although the business exchanges on Lindao are frequent, vicious competition has emerged due to the presence of many shipyards, which has greatly affected the revenue of the shipyards. A chamber of commerce must have a main industry. Shipyards are not private. Any future, so I want to sell shipyards and logging yards, settle in Bentley with the largest capital, and focus on the food industry."

Focus on the food industry?

Wang Weiwei hesitated about Chen Nannan's sale of the shipyard and logging yard.

After all, these two industries are Wang Weiwei's initial capital. Although the recent earnings have been affected, Wang Weiwei would be a little unwilling to give up.

Wang Weiwei did not immediately reject Chen Nannan’s proposal. Instead, she said, “Sister Nan Nan, entering an unfamiliar industry requires a lot of capital. When thinking about profit, you must be prepared for losses. Now that the former American Chamber of Commerce has If this happens, the former American Chamber of Commerce will collapse on its own. If this happens, our past efforts will be in vain."


Chen Nannan did not give up, and said confidently: "I have inspected the surrounding countries, not to mention Kyoto, a big country, ASEAN, the Kingdom of Orleans, and the farther South Vietnam, as well as the Kingdom of Barron. These countries all have food requirements. There is a big gap. As long as we have the goods, we don’t have to worry about the sales channels. Although there are certain risks, I believe we will succeed."

On the side, Li Meng has been quietly listening to the communication between the two women.

From the words of the two women, Li Meng heard one thing. In terms of personality, Wang Weiwei is relatively stable, but lacks a vision, while Chen Nannan is completely opposite. Although visionary, he is not cautious enough. Leave room, the achievement is completed, soaring to the sky, if you fail, it will be an unstoppable end, and there will never be a chance to stand up.

Neither of them can go too far in the mall, but once the two are united, the complementarity of their personality defects can make them invincible and go further.

Thinking of this, Li Meng interjected: "You can't eat a big fat man with one bite. This mall is like a battlefield. Every step is dangerous. Every step you take must leave room for the next step. You have to eat one bite at a time, and the road has to be step by step. Go, there will be competition in any industry, and the food industry is naturally not listed. Since the food industry has a very good future, start from scratch. As long as the foundation is laid, it will be much easier to transfer the industry later. ."

Li Meng's words made the eyes of the two women gleam slightly.

They naturally understood what Li Meng said, but being able to say the meaning in such a simple, clear and meaningful way was not something ordinary people could do.

Looking at Li Meng, Chen Nannan praised: "Sure enough, he is a politically smashed person, what he said is extraordinary."

Yes, isn't the shopping mall a battlefield? Although it doesn't have the **** blood on the battlefield, it's not bad at all. One step wrong, one step wrong, and the little one will fall into the abyss.

Moving his gaze to Wang Weiwei, Chen Nannan said: "Sister! What do you think of this matter?"

Wang Weiwei naturally agreed with what Li Meng said. She nodded and said: "Since my sister has the idea of ​​entering the food industry, let's use the excess funds of the Chamber of Commerce to get involved in this industry. Now Bentley is undergoing business reforms and many local businessmen Everyone will be impacted. Taking advantage of this blank period is the best time for the former American Chamber of Commerce to enter Bentley.

To Wang Weiwei, Chen Nannan had no reason to refute.

She knew that what Wang Weiwei said was the safest way.

Indeed, the original American Chamber of Commerce today is still very weak, and a small impact may cause this small chamber of commerce to collapse. There is no need to take risks, and Chen Nannan will naturally not insist.

Nodding lightly, Chen Nannan said: "Then do it, I'll leave for Bentley in a few days, and go and inspect it first."

The next time was the small talk of the two women, while Li Meng listened quietly.

The friendship between women is so wonderful, even though as someone else, Li Meng can feel the cherishment of each other from the words of the two.

Although Chen Nannan was stern and straightforward, she would consider Wang Weiwei's feelings in everything she said.

As for Wang Weiwei, she has a more tactful personality, but she tries her best to keep up with Chen Nannan's rhythm, so that the two have a common topic.

People say that there are three women in a scene, and the scenes of these two women are also very exciting.

It wasn't until late at night that the villa became quiet.

Chen Nannan did not leave. She stayed. The villa is very large, so naturally there is no shortage of rooms.

It is not the first time that Chen Nannan has stayed in Wang Weiwei's house. The feelings of the two women make them feel like family. This is Wang Weiwei's home and Chen Nannan's home.

In the bedroom, the inquiry from Li Meng made Wang Weiwei look back at Li Meng who was sitting on the bed. She arranged the clothes in the closet, and said: "She, don’t you see that Nan Nan is usually pretty. A martial artist should be straightforward, but her mind is delicate. The life of a pirate in the past has not changed her nature. In short, she is a very gentle person."

Gentle person?

Thinking of some information about Chen Nannan in his mind, Li Meng did not realize how gentle she was after several contacts.

Probably in front of Wang Weiwei, she would show her gentle side.

After tidying up the slightly messy wardrobe, Wang Weiwei turned and returned to the bed.

Moving her slender body, Wang Weiwei naturally fell into Li Meng's arms and nestled in Li Meng's arms.

The two people on the bed embraced each other quietly.

Holding Wang Weiwei in his arms lightly, Li Meng's expression was very calm.

Women are emotional, and ordinary human women are even more so. Li Meng knows that Wang Weiwei at this time has regarded him as an object to rely on, and the body and mind have completely belonged to him.

As a human, Wang Weiwei can be said to be the first human woman to have a relationship with Li Meng. When I first met Wang Weiwei, Li Meng never thought that the two would have the same relationship as they are today.

This is probably fate, no one can predict the trajectory of his life.

Although there are many factors in the relationship between the two people, those factors are no longer important to Li Meng. The important thing is Wang Weiwei and her daughter "Wang Yuanmei". He is willing to join the family and become A member of this family, this is not only for the daughter who is growing up, but also a responsibility to the mother of Wang Weiwei.

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