Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1402: Important mission "Alcatraz"

Just when Tanya set off for the Danlan Kingdom, on the other side, in the waters south of the Austrian continent, a special fleet of three warships was performing an important mission.

The end of the war in the Austrian continent allowed the First Army to finally escape the quagmire of the war, freeing up its hands to do something that it has always wanted to do.

South of Austria is the Aegean Sea. In the deep sea far away from the mainland, three silver-gray warships are advancing steadily in a triangular formation on the rippling sea.

The pointed bow pierced the sea surface and stirred waves. At the tail, the stirring of the propeller and the tumbling of the sea left three long-lasting white marks on the surface.

Today's weather is very good, there are no clouds, the blue sky and the sea are reflected together, it is very beautiful.

As with good weather, the sea is also very calm.

Leaving the mainland of Austria, the fleet has been sailing on the sea for two days.

The farther away from the land, the more disturbed Mengwei's heart.

This is not afraid, but his cautious character reminds him not to relax his vigilance at any time.

Meng Wei withdrew his eyes from the vast blue sea outside the window, and his voice rang in the command room.

"Be vigilant. We have entered the Aegean Sea. This is the territory of the devil. Only by being vigilant can we survive."

This was a warning and a reminder. His words allowed the crew in the command room to monitor the instruments in front of them more intently.

The demons are not ordinary opponents, as Captain Monvi said, they must always be vigilant.

The mission this time is clear. The crew all know the details of the mission and also know the risks faced by this mission.

"Captain Monvi! This mission is to conduct reconnaissance on Alcatraz Island. As far as I know, our reconnaissance satellite is already online. Why don't we use satellites in orbit to reconnaissance on Alcatraz Island? This can reduce unnecessary risks."

Alcatraz Island is located in the sea, which means that the location is very empty. With the observation accuracy of existing reconnaissance satellites, it is enough to observe the meter-level things on Alcatraz Island.

It can be said that everything on Alcatraz Island cannot escape the surveillance of "Sky Eye".

It was Meng Wei's adjutant who was speaking, or the deputy captain.

His name is Berair. Before the Austrian Continental War, he was a first-class sergeant like Monvi. In the war, due to their excellent performance and commanding ability, he joined the navy after the war. Became a deputy captain and served on the heavy cruiser "Thunder" as the deputy of captain Monvi.

In the past, the Navy of the First Corps did not have an independent command system and followed the command of the Chief Sergeant.

Due to the rapid development of the navy during the war, the navy formed a certain scale. For ease of management, after the war, the naval headquarters was established and separated from the army system of the First Corps. So far, the plan for the integration of the three services has been proposed. On the agenda.

Regarding Adjutant Burrell’s question, Meng Wei explained: “If we can detect from the air, we naturally don’t need to go to Alcatraz Island to commit danger, but there are always clouds above Alcatraz Island, which makes the "eyes of the sky" useless. In the place of martial arts, advanced technology is not omnipotent. After all, machinery is machinery. What it sees may not be true. In this case, the eye of the sky can only be used as a reference. We must use our naked eyes to collect information on Alcatraz Island. "

It turned out to be like this...

Burrell understood what Monvi was saying.

Although advanced technology can bring some convenience, it is also easy to be targeted. Once targeted, it is impossible to tell whether it is true or false. In order to confirm the accuracy of intelligence, the more primitive it is, the more reliable it is.

What is a demon?

In the past, neither Mengwei nor Burair knew anything about it. Compared to this world, Al’s history was undoubtedly much calmer. Although battles between humans did not occur rarely, they did not appear in those myths. Strange species.

Are the demons on the southern continent really demons?

On this point, the First Legion has doubts, but what is the devil?

Is it a species or a definition?

Between the two, the view of the First Army is more biased towards the former.

Under this cognition, the peculiar species on the southern continent cannot be called "demons".

According to the information obtained, their existence is still a secret.

"Captain, found the "Alcatraz" island!"

The reminder from the crew made Mengwei and Burair look up at the distant sea.

At the end of the line of sight, beside the distant horizon, the outline of an island appeared in the eyes of the two.

Although it is far, there is still a long distance from the fleet, but with the help of the helmet's far vision function, some scenes on the edge of the island can be clearly seen.

"Captain! There is a ring of reefs on the periphery of the island, located at the junction of the offshore and deep seas. Once they get close, there is a danger of hitting the reef."

At this time, observers from the observation deck gave Mengwei a warning.

This caused Meng Wei to withdraw his gaze from the distant Alcatraz Island, and ordered the crew in the command room: "If the order is passed on, the fleet will stop advancing and anchor on the spot."

Even without that ring of reefs, Monvi would not let the fleet approach Alcatraz Island.

This time his mission is to detect, and naturally he will not let the fleet be discovered by the enemy.

The fleet is now in a very good location, far from Alcatraz Island, and can observe the situation on the coast of Alcatraz Island from a distance.

With an order, the fleet slowly slowed down until it finally stopped on the sea.

Soon after, three special speedboats were lowered from the deck of the "Thunder" heavy cruiser, riding three small groups, a total of 36 soldiers sailing to the distant Alcatraz Island.

The closer you are to Alcatraz Island, the more turbulent the sea.

On the turbulent sea, three black speedboats galloped like sharp arrows, and wherever they passed, waves were stirred up.

In bad sea conditions, the violent shaking is not a pleasant thing for the soldiers in the speedboat.

But in the cramped cabin, the soldiers had no complaints.

To be able to participate in this mission, they are all carefully selected. They have the will to appraise and have sophisticated combat experience. They are also at the level of "elite veterans" in the army.

"Check the communication channel, keep it connected, and pay attention to the power of the backup battery. We need to spend a lot of time in a harsh environment. If anyone falls because of insufficient energy, no one will save you."

A soldier's voice sounded in the narrow cabin. Although the voice was mechanical, it also carried a sense of calmness.

In one communication channel, the soldiers in the three speedboats could hear what he said.

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