Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1403: Alcatraz

"Arrival at the coast, ready to land!"

The reminder from the driver made the soldiers refreshed and their expressions become cautious.

Speedboats are not comparable to heavy warships. The draft is very shallow, and they can even sail freely on water at a depth of about one meter. Of course, this requires sufficient speed.

In the front, the coast was already close, and amid the roar of the roaring engine, the speedboat on the sea turned into three black shadows, crossing the reef area aggressively and sailing into the sea near Alcatraz Island.

Soon, the three speedboats in the gallop gradually slowed down, and finally approached the coast at a sliding speed.

The landing was smooth. On the golden beach, three speedboats were pushed into the sand by waves of waves.

Three teams, thirty-two soldiers one by one jumped off the deck of the speedboat and boarded the golden beach.

Stepping on the golden sand, Blair looked around.

Although his name is only one word from the deputy captain of Bur Air, he is still him, and Bur Air has changed a lot.

Before the start of the Austrian War, he and Bur Air were officers of the same rank. After the war, Bur Air became a deputy captain, and he was still a first-class sergeant.

This has nothing to do with talent, but before the war, he was seriously injured due to a reconnaissance mission. During the war, he had been recuperating from the rear. He was not allowed to leave the medical station until the end of the war.

Without participating in the war, naturally there is no opportunity to make contributions.

When he learned of this mission, he volunteered to win this opportunity to make contributions from Mengwei.

This is a very quiet beach. Except for the sound of waves hitting the beach, there is no other noise, and it seems very quiet.

On the other side of the beach, there is a dense forest.

Whenever the strong wind blows, the swaying of the branches and leaves of the trees will make a "creaking" sound.

There seems to be an illusion that since boarding Alcatraz, the surrounding environment seems to be much dim.

When Blair looked up to the sky, he realized that this was not an illusion.

In the sky of Alcatraz, there is a thick layer of white clouds, which block the sunlight, making the environment of the island even darker than the outside. The changes in the environment give a sense of illusion to the sight.

After scanning and confirming the security situation on the coast, Blair contacted Captain Monvi on the "Thunder" heavy cruiser.

"Captain Monvi, everything is going well, we have landed."

In the "Thunder" heavy cruiser, Monvi also heard the call from Blair.

After the channel connection, Meng Wei told Blair: "Your mission is to detect, not fight. Go ahead, search for all available information, and then bring it back safely. I wait for your good news."

"Yes, please rest assured and promise to complete the task."

On the beach, Blair broke off contact with Captain Monvi.

On the display in the helmet, Blair called up the map of Alcatraz Island.

The First Legion knew nothing about Alcatraz Island, the only thing it knew was the general shape of the island and the location of the holy city "Sri Erlin".

In terms of area, Alcatraz Island is not small. From west to east, the longest distance is more than 70 kilometers, and from north to south, it is more than 140 kilometers. The overall shape is very full. The crescent shape, and the holy city of Sri Erlin is at the center of the crescent shape.

The landing site is located in the south of Alcatraz Island, not far from "Srierlin", only about fifty kilometers away.

Information is limited, and the only thing Blair can do is to confirm the direction, and then all the way to find the past.

"set off!"

After confirming the direction, Blair gave the order to start and took the lead to walk towards the forest.

The soldiers on the beach were already waiting for this order.

After the order of departure was given, the soldiers followed Blair's footsteps, left the beach and entered the forest.

The forest is dark and damp, there is no bird whisper, and no fragrance of flowers, only the dim silence.

Walking in the gloomy forest, walking on smooth pebbles and moss, the swaying figure is moving forward.

Time has passed for a long time. After landing on the beach, under Blair's leadership, this investigation team has gone deep inland.

In the forest, the line of sight will be disturbed, and it is easy for people to lose their way. Of course, it is impossible for this special forces team to lose their way.

The ruggedness of the mountain road greatly affected the speed of the movement. Although time has passed for a long time, in fact, they did not go far.

The direction is right, but there is still a certain distance from the target.


In the gloomy forest, Blair suddenly stopped advancing for some reason, and when he whispered an order to stop advancing, he waved his hand to the soldiers behind him.

This is a warning from Blair. The gesture is a warning, a warning of danger.

The soldiers responded and left the open space one after another, looking for cover behind the thick tree poles.

In the helmet, Blair scanned the dim forest ahead, his expression full of vigilance.

He heard something, although the voice was small, he was still aware of it.

"Did you hear anything?"

Lin Zhong returned to silence, which made Blair doubt whether he had heard him wrong.

Blair's words made the soldiers **** their ears to listen to any sound from the forest.

For a long time, the soldiers' words rang from the communicator.

"No, I didn't hear it, how about you?"

"It's quiet, I didn't hear any strange noises."

"Sergeant Chief, did you misheard it. In such a dense forest, it is normal for some sounds to appear sometimes, maybe it's a polluting beast hidden in a dark corner, or maybe it's just the sound of a branch breaking."

Did he hear it wrong?

Frowning, Blair walked out from behind the tree, maybe he had heard it wrong.

Just when Blair wondered if he had misheard, a certain soldier's whisper sounded in the communicator.

"I heard, Chief Sergeant, here, there is movement in our northeast direction."

The appearance of the new situation changed Blair's expression slightly, and he quickly gestured to the soldiers.

The soldiers moved quietly and clearly, moving cautiously to the northeast.

After moving to the northeast for only a few tens of meters, the strange sound from the depths of the forest has become clear.

It was a "ding-ding" sound, like a "digging" sound, which can only be made when a sharp iron strikes a rock.

On a small hill, the detection team stopped.

It is located high and deep in the dense forest. It is a good hidden observation point.

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