Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1472: game

This is her home, and she naturally understands it.

Chen Yuyan gave the answer to Li Meng's question.

She looked cold and whispered: "The Chen family has two houses, the old house and the new house. This is the old house. Apart from my mother, there are only the father, and the wives of several fathers, and some ages. Petite brothers and sisters, plus more than a dozen maids who take care of the old house, everyone else is in the new house."

How many father’s wives?

Chen Yuyan's words reminded Li Meng of Chen Weiyan in the pavilion.

I didn't expect him to have a few wives and concubines, so blessed...

However, in this era, powerful people often have multiple wives and concubines. Chen Weiyan is the head of the Chen family, and it is only natural to have several wives and concubines.

No wonder there are so few people, this mansion turned out to be a place for Chen Weiyan to raise his wife and children.

Thinking of this, Li Meng groaned: "If it's all female dependents, am I a little inappropriate here?"

Glancing at Li Meng next to him slightly, Chen Yuyan shook her head and said: "It doesn't matter, there is a big conflict between mother and father. This mansion is not a place where the father arranges the family members, but a place to trap the mother. Prison, and those wives are just tools used by fathers to humiliate their mothers."

This... Listening to Chen Yuyan's words, her father made Li Meng feel neurotic.

is it possible?

Although Chen Weiyan's expression was a bit cold, she was still gentle, and Chen Yuyan's mother was so beautiful. How could Chen Weiyan treat her like this?

As if she knew what Li Meng was thinking, Chen Yuyan calmly said: "My father is a pervert, a perverted reason. He is very good to me, but he is very strict with my mother. I don't know the relationship between father and mother. There are some contradictions, but I can feel that my father has a deep "hate" towards his mother."

Every family has scriptures that are generally difficult to recite, and Li Meng does not want to participate in the family affairs of the Chen family.

Just know a little bit, but going too deep is a rude thing.

Without asking more, Li Meng took Chen Yuyan and continued walking.

As they walked, the two of them left the small lake unknowingly and came to a very lively place.

From a long distance, Li Meng heard a "tweeting" sound.

When he approached, Li Meng finally knew what kind of place it was.

It should be a martial arts training field. A few small figures are frolicking in the field. They are waving the wooden swords in their hands. Each pair of two is practicing in pairs. Although the movements are more playful, but in terms of their age, there is this. This consciousness is already good.

Seeing Li Meng and Chen Yuyan outside the field, the little guys immediately dropped the wooden swords in their hands and ran towards them.

"Sister Yuyan! Sister Yuyan!"

The childish screams rang together.


To the younger brothers and sisters in front of her, Chen Yuyan just responded blankly.

"Sister Yuyan, is this brother-in-law?"

"Brother-in-law! Brother-in-law! Are you very good? Sister Yuyan is very good."

Seeing the two holding hands, the little guys were very misunderstood, and the brother-in-law and brother-in-law kept screaming, with curiosity on their little faces.

Looking at these little guys in front of him, Li Meng smiled slightly and said, "I'll make you a little magic trick, OK?"

"Okay, okay, magic, magic."

Li Meng's words made the little guy booing, he was very happy, and shouted.

Children are the happiest with novelties.

With a faint smile, Li Meng stretched out his right hand and gently "flicked his finger."

In the crisp sound, there was a slight movement in the venue, which attracted the attention of the little guys.

When they looked back, they saw one after another stone knights of less than one meter crawling out of the ground.

Although it is only a stone statue, each stone statue is very delicate, the armor on the body is clearly visible, and every water chestnut and pattern are clearly visible.


Seeing the stone knights appearing in the field, the little guys were excited, and quickly returned to the field, watching curiously around the stone statues, and boldly touched them with their hands.

Let go of Chen Yuyan's little hand, and the two of them came to the martial arts venue together.

Seeing the curious little guys surrounding the stone knights, Li Meng patted his palms, attracting the little guys' eyes.

In the eyes of the little guys, Li Meng lightly smiled and said: "Let’s play a game, each of you choose a stone statue as the target of the battle, if anyone can touch the body of these stone knights within the specified time, It is considered a victory, and the winner will be rewarded generously."


For children, rewards are the best thing and the easiest to stimulate their interest.

Hearing that there was a reward to take, the children were delighted and picked up the wooden swords that were still on the ground.

At this time, the stone knights who originally stood in the field also moved. They lined up in the field with small steps, making it easy for the little guys to choose their targets.

There are seven stone knights and seven children, five men and two women.

Soon, the children chose their goals.

With Chen Yuyan, Li Meng came to the edge of the venue, leaning on the wooden fence and watching the children in the venue with interest.

Seeing that the children were ready, Li Meng said, "There is a half hour time limit. Okay, let's start."

With a "beginning", almost all the children rushed to their respective stone knights "yah".

The gesture of swinging the sword really had a bit of momentum, and the venue suddenly became lively.

Facing the children's attack, the stone knights did not attack, but passively defended.

No matter what angle the swords in the children's hands strike from, the stone knights can avoid the children's attacks with the help of their position and the stone sword in their hands.

These children are all martial artists. Although they are still young, they are only eight or nine years old, but their physical fitness is undoubtedly much better than ordinary human children. After a few minutes, there is no exhaustion on their faces. .

"You said who among them can get the reward?"

Li Meng asked Chen Yuyan next to him.

Who can get the reward?

Looking at the younger brothers and sisters in the field, Chen Yuyan shook her head, and said: "They are still young and their energy pulses are not developed. These years, they have only exercised their bodies. The fighting skills have not been taught. They just used their instincts. Swinging the sword in your hand, there is no law at all. It is you who can win."

Li Meng couldn't comment on what Chen Yuyan said. Although Li Meng was working hard at this time, if he didn't release the water, these children would have no chance to say it.

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