Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1473: Reward (seeking monthly pass)

This is just a game, and Li Meng will naturally not be too strict.

As long as one child can win under the same level of conditions.

Ten minutes passed...

After a long fight with the stone knight, the faces of the little guys finally showed exhaustion.

Useless attacks, coupled with physical exhaustion, made many little guys irritable and on the verge of collapse.

Finally, a little boy couldn't support anymore. He threw down the sword in his hand and got out of the battle with a decadent face, dripping with sweat on his face, as if he was about to cry.

Someone took the lead, and in the next few minutes, several little guys gave up.

Seeing the brothers and sisters who gave up one by one, Chen Yuyan shook her head disappointedly.

When there were a few minutes before the half-hour time limit, most of the children in the field had already given up, only a petite figure persisted.

Her face was sweaty, and the wooden sword in her hand could hardly be swung. She still refused to give up.

"Sister Mu Yu, come on!"

"Sister Mu Yu, come on!"

The only one who insisted, became the only object of cheering in the eyes of younger brothers, sisters and brothers.

Amid the cheering of her brothers and sisters, she seemed to be energetic.

She had a firm expression, gritted her teeth slightly, and threw away the wooden sword in her hand. A flying body rushed towards the stone knight.

"This girl..."

Li Meng felt helpless when he noticed the girl's reckless behavior in the field.

If the stone knight hides, she will inevitably fall into a big somersault.

Li Meng had to control the stone knight slightly sideways, seeming to avoid the little girl's pounce, but actually left room.

Perceiving that the stone knight wanted to dodge sideways, the little girl grabbed the stone knight's left arm with quick eyes.

Its swooping power was also taken off by the stone knight's left arm.

"Yeah, it worked."

Seeing that the little girl actually touched the body of the stone knight, all the children cheered.

In their eyes, these stone knights were so flexible that they couldn't touch them.

Unexpectedly, Mu Yu had succeeded.


The little girl was stunned. Although she was sweaty, she didn't seem to believe that she did it.


At the end of the game, all the stone knights in the field suddenly turned into a pool of rubble.

"Okay, the game is over."

With Chen Yuyan, Li Meng walked over to the children.

Seeing the sweaty children in front of him, Li Meng smiled slightly and fixed his eyes on a little girl.

She persisted to the end, that is, she won.

Coming to the little girl, Li Meng asked the little girl in the envious eyes of the little guys: "What is your name?"

With a sweet smile on her tired face, she said softly: "Mu Yu, Chen Muyu, brother-in-law! Where are the rewards?"

Seeing such a lovely Chen Muyu, Li Meng couldn't help but stretched out his hand and rubbed her little head, and said: "I am not your brother-in-law, rewards are naturally there. What do you want?"

what do you want?

Chen Muyu curled her lips and said softly, "Brother-in-law is too cunning. He has clearly stated the reward, but is not ready yet."

Brother-in-law on the left and brother-in-law on the right are so sweet.

Obviously, I have already said no, but in the eyes of this group of children, I am afraid that it is recognized.

And Chen Yuyan on the side did not say anything, neither explained nor said even a word.

It was looked down upon by a child...

With a faint smile, Li Meng said softly: "There are rewards naturally. When you grow up, you should embark on the path of a martial artist, so let's give you something related to a martial artist."

Something about the martial artist?

Li Meng's words undoubtedly made Chen Muyu's eyes light up, with his hands stretched out on his face, as if he was begging.

For Chen Muyu's anxious look, even Chen Yuyan on the side was quite speechless, so she had to look at Li Meng next to her.

There is nothing on Li Meng, what is he going to give to Sister Mu Yu?

Looking around, Li Meng was looking for something.

In the end, Li Meng fixed his gaze on a street lamp and a green hill tree.

With a move of thought, I only heard the sound of "rumbling". The street lamp not far away was forcibly pulled from the ground by an unknown force. Together with it was a green hill tree not far away. Was pulled out of the ground.

The sudden sound attracted everyone's attention. When they saw the green hills and street lamps floating in the air, their mouths were "O" shaped.


An exclamation sounded from their mouths.

In the eyes of the children, the street lamps and the green hills began to disintegrate, forming a cloud of "dust" in the air.

One was black and the other was yellow. It only appeared in the air for two seconds, and the two groups of dust of different colors began to merge and condense. In the eyes of the children, a long wooden box was taking shape.

But within a few seconds, the dust in the sky disappeared, leaving only a box floating in the air.

"call out!"

The box floating in the air suddenly moved, turned into a phantom and stopped in front of him, slowly falling into Li Meng's outstretched hand.

Is this magic?

This miraculous scene made the children amazed, watching Li Meng's eyes full of admiration.

It's amazing. It turns out that my brother-in-law is a magician.

The box in Li Meng's hand is about one meter 3 long and 6 inches wide. It is wood-colored and smooth as a mirror.

Taking the box handed over by brother-in-law in a daze, Chen Muyu said in a puzzled manner: "Brother-in-law! What is this?"

It was a little heavy, even if she was holding both hands, Chen Muyu felt heavy, and the weight might not be less than fifteen catties.

Without going over the explanation, Li Meng said: "Open it and take a look."


Chen Muyu listened to Li Meng's words and opened the box.

This aroused the curiosity of the children, craned their necks and looked at the box in Mu Yu's hand.

With curious eyes, Chen Muyu opened the box.

In the box, a black weapon entered the children's eyes.

Say it is a sword, but it has a slight arc. Say it is a sword, but both sides are sharpened.

A very strange sword...

Looking at Chen Muyu in front of him, Li Meng said, "It may be a bit early for you now, but it belongs to you. You can use it when you grow up."

Although Chen Muyu didn't know what this weapon meant, it was the reward for her victory this time.

Closing the sword case, Chen Muyu raised her head and smiled sweetly at Li Meng, and said, "Thank you brother-in-law!"

With that, she happily left with the sword box in her arms, and ran out of the martial arts training ground without knowing where she went.

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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