Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1491: Coup (seeking monthly pass)

Around the apron is a large square, and directly in front is a huge palace.

The stairs leading to the palace gradually rose, one layer after another, and when it reached the palace gate at the end, it was probably tens of meters above the ground.

Compared to the huge palace in front of me, the people on the square looked like a swarm of ants.

"Well, the momentum is magnificent, and the heritage of the ancient country is indeed extraordinary."

Zhu Yixuan was very happy about Li Meng's praise, and ignored the waiting ladies in the square. Zhu Yixuan pulled Li Meng up the stairs and walked to the palace at the end.

A group of court ladies and Wei Xian could only follow behind them.

The maids were still very curious about the strangers who appeared next to Her Majesty. They raised their heads and looked at Li Meng's back from time to time, muttering about the relationship between the two in their hearts.

Looking at the backs of Zhu Yixuan and Li Meng, Yuriko, who had been behind Li Meng, was equally curious.

On the plane, she finally knew how close the relationship between Zhu Yixuan and Mr. Li Meng was.

Although the two are about to get engaged, the young queen of the Thang Long Empire also likes Mr. Li Meng too much.

I really don't know how Mr. Li Meng pleases children.

This palace is called "Daxing", where important meetings are held here.

When Li Meng followed Zhu Yixuan into the Daxing Hall, Daxing Hall gave Li Meng only one feeling, that is, the big, huge space, the huge hall, and the huge and golden throne.

In front of the main hall, the maids stopped and dispersed. For these maids, Daxing Hall was not the place they should go in. They would wait in the side hall behind Daxing Hall, waiting to serve the Queen.

Looking at the magnificent Daxing Hall, Li Meng could only lament the luxury of imperial power.

For imperial power, this is probably also a symbol of power.

Just when Zhu Yixuan pulled Li Meng up the stairs leading to the throne, the unexpected guest arrived.

At the entrance of the hall, two old figures entered the hall one after another. They were dressed in light black robes and official uniforms with faint smiles on their faces.

The sound of footsteps was so crisp, naturally aroused the attention of a few people who had just entered the hall.

Seeing that the person was the prime minister, Wei Xian was taken aback, then smiled slightly, and said politely: "It turned out to be the two prime ministers on the left and right. It's a coincidence. I wanted to send someone to inform the two prime ministers. The prime minister came so soon."

When he came to Wei Xian's side, Hu Yong looked indifferent and calmly said: "Your Majesty the Queen returns to the country, how can I know if I wait? Elder Ge does not need to tell me to wait, I will come when I wait."

With a faint smile, Wei Xian said heartily: "This is natural. Okay, let me introduce the guests who will return to China with Her Majesty this time for the two adults."

"No need to!"

Hu Yong waved his hand and rejected Wei Xian unceremoniously.

He looked calmly at Li Meng next to Her Majesty the Queen on the stairs, and said without arrogance or humility: "This must be Mr. Li Meng. We naturally welcome Mr. Li Meng as a guest in the Shenglong Empire, but if it is for other things Please think again about Mr. Li Meng."

She patted Zhu Yixuan's small head, and under Li Meng's motion, Zhu Yixuan could only move forward alone and sat on the throne obediently.

Li Meng turned and looked at Hu Yong in the hall.

With his eyes narrowed slightly, Li Meng said calmly: "Are you threatening me?"

Faced with Li Meng's gaze, Hu Yong said: "The internal affairs of the empire must not allow outsiders to intervene. No matter who this person is or what status this person is, this is not a threat, but a warning."


The danger on the side changed his face immediately, and he said coldly: "Prime Minister right, please pay attention to your attitude. In the future, this will be the prince of my Shenglong Empire. Disrespect of the prince is disrespect of the queen."


Looking at Wei Xian coldly, Hu Yong said coldly: "Who is the prince of the Shenglong Empire? It doesn't count if the cabinet says it, or if you say it, Mr. Ge, how honorable my queen is, it's nothing. Both A Mao and A Gou can become our princes."

At the end, Hu Yong's old face also gave Li Meng a sarcastically.

This is a provocation and the biggest insult to Li Meng.

Li Meng was happy, with a look of interest on his face.

In "Ayre", no one dared to treat him so rudely, not to mention the identity of the First Legion, just the "title" of mankind's first strong man is enough to make most people face him in awe.

His expression moved slightly, and Li Meng looked outside the hall.

Outside, there are a lot of approaching footsteps...


Hu Yong's words made Wei Xian anxious, and he said coldly: "I said it doesn't count, but you also said it doesn't count. This is the Queen's decision, or you dare to deprive the Queen of choosing the prince. right?"

"Why not?"

At this time, Yang Xian on the side spoke.

He paid a salute to Zhu Yixuan on the throne, saying: "We are entrusted by the emperor to assist Her Majesty the Queen, and we are naturally responsible for the important affairs of her Majesty's life."

Wei Xian was already so angry at Yang Xian's words. He pointed at the two and said angrily: " are going to rebel."

Hu Yong just smiled at Wei Xian's anger and scolding, and said coldly: "This is not a rebellion, but for the future of the Shenglong Empire. Power cannot be controlled only by a small baby, let alone an incompetent cabinet."

Speaking of this, Hu Yong clapped his hands, and the crisp slap echoed in the hall, three times in a row.

The sound of dense footsteps suddenly sounded, and silhouettes surging at the entrance of the hall, and countless guards in light black military uniforms poured into the hall in full gear.

Seeing the guard who suddenly broke in aggressively, Yuriko's face changed and she quickly blocked Li Meng.

"What are you doing? Don't retreat."

Seeing the guards who broke in suddenly, Wei Xian's expression changed and he quickly yelled.

But the guards were unmoved, they just stared coldly at Wei Xian and Zhu Yixuan on the throne.

For this sudden change, Zhu Yixuan was a little scared, her face timid.

Looking at Wei Xian who was panicked, Hu Yong smiled coldly and said mockingly: "Before you come back, the guards who are loyal to the royal family have been transferred away. The guards here are all carefully selected by me and loyal to the Hu family. The dead, for so many years, it cost me a lot of money to arrange them in the Imperial Guard."

With a deep face, Wei Xian asked, "What on earth do you want to do?"

"What do you want?"

Hu Yong smiled contemptuously at this question, and said coldly: "For the reproduction of the family and the future of the Shenglong Empire, the monarchy has no future to speak of. Elder Ge, you know why we have obtained all parties so easily. government support?"


Wei Xian was puzzled at this point. The regime system of the Shenglong Empire was very complete, and the local government could not betray the royal family and loyal to the ministers.

The corners of his mouth turned slightly, and Hu Yong said indifferently: "The "poverty alleviation" policies that the empire has launched over the years have offended many merchant groups. As the saying goes, money can make ghosts pervert. Driven by interests, With such a little promise, why worry that those local governments will not be attached?"

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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