Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1492: Bloody battle

"Okay, okay, it really is a wolf ambition. His Majesty, the Emperor Xianxian, trusts you so much, but he didn't expect it to be two evil wolves who cannibalize people without spitting out bones."

Hu Yong's words made Wei Xian very anxious and cursed angrily.

Hu Yong just smiled coldly at Wei Xian's scolding and didn't care.

Turning around, Hu Yong looked at Zhu Yixuan on the throne, and said calmly: "Please rest assured, your Majesty. Before the Queen comes into age, this is still the home of Her Majesty. After Her Majesty announces her abdication, I will accept Her Majesty as a righteous daughter. , Will choose a husband-in-law for Her Majesty among the younger generation of the family, and I will ensure that Her Majesty will have a happy and happy life."

Regarding Hu Yong's gaze and what Hu Yong said, the little Zhu Yixuan did not know what to do, but she lowered her head timidly and remained silent.

When she faced this situation at a young age, she could do almost nothing.

"This is your capital?"

Gently pushing away the Yuriko who was in front of him, Li Meng walked down the stairs leading to the throne.

Seeing the guards in the hall, Li Meng's expression was very calm.

The indifferent voice echoed in the hall, passed into the ears of every guard, and also attracted Hu Yong's eyes.

Looking at Li Meng sarcastically, Hu Yong said coldly: "This is naturally only a part, but it is still enough to control here."


The corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, Li Meng looked at Hu Yong with a playful look, and shook his head: "If I were you, the best thing I should do now is to transfer all my strength here."

Li Meng's words and the thought-provoking expression on his face made Hu Yong frowned and said solemnly: "This is a political matter within the Shenglong Empire. After the matter is over, we will let you go."

"You still don't understand..."

Regrettably, he glanced at Hu Yong, but Li Meng looked at Yang Xian with his cold eyes.

In the face of Li Meng's sudden glance, Yang Xian's cold eyes made Yang Xian aware of a sense of crisis.

But it's too late...


Yang Xian only felt that his throat was suddenly imprisoned by an invisible force, and the feeling of suffocation made him struggle.

He was clutching his neck with both hands, his old face was fierce, flushed, and his eyes opened wide.

"Prime Minister Yang, what are you doing?"

The strangeness of Yang Xian caught Hu Yong's attention, and Hu Yong shouted loudly when he saw that Yang Xian was holding his neck, such a strange scene.

" me...crack!"

Looking at Hu Yong in horror, Yang Xian's suffocation made Yang Xian call out.

He didn't finish what he said. He only heard a crisp fracture. In Hu Yong's eyes, Yang Xian's neck suddenly twisted and dropped in a strange posture, and his old body crashed to the ground.

This strange scene made the guards in the hall look at each other, a little at a loss.

As if aware of something, Hu Yong looked back at Li Meng fiercely, and said angrily: "It's you!"

Facing Hu Yong's roar, Li Meng just smiled faintly, and took a step forward. At this step, the strong force of death suddenly poured out of Li Meng's body, and gradually formed a black bloodline armor in his hand. Even more black light emerged, forming a big sword in the surging halo.

When he walked three steps forward, Li Meng completely changed. Li Meng, who was dressed in black, disappeared. He became a warrior wearing a black bloodline armor, holding a big sword, wearing a cloak, and a skull mask. .

This body stunned everyone in the hall. Looking at Li Meng who was so strangely dressed, everyone's face showed an incredible color.

But for Li Meng, this is a feast of killing.

With a flick of the right hand holding the big sword, the strong wind blew up, and only black glow flickered, and a crescent-shaped black glow attacked the guard in the hall.


In that moment, the black light with strong wind rushed into the crowd.

As soon as the contact was made, blood splashed, and the fragments of limbs scattered and flew away. All the guards on the black mans straight line were shattered, and the strong wind made the guards turn their backs.


After passing by the crowd, Heimang hit the wall of the palace unabatedly, only to hear a loud "bang", the dust was flying, the wall was directly penetrated, and a huge hole appeared.

At this time, the screams rang out in the hall, and the **** scene was beyond your eyes.

"Kill, kill him."

Seeing the **** scene in the hall, Hu Yong felt scared at this moment, and his heart trembled.

What power is this?

So evil, so dark, he is the devil, is he death?

Although his face was pale and the companion in his ear was screaming, the guard in the hall raised the gun in his hand and pulled the trigger to Li Meng.

Yuriko was behind Li Meng. Although she was shocked by the power Li Meng possessed, she quickly flashed aside and left the area of ​​engagement.

Gunshots sounded abruptly, the fire flickered in the hall, and countless bullets "dangling" hit Li Meng, sparking bursts of sparks.

Li Meng did not evade, nor was he too lazy to evade. If he faced these bullets a year ago, he might still dodge, but now it is no longer necessary. These light weapons could not cause any harm to Li Meng at all.

Although it would consume a bit of death power, that bit of consumption is not worth mentioning.

However, Li Meng would not just be beaten passively.

The battle of Cold Weapon is cruel. Since he is an enemy, he must be conscious. Facing the enemy, Li Meng will not be merciless.

In the rain of bullets and the enemy's horrified eyes, Li Meng moved.

Seeing a flash of black shadow, Li Meng seemed to leap out with a sharp arrow and rushed into the panicked guard crowd.


Just like cutting melons and vegetables, every time the big sword is swung, it will take away a life.

Under Li Meng's great sword, anyone in contact with him would be mercilessly beheaded.

Li Meng at this moment is like a true "death", reaping one life after another ruthlessly.

The wide hall suddenly became a hell, and a strong smell of blood echoed in the hall as the figure surged.

There hasn’t been much war in the Shenglong Empire for many years. People living in peacetime have never seen such a cruel scene. Not to mention the guards who are fighting, Hu Yong, who was left behind by Li Mengyi, has long been pale. Watching the **** scene in the hall with horror, his legs were shaking.

In a short while, nearly a hundred guards had died under Li Meng's sword, and there was not much left to stand.

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