Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1515: No way to start (seeking monthly pass)

Sitting at the dining table, Li Meng looked expectant, and the two of them did not know what to cook tonight.

After staying in Kyoto for so long, Li Meng did not miss some of his feasts.

Li Meng has tasted some of China’s famous dishes, and his mouth has become more and more tricky.

The two did not let Li Meng wait for a long time, and as a sweet and sour fragrance floated from the kitchen, Yan'er walked out of the kitchen with a plate of dishes.

Gently placing the dishes in front of the host, Chen Yan smiled and said, "Master, this is sweet and sour pork tenderloin. Try it."

Although it is not the first time I have eaten sweet and sour pork loin, it is the first time I have eaten Li Meng made by Yaner himself.

Taking the chopsticks from Yan'er, Li Meng clamped a piece of golden tenderloin.

Put it in your mouth, the mouthful is immediately filled with sweet and sour taste.

After chewing a few bites, the tenderloin in his mouth was lowered. In the eyes of Yan'er expecting, Li Mengzan said, "Well, it tastes good, not bad."

Although the sweet and sour pork tenderloin tasted a bit heavier than the sweet and sour pork served at Yipintang, the sweetness and sourness are not comparable to each other, but Yana is not a great chef, and she is able to make such a taste, which shows how hard she has worked.

Even if it is not tasty, Li Meng will not say it is unpalatable.

Besides, although the cooking skills are not as good as the chefs of Yipintang, as Li Meng said, the taste is still good, which can be called "good".

Chen Yan smiled slightly at the host's compliment, and she returned to the kitchen with great joy and continued to work hard.

Soon, the second and third dishes were on the table.

There are three dishes and one soup, which are sweet and sour pork loin, spicy fragrant pork, mapo tofu, and mushroom soup.

Sitting next to Li Meng, Chen Yan looked contented as she watched the host eating the dishes she cooked with relish.

After eating and drinking, Li Meng took Chen Yan to the hall and took a rest.

On the sofa, the two sat side by side, under the soft lighting, the hall was bright.

Lazily lying back, Li Meng asked Chen Yan next to him: "Are there any merchant ships returning to Nanlin Island in the past few days?"

Chen Yan nodded to the owner's question and said softly: "Yes, there is a merchant ship that is docking at the pier, and it will sail back to Nanlin Island in two days. Master, are you planning to return to Nanlin Island?"

When the host asked this question, it was natural for Chen Yan to think of it.

Chen Yan knows that Xiaonan is serving as the "ambassador". This move also shows that the owner has the willingness to leave. Although the owner planned to leave Kyoto half a month ago, Chen Yan did not expect it to be so soon.

After all, in Kyoto, the First Army has a lot of things to do, and it will be extremely busy in the next few months to provide assistance to countries.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said calmly: "I can rest assured that there is Xiaonan in Kyoto. There is no need for me to stay in Kyoto. It is good to return to Nanlin Island earlier and leave home for a year. It is time to go back."

Now that the owner has made a decision, Chen Yan naturally has no opinion.

It was late at night, and the bustling Kyoto gradually became silent and silent.

At this time in the palace of Kyoto, two people were still asleep.

In the bright office, Wang Yanmei sat behind her desk in a military uniform.

On the other side of the desk is Tyra sitting An Ran.

Although she is a woman, China’s thousands of miles of rivers are in their hands.

They have a huge responsibility on their shoulders, which keeps them awake in the middle of the night.

The laptop on the desk has been turned on. Looking at the page after page of the arms list on the screen, Wang Yanmei has a feeling of nowhere to start.

There are so many things to choose from. Every weapon is eye-catching, but you can't buy all of them. You can only consider the available armaments based on China's current national conditions.

Wang Yanmei, who was really unsure of her attention, asked Tyra: "Tara, what do you think of these armaments?"

The teacher’s question in the ear caused Tyra to stop the pen that was writing in her hand, looked at the teacher, and replied: "Teacher, I have read this munitions list. Many weapons in it are very practical and very consistent. my country’s national conditions, is the teacher planning to use this opportunity to expand China’s armaments, or is it symbolic to equip some air defense weapons?"

When asked by Tyra, Wang Yanmei did not immediately answer, but asked: "What is our budget?"

Without even thinking about it, Tyra could answer: "The funds are still abundant, and the treasury's transfer of coins is about two trillion yuan."

In the past, when China was not established, Kyoto’s annual GDP was about 200 billion yuan, and the fiscal revenue that could enter the national treasury was only a small part of it, about 40 billion yuan.

Is it more than 40 billion?

Of course, Kyoto’s GDP has been among the top countries in the world for decades, ranking third.

In the most recent year, the American Federation has the highest GDP, with more than 500 billion yuan. This is the country with the strongest GDP output value of human beings.

Considering the total output value of human countries, the concept of two trillion crystal coins can be imagined. This amount may have been accumulated in Kyoto for decades or even hundreds of years.

"Two trillion?"

Wang Yanmei didn't have any idea about this number, because before the founding of China, she didn't care about these things at all, and she never experienced the value of money. She didn't know how much the two trillions could accomplish.

Since she didn't know, Wang Yanmei threw the question to Tyra and said, "Tell me your opinion."

Tyra did not refuse. To her teacher, Tyra knew better than anyone else. She might be more experienced in many things, but when it comes to "money", the teacher is probably the least good at it.

Without thinking about it, Tyra said: "China has just established the country, and its armaments are too weak. Considering the needs of future high-intensity operations, this opportunity can be used to strengthen China's military strength."

After speaking slightly, Tyra continued: "Army equipment, "Guardians" is the most practical, but the output of my country's third-generation "Guardians" is too low to effectively equip the army. You can purchase JQR from the First Army. -Type 1 mobile guards. Now there are 600,000 troops in our country. The ideal number is 1.5 million. In order to ensure the combat effectiveness of the army, the number of guards cannot be less than two thousand. Let's use three thousand as the base."

The Guard is a comprehensive equipment. No matter what kind of weapon it is equipped with, it is capable of fighting air and ground because of its excellent shooting angle. The only disadvantage is probably the price.

Compared with the simple and rude wheeled armed vehicles, the guards are undoubtedly called high-precision weapons, and the price is naturally high.

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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